Perfect blend of tragedy and comedy. Oh, and that quote is pure gold.

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Lao Tsu is a treasure trove…

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Right up there with Lao Tsu (and more my speed) is Calvin and Hobbs. My very favorite, and hanging on the wall as a constant reminder, are the two heading down a hill in a wagon. Calvin to Hobbs: “It’s true Hobbs, ignorance is bliss”. Later, as they hurtle toward the inevitable crack-up (and after passing many other pearls of wisdom), Calvin continues: …”but if you’re willfully stupid, you don’t know any better, so you can keep doing whatever you like…”. And then they crash. Wisdom is where you find it.

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Hi Joel, I wrote a comment a few weeks ago comparing property taxes in Texas vs Arizona in reference to your comments about Texas not having personal income taxes.

Anyway, I think you are following me as I have moved around the U.S. in the last 44 years. In reference to your visit to Pigeon Forge, I have some farmland (bolt-hold property) in Del Rio, Tn, about 31 miles as the crow flies from Pigeon Forge. I concur with your descriptions of the variety of people you met while in Pigeon Forge. but, having a the commonality of these peoples assessment of life as it is the U.S.

I read that you are now in Asheville, NC, who's residents, to say the least, are quite different than what you found in Pigeon Forge!!!

Safe and wonderful travels.


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It never ceases to amaze me how the political class, whose only skill is talking, can corral and control the whole human race. Who says talk is cheap!.

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There is an amount of corralling and controlling of talking involved. That takes raw power over the means. The perfect skill would be to do it invisibly. What score out of ten do you give the current contenders?

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Thank you Joel! You continue to help us ignorant become less so with every word 🙏 As ignorant I may be, one fact I may know is this well planned and organized demolition of America has played out perfectly for those who orchestrated it and keep our useful idiots, well, idiots 🤔 Trump and Biden have contributed almost half of our national debt in a short few years. If the ignorant don’t understand that, well, as I said, such an incredible theft of money and freedom caused by two of the same party. Ignorance is truly Bliss, so continue to be happy and don’t forget to vote 😂🤣😂🤣

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as an aside theres a petition at citizengo.org....defend your faith stop christian mockery at the paris olympics..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets..it currently has over 237000 signatures

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And how, pray tell, are they going to stop it? Will they use the power of the State? Cause that's where this is all headed. It's in Revelation 13, BTW...

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yes im well aware of that

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Well, that's the master list for the clean up.

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I read an article today and the sub let was a comment by Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institute. In it He said " one of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again." Goes to show that In the Bible it says there is nothing new under the sun . Pay attention!

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That was good and Asheville is nice. That region of NC seems to have productive people; I see hardy, productive Americans everywhere I go. “You will know them by their fruits.” The fruits are good; I enjoy the fruits.

You expounded exceptionally well today!

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Unfortunately Asheville has been taken over by communist, satanist or democrats. Call them what you want, but they are the ignorant same.

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I love the countryside and am not familiar with the people. My son lives in King and I was impressed by the people. It seems to have quite a history created by those people. Maybe, the area is influenced by the education establishment which gets most, practically all, its money from the government if you consider research and student loans. I guess, if the US goes bankrupt that will stop.

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My second home is less than an hour away from Asheville and still visit the Omni Grove Hotel and awesome breweries and restaurants in town. It’s the insane local democrats that have made paradise into a now crime ridden ghetto. Like everything the democrats touch, they turn to 💩💩💩

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Wondering why the emphasis so negatively on just Donald Trump?

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While a very well written piece, one has to wonder how it all ends (or survives). It is an interesting thesis that one could thrive (depending on the context) despite our leaders in every case. I am not sure that an analysis of any one generation in history bears this out, even if a broad view of history would show that in the end a people would eventually throw off the shackles of tyranny after many generations. But this does not help any one generation. Assuming you mean financially thrive or thrive by being able to do what one wants to do, I am not sure those under Soviet rule would agree with you. You, and us, have the benefit of living in a country that is big, not yet broadly authoritarian, and filled with huge diversity. As long as that lasts, it doesn't matter who the rulers are. And, in that context and with an attitude or self-reliance, you are correct. But when the country is no longer like that and becomes authoritarian and gets closer to the Soviet model (and it is increasingly so), this thesis dies. If your ruler decides to put you in jail because you wrote this piece, are you free to thrive? It trouble me that the "intellectuals" that espouse this self-reliance despite any government fails to look at the world as it is and where it's going. Soviets had an option if they could get to the U.S. Cubans had options if they could get their foot on a U.S. beach. But if the U.S. turns soviet, which it is and the pace is increasingly fast, there are no options. Can 330 million Americans decamp to some backwater country like Costa Rica to recapture their freedom? Clearly, the answer is no. So, governments do matter, and no, one cannot thrive under an oppressive government. Us having been able to for so far in the U.S.; I can agree with that. But the opportunity is sunsetting. So, what's the plan? Do we ignore who are leaders are because we think we can thrive despite them? Or do we get real and do what we can to preserve our opportunity for as long as possible? I think the latter. So, now we have two choices in this election, one far from perfect and one devastatingly worse. But under which our opportunity to thrive last longer? I think the answer is clear. So, while your piece speaks to those self-reliant type that simply do not know or understand the history of oppressive regimes, it’s written in the abstract and in a vacuum of a thought piece and undermines the quest for a free people in the real world and does nothing to advance that cause.

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A hint of trouble on the home front with Sr. Milei as well???

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I thoroughly enjoy your writings.

I believe that Robert Kennedy Jr. is worth commenting on as a presidential candidate. I like his stated positions on many topics. At the very least he offers hope for positive changes.

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Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity explains this very neatly.


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"How often we hear extraordinary claims fall from the lips of these self-assured snollygosters... pretending to “know” all manner of unknowable matter… unfailingly backed up by an equally extraordinary lack of evidence. " How often do we, the people, continuously vote them into office?

That being asked, don't forget to vote!

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I love "snollygosters" and "dunderheads"! I would be very depressed if you didn't include your humor!

Thank you.

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Yes, my dear Doctor Bowman, willy-nilly we go on. Best.

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