Mar 26Liked by Joel Bowman

A grand libertarian experiment indeed which should be watched intently by

the world. Thanks for keep us abreast of Sr. Melei's progress. He certainly is


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Mar 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Love the video. When was the last time you saw any prime minister or president cut loose like that?

Love the security detail guy right behind them. Lol. "One of these things is not like the other."

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Love the cut to Paul Krugman, the insulting ultimate collectivist parasite, who's great economic knowledge gets paid for supporting economic ignorance for the elite. Also the Greedy capitalist argument fades into obscurity, I hope. What trash!

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Mar 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, I like your; "it takes a Herculean effort to turn the gigantic “ship of state” around." However for this to succeed the cleaning out of the Augean stable of " witless bureaucrats" is going to be the next Herculean task to perform.

Watching that video of him living it up at a rock concert has me fearing for his safety. A little novichok or a polonium pellet might put an end to this libertarian Austrian economics project. He appears to be as unconcerned to his safety as Navalny.

Thank you for an excellent picture of what is happening in Argentina never to be reported in the MSM

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Mar 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you, thank you for your wonderful, insightful and very knowledgeable missives and musings. Please don't ever stop writing,. Yours and Bill's writings are the only sane and real stars in this very murky and strange world.

Thank you Benny Jensen. (from a real H... Hole. Ca..li ph. .nia)

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So, how does the exchange of dollars go lately?

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Mar 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Love the "Chainsaw" :)

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Mar 27Liked by Joel Bowman

To all you readers of these notes, Joel is a great author as well! For just a few dollars you can enjoy his novels by buying them on Amazon or for just a few dollars more subscribe and he might send you one. Cheers

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Mar 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel fantastic! Searched your money printers list twice looking for the grand US of A. Are we one step below the UAE. Just off the list ? Hope all is well with you and the family. Cheers

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Mar 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I think our friend Jim Rickards would call the phenomenon you’re witnessing “disinflation” (the slowing down of inflation), rather than “deflation” (price roll-backs!). Still, very encouraging for such a short time. Keep the good news coming…we need it!

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I enjoyed this, Joel. Nice to see something encouraging in the news for a change. But I do have two questions.

1. If inflation goes down but remains above zero, how can prices at the register be reduced? On average, wouldn't they have to keep on going up? Kind of a sensitive issue in the U.S., where our president touts declining rate of inflation and avoids mentioning that prices are still rising.

2. Could restrictive monetary policy lead to deflation? If so, I'm assuming the consequences would be even more dire than those you are describing. Obviously both Argentina and the US are a long way from deflation now, but I'm wondering what we should look for that might tip us over the edge.

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"nor must cows be excused a natural, midfield emission, lest the world combust in flames" - so funny!

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Joel, its great to see him having fun with his people.

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He better dolkarize quickly or all will be lost. Some pundits say he should have done that first

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