Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

If you keep writing such articles that project a new found hope and opportunities, I may have to consider taking up residence in Argentina!

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Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, a while ago you added a fragment (The Vibe) from the Australian film "The Castle".

I thought I should see it and last week I managed to find the film in the hidden places of the internet.

And, oh boy, that movie did not disappoint. What a classic! Hilarious! Serenity!

Thank you very much and keep coming with these gems. Including your writings, of course.

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Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Americans are always threatening to leave their country should the “wrong” people take charge. I’m wondering, how many Argentines have actually left their homeland?

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Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Do the US Elites believe they can continue their largess after the economic crash they have designed occurs? Will other failing economies accept them into their countries with elite status with the full knowledge they destroyed The USA? Would a country Like Argentina allow the US Elites to enter their country knowing full well they intend to drain their coffers dry? Will I hope the destructive US elites find themselves on the streets with the men and women they destroyed trying to survive alongside them? What a delicious thought!

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Regarding Sr Mileis' proposed 10 month plan pact #3 which reads "The reduction of public spending to historic levels, around 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product". 25% is way way too high. I Believe that that number should be closer to 5% and that 5% should be a combination of local and federal spending, in other words, lower taxes. If he really wants to make Argentina 5% total taxes should be the limit.

Pact #8 regards pension reform. In the USA we have Social Security which in reality is a government authorize ponzi scheme. I hope he avoids this and comes up with a fair way to let working people put

tax-free earnings into private pension accounts where the pensioner has control over the way the money is invested.

I commend Sr. Milei for everything he is doing for Argentina but I hope he'll be careful to keep in mind that the people who oppose him will use every opportunity to squeezed through any opening they can find, even something innocuous as, for example, a small tax on something that no-one even knows or cares about. Once a tax is imposed it can be increased or even applied to something else. Also, all laws, especially taxes, show be passed with a time limit. If after three or five years, if the law appears to be useful and fair, then it could be passed again with another time limit. Beware of do-gooders.

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Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

What’s the significance of May 25? Does it have importance in Argentine history? Or is just that date of the summit?

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Mar 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Alas! Always right on. BTW, I love your photos and films from "the end of the world". It all looks so civilized.

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perhaps i’ve asked this before. Can we make a quasi trade? a bidette w sideburns perhaps as the new look. market them as brothers perhaps. as long as the older one shuts up we’ll be fine. go get em senor melei!! there is hope indeed!

steve hoffman

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Well Joel, I finished Sable Cloak.

Once I started in earnest, I could not put it down.

I found the story of Hilda, compelling, strong and true, like Hemingway.

I spent four hours, one night, ruminating with my wife about free will and fate. Sometimes, one wonders about the path tread, if it is enough. I concluded I am where I am and who I am because of an unseen purpose that has acted on my life in profound ways, miraculous ways. I always wish for more and different but must content myself with what is, knowing what is, was ordained. Your words precipitated the thought that reinforced that.

When you brought it all together in Hilda’s last letter, I cried.

It is a fine book. I say that as one that knows and loves Tolstoy and might disagree with you about Anna throwing herself under the train.

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Mar 13Liked by Joel Bowman

One can consider this newsletter to be pro-Argentine propaganda, and one suggests you apply to that government for a subsidy, instead of asking the Dear Readers to pay for a subscription*.

(* Said tongue in cheek 😀)

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Joel, a great comparison. President Milei's 10 points would be a heck of a beginning here in North America. Won't be happening here until the deep state criminals steal everything they can and we run them out of the country, and rebuild.

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I wish Argentina all the best. However, I'd suggest expelling all US spy operatives especially all CIA.

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Mileis’ point three is interesting. I’ve never thought about cost of government vs gdp before. I googled to see the worldwide stats, paying attention to the first world countries principle. If you graphed the % of gdp spending vs how socialist a country is I think that you would have a straight line.

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Mr Bonner reported: “. He failed to win the support he needed in the Argentine parliament, so he’s gone to state governors and The People with something he calls the "25th of May pact". You mentioned this in today’s missive. Details? When and how did the parliament fail to support Milei’s agenda? By how much did he lose / was not supported? We knew this was going to happen but would be nice to have more details. Asks a non-supporting / non-paying reader. Hm…

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WE must wait to see what happens in the US and Argentina. We certainly should not prop up Argentina artificially but we can see the decline in the US. Only the stock market is growing as freedom is in decline and liquidity is abundant as the government attacks the family, censorship is rampant as the big news organizations fall into bankruptcy and individual alternative news grows outrageously, evidence of medical fraud by big pharma grows daily, and we are involved in wars that are of no discernable benefit to the people while the borders are open to military age men from our most expected enemies.

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