Feb 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to repeat an earlier post that ‘everyone needs a Milei’.

The concept that sound money, small government and balanced budgets is the key to success for a town, canton or state is not new it’s just vanishingly rare to be adopted whole heartedly in the enlightened democratic world we live in.

Milei has had the cajones to implement this in one of the most hostile environments imaginable. Just think what could be done if we had leaders of similar qualities in the US, UK, the EU and our friends in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. I truly hope RFK Junior has a major impact on the US Presidential election because he seems to be the only candidate that gets it.

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...a tweet that I hope goes viral and winds up on bumpers and email signatures around the world. As for me, I ask the Almighty to protect and direct this brilliant, crazy bellwether hero.

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Feb 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I love hearing this great news from Argentina, but I worry for Milei's health and safety. His election caught the western deep state by surprise, and they are trying to figure out how to respond. I suspect their first impulse has been to do nothing and hope that he would abjectly fail, that the situation in Argentina would quickly become so bad that he would be run out of the country by mobs with pitchforks. They probably still hope for that, but as it becomes evident that it is not happening, I would expect their next step to be tightening the screws on Argentina to make the situation worse. Beyond that, I'm not sure. There are a lot of ways they will try to take him down and make an example of him so that no one else would dare follow in his footsteps. But I think we can be pretty sure that they will not just stand back and let him succeed.

Let me be clear. I want him to succeed, and I hope he does, but if he does it will require overcoming a lot of opposition. He still has a rough road ahead.

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Unfortunately I think you're right on. Same here in the US if you're not a prog.

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👍 to the new Argentine government. We need the same sort of changes in our U.S. Government! Time to close down most of the redundant government agencies, stop printing $$$, return to the GOLD Standard, ban CLIMATE CHANGE orders, laws, policies, etc. nonsense and pass a balanced budget amendment.

States to ratify a constitutional convention & pass term limits & age limits on all government employees & judges, and change social security retirement age to 70 & stop payment limits on all contributions- I.e. unlimited payments to SS.

Increase amount allowed for contributions to all IRA’s, stop Anchor Babies, finish the border fence(wall), and STOP VISA OVERSTAYS‼️

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...not far off!...This weekend all "non-essential gov't employees" will be paid to stay home even more until the uni-party passes another CR. Why is there ever any mention of "Budget Negotiations"?

Congress will have about 1 second when the budget is balanced as all checks from Uncle Sam are paused.

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Eugene. Plus mass deportations.

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Feb 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Theoretically possible in America yet politically astronomical odds. Our snout to farmer ratio is just too high.

The working slaves here actually still believe inflation is accidental and with just a little more fine tuning we will get it down to the magic rate of just 2% theft of what’s left after taxes. Great acting long ago left Hollywood but not the Fed.

The Bitcoin standard is coming on like gangbusters! Don’t be the last true believer on your block holding fiats.

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"Snout to farmer ratio." Classic!

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“Our snout to farmer ration is just too high” is one of the most succinct ways of describing this mess that I think I’ve ever heard. Thanks for the phrase! I’m definitely working it into this week’s conversations.

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Feb 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I guess all my BPW purchases over the last few years have finally borne some budgetary fruit for the most Libertarian national leader and his fellow countrymen and countrywomen. In the future, I'll keep up my end of the bargain, as the wines keep tasting great!

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That really is extraordinary financial news. Is he THE only politician to ever accomplish this?

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last polician to accomplish this since the dinosaur era.!

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Fiscal responsibility and no military pronouns. Prescious

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Mar 2Liked by Joel Bowman

"...enuretic prognostications....." I love it!! You are a master.

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I just love that readers pay enough attention to unwrap these little easter eggs... Thanks!

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I had to look up enuretic:-)

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I just get joy from reading your commentary. Your choice of words is so clever and your thoughts new and fresh!

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MEGA-nificent well done Melei ! now all we have to figure out is how to clone him or find similar Humans who are focused ONLY only doing solutions rather than analyzing and compromising us till death do us part .. !

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We should get MSNBC to report on Argentina or the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Bloomberg, Goggle's Gemini or maybe we could get Stephanie Kelton to analyze Argentina since printing money has become criminal in Argentina. Better yet ask Paul Krugman if Argentina should make a trillion dollar platinum coin. We could likely just include these analyses on Saturday Night Live. It would likely be far more humorous.

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Compliments to Milei, and the Argentinians who are stand fast and supporting him. How many years and billions of dollars have been lost in the world because of corrupt and egoistic politicians.Milei of

all people is giving the right example and going to be the 1st.and only chosen leader with a world view and putting all the others to shame.Argentina and the world needs him fast and we should support him.

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Terrific Joel. Boo hoo indeed... progressives are pathetic... and people are tired of being crushed by them economically, socially and culturally just so they can feel the virtue they value (which is helpful to no one). Should their future be in doubt it would be a moment to celebrate. Go Milei’

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Dear Joel.

Thanks so much for this writing!

I have forwarded same to Mr Trudeau and Ms Friedland.

Now all we need is for them to get the message!

I know,good luck with that!But we have to try!


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Another great take Joel! It's wonderful to have an honest correspondent down there to keep us aprised on the magnificent war against the hydra of the administrative state!

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"Pavlov’s pooches were busily obfuscating, bloviating and generally bombilating after their usual fashion." Methinks thou dost need to abstain from the thesaurus for a wee bit.

"... the counterpart of that is that you become more solvent.” I can't remember the last time I heard a politician, bureaucrat, or leader of any governmental entity speak of solvency. The ground must have erupted and the sky fallen when Sr. Milei said that.

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