Thanks for spreading the word Joel. This is a massive victory for all who speak truth to power but the job is far from done. To quote Churchill: “This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

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Thank you for reading, good sir. It takes legions of individuals to conquer the mass of the collective. But we’ll get there…

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

Thanks for sharing some background history Joel. Overjoyed this morning as I read the news last night also. Let’s not forget the evil we are battling, good for Julian to think of himself and his family now after giving so much to humanity first

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One small step for liberty… one giant reminder that the fight ain’t even nearly over! Thanks for your support!

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

I agree with RFK Jr, it's wonderful that Assange is finally out of prison (let me not say free). However, the US Deep State has conceded nothing. They certainly don't care if Assange is out of prison now or not. They've made their point.

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Yes, the devil always gets his due. Still, I’m raising a glass this evening (in the East) to a free Assange. Long have we waited for this day. Tomorrow, the fight goes on. Cheers!

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Fair enough. Tomorrow is a new day, but for today I'll raises a glass with you.

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Exactly. The US political class (NOT the US People) indeed made their point: DON'T F*** WITH US.. We will illegally imprison you & make you suffer & if necessary kill you to maintain our power. Whistle Blowers, speak out AT YOUR PERIL.

How many potential whistle blowers, knowing & seeing evil, as Assange did, have subsequently been deterred as a result of Assange's fate? He's been incarcerated for years, life ruined, a shadow of the man he was. You'd have to be an exceptionally brave & resolute whistle blower to risk that. That was their plan, their end result.

So they won. They broke him, then threw a crumb...."freedom" They didn't kill him (yet- evil has no limits)

And our vapid, ignorant, supine, gutless Ozzy pollies (except a few you can count on one hand) all went along with it, as they did & do for the covid scam & man-made climate change RACKET (next: bird flu, imposed & directed food shortages? Food rationing, starvation, anyone? Absurd? So was the prospect of nuclear war. It's here)

I watched on the Oz news tonight that drone of a PM, droning on about 'long term efforts,,,blah blah...behind the scenes...blah blah. Now he's free...blah blah... Like, he did it!

What a hypocrite! What total c**p! Like they couldn't do anything in Assange's ..what? 12-15yrs? of torture by the UK & USA .? Our Allies??

Disgusting. They - Are - Disgusting.

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

And I see the Oz gubermint is collecting some praise for his release. Where were they for the last several years while Assange rotted & aged in a cell ? Scotty from Marketing, what did YOU do?

Oh, there might have been some quiet whispering in the background, to our US overlords & UK Colonial Masters, like... 'Umm, look don't want to make a fuss....but we've this chap, Assange...errr any chance off...? Oh no, OK all right, sorry to bother you..'

Weak, spineless, useless, subservient Ozzy pollies who do as their told, don't rock the boat and know on which side their bread is buttered. They toe the US/UK line - and will no doubt take us to war shortly.

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Joel, I'm ecstatic that Assange is finally out of prison. I greatly admire and appreciate his sacrifice. The precedence of this plea deal is extremely chilling. Questioning the Narrative is now a felony. With no 1st Amendment and Lawfare running rampant we're all felons now :-)

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I'm glad to see Assange as a free man. Let him live his life. We should hold him eternally in great esteem for exposing us to our real government.

Our representatives have the power to remove this offense against our Constitution and they should.

As to our federal government and its disregard for our Constitution and justice it is good that the bloom is off the rose for many citizens. Its only defenders today are those who are part of its corruption.

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

Like X 1901.

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Keen observation

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

Hi Joel, I just had a the best steak dinner in years (Black Cow, Charlottesville VA USA). I tipped extremely well. This morning I just read an exceptional Notes. I'd like to show my appreciation. How best to handle that transaction?

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Great to hear… might be headed Virginia way in a month or so (still working out the US leg of the tour), but I’ll keep that place in mind. Will DM you regarding support. (Thanks in advance. Viva La libertad!)

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I had to google "DM". My 12 year old niece wasn't around to explain....

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Jun 25Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you Joel.

