An aprocryphal story is that Einstein was shown a German newspaper that claimed "One hundred German physicists claim Einsteins theory of relativity is wrong." Einsteins reply was supposedly, "If I were wrong, it would only take one."

Kinda reminds you of the 51 spooks against the Hunter laptop, doesn't it?

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Sep 6Edited

I don't like Zuckerberg, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt concerning his "come to Jesus" moment. It's entirely possible that he has had a change of heart concerning his censorship. I'm still not going to use fakebook, though. Never liked it, either.

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Liberty is given by God...

No Government can take it unless given by man...

Free Speech is everything to free men and must be held tight regardless of the fight.

Thanks Joel.

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What`s in a name..........Zuckerberg=sugarmountain so take it with a little sugar instead of salt,but you end up with the same result........hooped.As for fakebook , no thanks.

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If the truth doesn’t come back into fashion we’re screwed !!

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To LibertyAffairs point, the amendments weren’t grants of privilege. They were acknowledgment that natural rights cannot be granted or revoked. Without those points being added to the Constitution it likely would not have been passed.

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Sep 7Edited

Bill of Rights were actually added after the Constitution was ratified. They are a limitation on the powers of government; what government agents CANNOT do. Thank God for the Bill of Rights.

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Nowadays “Free Speech” can be very expensive.

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Sep 7Edited

And now, for something completely different:


Excellent article by Jeffrey Tucker, ostensibly about the controversy over US Steel, but really about how we got here to begin with. Perhaps someone can post it to the BPR forum, as I can't renew my membership at this time.

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We all sat twiddling our thumbs while the halls of education were taken over by idiots with an agenda.

70 years of graduates with the belief they were free thinkers, teaching the next generation a host of bad ideas. While in reality they were long ago robbed of the ability to weigh the evidence and make a rational decision.

Once a person has come to believe nonsense is equal to truth they're ripe to believe anything to tolerate and literally embrace the lie over the unpopular truth.

I came to understand it's too late to turn change the errant thinking of the masses of asses. I came to this conclusion while sharing lunch with a group of investors. One fellow poled the group as to their candidate of choice. The group was back and forth no one's opinion would be changed, except the pollster who expressed concern his vote might be wasted on the loser. He hated voting for the loser in any contest. This fellow is worth about $50 million in real estate. I'm now of the thought he inherited it all through the lucky womb club.

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There will never be a war on stoopid. The cabal wants stoopid. What they want, is to rid themselves of smart proles. They are the troublesome. So, you are finally noticing the real war on Smart and Bright! Don't forget to vote!

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The last stage of getting rid of the smart proles has to utilize the "wall" . There goes the lessons of history again. God's blessings to all.

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Do I note a hint of anger?

To be clear, anger in itself is not hate. It is the emotional reaction to a perceived wrong thrust upon a person by an entity seeking control.

Even the best cannot fully hide an anger that seeths below the surface once riled. The trick is not to let it become hate, but a measured vent of the frustrations causing the anger. Mission accomplished.

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Reference the current circus going on as an opening act to the early November Voter Get-together…… I have got a little suggestion… you are probably too young to remember the Peter Sellars Movie “ Being There”.

I won’t spoil it for you, but it has eerie and deeply humorous vibrations that syncopate with the intellectual and verbal skills of perhaps one or two of the people in the election spotlight.

Grab a glass of Malbec and settle in for a good watch of the film…. I think wifey might really like it too.

You might even get some ideas for an AI-generated video clip melding parts of the movie with the current circus for a future article.



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Joel, " who watches the watcher's" ?, While they plan the " War on Stoopid ". Please don't tell them they can't fix stupid. Could waste more words, but why, we already know how this will end up, and who gets to pick up the pieces, us, but they will be our pieces to a new world.

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I submit that all manner of factual distortions, fake news and phony facts have been spread long before pen and paper were created.

Heretofore, it's been easy to deliberately shift opinion. But, with fact checkers -- soon AI -- differentiating between little, some or all the truth, most censoring will be something only parents do to protect their impressionable child for as long as they can from the real world

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The truth dies in silence... or censorship... whatever the case may be.

Courageous voices with rationality integrity and humor help bring the truth back to life.

We are indeed fortunate to have Joel's musings that embody these critically important attributes helping us stay sane in an insane world.

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