
Thanks to my dear well wishers. I’m feeling better already. Love the Sunday crew. Cheers!

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Wonderful verbal moving pictures, enhanced by a tad of photogrammetry, just to bring one into the world of digital realism.

Best wishes for un-pinching rectification of probably an elusive, likely very hairpin natured nerve, that evidently had taken unbridled umbrage to your dental conduct unbecoming, from an introspective spinal determination of course!

Backs can be so bloody minded, makes one always nervy of bending ones back and toiling, as was standard expectation in days of yore…

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Methinks the thesaurus was starting to smoke with air friction by the end of your poesy. :-)

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Ripped your back brushing your teeth. A common malady due to the impact of a wayward synovial tag wedged between opposing surfaces of the zygapophyseal joints. Best get to the chiropractor.

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

As with this injury and orthopedic injuries in general, it wasn‘t necessarily the final act that precipitated the injury. It’s just the straw that broke the camel‘s back. It is the culmination of all the many acts that led up to the incident. Kind of like going bankrupt - it happened slowly until it happened suddenly.

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Note to self: must reread Hemingway…

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I've found the best remedy for a bad back is a daily good walk or two.

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Your bad back was not caused by the causal act of brushing one's teeth, but by your skeletal frame being out of position. The cure is not rest, but a session with a skilled Osteopath or better a skilled Chiropractor. It's not the bones of the back but the pinching of nerves from misalignment.

I'm witness to the above cure, destined for back surgery, saved by the same advice from a stranger.

That was 25 years ago, now at age 69 I feel like 40 (before the back issues). I'd add in Collagen Peptides for joint support. The later must be effecting the surgeons bottomline, the FDA has moved to ban most forms of collagen peptides for public consumption.

Very safe to say if the FDA wants it banned it's an effective cure all.

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

I once threw out my knee while picking my nose.

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I understand.

In the podcast ancient wisdom.. I'm guessing the nose Are some rebellion important but valueless at the point. Speaking from personal experience. Don't pick your nose with your toes.

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To correct the transcription. The nose and the knee at the end are worthless .

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Stretch Joel, Stretch 🥴

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

"Don't run Forest don't run." Its very bad for the back.

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Get well soon!

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

And so, while I am contemplating the upcoming comedy to be viewed anon, written by who knows but play acted by Harris and Trump, fully expecting to be embarrassed by the level of inaneness we will show to the world, you show up with words that make me wonder why I should care. Life, as seen through your eyes and words, makes me want to experience it in the same colors and emotions. I am now having an incandescent weekend. Thank you. A strong stomach is the key to a good back. Good luck!

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Bravo Joel! Your Sunday Sesh prose is the most compelling thing on the internet!

Now, about toothbrushing technique - stand up straight when you do it and don't twist, torsion, convolute, swivel, wind, wrench, snarl, yank, or otherwise zigzag your torso even a little bit. You're middle aged now. Take it from an old fart who knows what he's talking about!

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Age has nothing to do with it. Abiding by the 8 doctors does:

8 Doctors

1. Clean air. Move out of the city.

2. Clean water.  Preferably, distilled water.  A distant second best is reverse osmosis water.

3. Real food, properly combined.  Real food is fruits, grains, vegetables, and nuts.  Yes, a vegan diet.  For verification, search for vegan weightlifter, or https://www.greatveganathletes.com/athletes/sport/bodybuilders/.  Or ask a gorilla or chimpanzee.  The food should be organically grown, no GMO’s.  Eat fruit by itself, non-starchy vegetables with starches or proteins.  Do not eat protein and starch together, unless they are naturally combined, as in beans and peanuts, etc.

If you think lack of meat will cause you to die, eat no more than one ounce per day, organically grown, with the blood drained out of it, along with plenty of non-starchy vegetables. The largest meal should be in the morning, and unless you do physical labor two meals a day are usually sufficient. All of this also assumes: No drugs or stimulants.  This includes coffee, alcohol, black pepper and chocolate.

4. Exercise.  Most people need no more than a brisk 20 minute walk, twice a day.

5. Sunshine.  Early morning and late afternoon.  You can combine 5 with 4, and kill two birds with one stone.

6. Rest.  At least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.  The best rest is before 12 midnight.

7. Have a spiritual life.

8. Help others.

In any case, Joel's back going out is acute, and should heal in a few days, despite his awful diet and lifestyle. But it may come back, and become chronic, unless he makes some changes.

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Phooey! Coffee, preferably from the Andes, good Kentucky WIndage and steak are the essential building blocks of a balanced diet. Life is too short to live it as an ascetic monk.

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That's the attitude of the vast majority. They crap on God's counsel, and do whatever they want, which God allows, as agape does not force. Of course, we are also free to experience the consequences of ignoring God's counsel. The vast majority don't want that, but that is just how the universe works. What you call the life of an 'ascetic monk' is just normal life, as God designed it.

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Hey Alex, take your God squad crap, fold it five ways and insert it where the sun doesn't shine you pedantic judgmental ass. You're going to be judged same as everybody else and your diet and your keyboard warrior for Jesus holier than thou attitude aren't going to save you. Have a nice day.

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Thank you for your response, Lee. You are not correct, that I will be judged the same as everyone else. I will be judged at a higher standard, since I claim to be a Christian, and I acknowledge that the Bible is true. You also claim that I have a holier than thou attitude, I claim only to have told you the truth. If you want to know more, check out the booklet, Discourse On Agape, which you can read for free here: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

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I'm a Christian too Alex but I don't take people to task about their lighthearted posts on an internet site with a holier than thou attitude. You certainly aren't God's special messenger though you think you are.

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I have not read “The Idiot” since 1969; I must do it again.

I just read “Crime and Punishment.” I started it a few times many years ago.

Wow! “Crime and Punishment” was a spectacular masterpiece of good and evil, the redemption of love, woven within the tapestry of an elaborate story.

From an interview with Rob Schneider by Tucker Carlson,I found the book “People of the Lie” M. Scott Peck; Peck, a psychiatrist for the Army, was given the job of analyzing the Mie Lai massacre. It was the week of the anniversary.

Peck led me to, “Hostage to the Devil” by Malachi Martin.

Evil is palpable, real. Most discount that at their own peril.

Evil is scary, but at least you know what your up against.

Christ said, you must make a choice: good or evil; there is no middle ground. Paul described the Spiritual warfare.

Dostoyevski captured it perfectly.

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Tour de force! and sorry about your back. I've had lots of back problems and can assure you it will get better. It will take time though

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

The Idiot is a very fine way to waste some time.

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Indeed. A work of rare genius. Almost makes me hope I’m laid out for longer…

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Sep 8Liked by Joel Bowman

Commiseration lingers for you, echoing in my own bones, sorrowful that you must experience the discomfort. I too am suffering, though in a different part from another cause. Last night I finished reading “Waiting For The Barbarians” by J.M. Coetzee. My soul hurts. Not to fear, we shall both recover. Be well soon.

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Keep that prose up and you’ll be the next Toni Morrison. Thanks.

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