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Thank YOU, good sir! Today, we take a win. Cheers!

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I watched, in horror, a political commentator talking head on Sky TV who appeared bemused that there was a general expression of elation at the news of Assange's release. This was in spite of his pleading guilty and having served his sentence and was now a free man.

He expressed his bewilderment at the fact that Assange had put the lives of fellow Australians at risk and appeared to have got off lightly. Just another follower of the MSM's presstitutes' "narrative".

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Yes, on the surface a case could be made for that assumption but the reality is much more nuanced. The US was asked to put forward 1 operative that has been identified and harmed. Only crickets....

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You make a good point. What we however did witness was the deliberate harm to Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison as well as other war crimes.

When atrocities are committed by the US we shoot the messenger. failing that we paint an ugly narrative of him and have him locked up for years plead guilty to a crime relevant only to US citizens which hard to argue is not in breach of the 1st amendment.

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Well he is not a US citizen so wtf is the US doing? This means that NO ONE is safe from the US deep state. We expect this behavior from 3rd world s'holes...

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Thanks for another great article Joel, it was awesome news to hear that Assange is finally free! I didn't know the history of the espionage act and WWI. Very informative. It all seems that things have gone downhill since The Federal Reserve Act which would be the root of all the evil since.

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The first step for Julian as a person is to get out of prison as he will never get time back… Both him and Nelson Mandela have earned the right to be revered for the price they have paid in the pursuit of societal change. Unfortunately, as per South Africa, the resulting evolution might not be exactly what was hoped for, even if a nett positive overall. Good luck to all future whistleblowers…the path remains treacherous!

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Some years ago I sat in the theater at the Marines Memorial Club in San Francisco and listened to a video and discussion called "The Most Dangerous Man In America". It was a documentary providing the history of the Pentagon Papers, and Daniel Ellsworth's role in releasing secret documents about our government's actions during the Vietnam War. A couple of hundred military types filled the auditorium intensely interested in the documentary as well as a panel on stage consisting of a Navy Admiral, the newspaper editor who printed the documents, Daniel Ellsworth himself, and several other marines who were. involved in the case.

It was a stunningly emotional story, wherein each panelist gave information from his own knowledge and experience of this episode of U.S. history. Ellsworth, himself a Marine during the Vietnam years, Stood tall and strong in the otherwise silent auditorium as he mentioned the heroic Marines who had lost their lives in the war. The last speaker was the Navy Admiral who put the whole episode in context and finished his comments with "I must say that Daniel Ellsworth was the greatest hero of the Vietnam War". I and many others wept at the conclusion.

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Tragically, many “common” people would have already felt that way in the first instance, but broader acknowledgment often only comes with hindsight and after great personal cost. What if we still had firing squads?? Fingers crossed that the “information age” allows the scales to be levelled off somewhat!

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A brilliant perspective. Oh the "evil " in this world! Thanks for sharing.

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Unfortunately, you haven't seen nuthin' yet.

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That is what I am afraid of!

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You are right the 1st Amendment is precarious at best. It has been infracted upon endlessly in the last several administrations. I can't imagine the Rule of Law motivating the current admin and a few prior admins to follow the rule of law. I wonder what woke the aholes up, maybe the recent elections?

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On TCN, under Speeches, Tucker Carlson gives a speech in Canberra. He lauds Australia, his views are mine. At the end he fields questions. They are from those that represent Australian national news.

Very instructive, illustrates why people in America and Australia abdicate their rights to crazy government. Very dangerous.

I recently posted this on the Washington Post: “The average death by gun, Black on Black, is 32 per 100,000, in some cities, 50 per 100,000.

Higher than any countries in the world. The White rate is 3.5 per 100,000.

The gun problem is mostly Black.

That is the statistic, own it, solve it or live with it.

I guess this will be misinformation and racist.”

I was suspended.

I don’t think we are winning the battle.

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The prosecutors needing prosecuting.

Joel Im shocked ! Laos is a Marxisist Leninst state! I need to read more thanks.

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