We can only guess what those "climate scientists" will blame for all the people dying and being displaced from these hurricanes. My guess is they'll still blame the automobile engine. Instead of blaming all the people that build their homes in regions typically struck by hurricanes.

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This may be off topic, but why do hurricane hunters use turboprop airplanes rather than jets? No doubt the pilots and aeronautic engineers can answer that?

Just another random question from a random inquiring mind.

Maybe jets are too fast for hurricane hunting? Just a guess.

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I love the inquiring mind aspect of this thread - as well as the educated reasoning!

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Just a guess: Probably because they want to study the hurricanes as they fly through them. If they use jets, their motion will be too fast, and they won't be able to observe as much in one pass. Then the turn-around would require a larger orbit.

Then the acquisition costs have to be considered. While both types of planes are available after-market, jets typically are set up for passenger travel, and need to have seats removed (well, more of them). And turbo-props can be purchased with less cash outlay, as most of these hurricane hunters got started on a shoestring budget, as they were often hobbyists or associated with universities (as were the tornado hunters, which I used to do 40 years ago).

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Probably operating costs, stall characteristics and runway lengths.

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Immensely enjoy your writings. On the topic of Climate, if anyone really wants to understand about our Planet and its history all they need to do is look up Ice Ages and begin to read. Change has been ongoing for hundreds of millions of years. Measuring change in decades is nonsense and only a tool used by disingenuous individuals to advance nefarious agendas. In reading one will find Natural patterns in the earths history that are little affected by humans, but rather by the earths own orbital patterns called the Milankovitch Cycles. We are currently in a Interglacial warming Period. There have been many other factors including periods of volcanic activity that has changed the earth's climate for millions of years. The bottom line is this is all Natural and not man made. If one is interested it makes for fascinating reading. One last thought if I may, the individuals who cry about the melting glaciers might be reminded that the upper third of the US and all of Canada was covered in a mile thick Glacier as recent as 12,000 Years ago. If the earth was not slowly warming and the Glaciers slowly melting humans would not be living there. We are more accurately nearer to the end of an interglacial warming period. That might be the real concern. Thanks and happy reading!

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Thank you Robert! It’s very refreshing when someone with true knowledge and understanding explains facts to the heard. Gives me hope in our seemingly hopeless world…

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Thanks Steve. Me too. I am hopeful more people in this fast paced world of "I want it now" will be more skeptical of what the Media feeds us on a minute by minute basis. I am by no means an expert on this topic, just an avid reader who likes to investigate the different sides of an issue. There is just so much information out there that is truly informative if the heard wishes to investigate. What is truly wrong is how the media never talks about this information and misleads so many for the price of clicks, money and power. Have a great day.

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Greatly agree Robert! Just horrified at how American citizens, leaders in government, media, entertainment, education and medicine could sell themselves at the cost of our nation. I know we are the majority, but either too busy making a living or afraid to speak up. Either way we are losing our most precious country to a most corrupt and evil enemy. Thank you for making a difference and keep up the good fight 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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There's an excellent article on this: https://hakaimagazine.com/news/memories-of-the-end-of-the-last-ice-age-from-those-who-were-there/ "Global warming" has already happened, and it's unlikely the Iron Age was the cause. That's not to say that "nature" cannot rebel even more. People caused the worldwide Flood 5,000 years ago, by forgetting God, and doing what they wanted. All but 8 destroyed themselves. What occurs in men's attitude will be reflected in nature: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Earthquakes/

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"One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential socialist leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid democrat ignorance. The socialist follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

Mostly Joseph Goebbels, a true socialist to the end...

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Jul 11
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Sorry bro, Trump is just not that smart, nor most of the moronic Republicans that evil. Unfortunately the entire Nazi regime were true Socialists and verified satanist. Exactly like our current Democrat regime…

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And if you’re interested in the real Eye of the Storm, just listen to this insane false leader we currently suffer through…”“Look, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president.”. Yes brother, when this current cult has completed their agenda to destroy America, you and yours will not be far behind 🤔

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I'm sure your 16th floor decadence will be commented on by Biden's administration and echoed by collectivist elites. With a view of the glorious leap forward hospital? A view not meant for you. If half of your ilk were taxed to submission, surely hurricane/typhoon strength would be cut by ..... .01%. I don't know. I'm asking the Sun and no answer.

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Grandma’s (Grammy’s) hospitality was much appreciated…

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Oh boy, Grammy ok?

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I think you nailed encapsulating our country’s issue with: “ That is, before the conceit of certainty smothered public discourse.” Thank you for creating discourse in this space!

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Need some hurricane historians on the case. Check out the memorial on Big Pine Key, Florida. People lost because of a hurricane that blew a steam engine and train off the Flagler RR that was sent (too late) to save then. Or Donna in, I think, 1961. Devastated the Florida Keys.

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The great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 left approximately a quarter of the city homeless (10,000 out of a total population of fewer than 38,000). Totally leveled the place to the extent that, when they eventually built back, they did so on top of much of the destruction. Dear Wife wrote some about it earlier in the week...


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I read a lot of comments. One is " go woke and go broke", these are the people that are in control. What a pity!

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Wonderful writing as usual. Since I’m a BPR subscriber do I still need to subscribe to your Notes? I read them every day so just wanted to clarify. And thank you. I restacked this post ❤️

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G’day Mrs. Hollifield. Thanks for your kind words…and for the restack! To answer your question: Notes is an independent publication, entirely separate from BPR. Cheers to you!

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Timely comments Joel. Consider that climate change comes from the same dudes proclaiming all this other nonsense we have paraded around in front of us by wait for it, ... mainstream media.

Oh my god what a coincidence!

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What a poetic account of a hurricane! As a former Houstonian, I’m curious which high rise is Grammy’s but I know you can’t say. Glad to know they are hurricane proof. I guess they have generators too. As soon as hubby retired from the real estate world, we moved west to the Alamo city. So happy not to be sweating with mosquitoes, no power, and wind damage!

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Hi Judy, glad to know you're happy out in beautiful Alamo. Hopefully you were spared the worst of Beryl's moody fit. It sure was surreal being up in Grammy's building, watching the lights sway and hearing the wind howling outside. After some initial trepidation, dear daughter got in the spirit and enjoyed her first real Houston hurricane lesson up close. A valuable experience indeed. Cheers!

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Isn’t it curious all this worry of climate change presumably because it will have an affect on all these populations to their detriment, yet not a peep from these crazies as governments slaughter 100’s of thousands of men women and children in these insane wars. You would think a strong push for anti war might be quite beneficial. Of course there is no money to be made by promoting peace. Glad to hear you and family are safe.

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Here is one answer to your question, “Guess what caused this trend?” As of 2022, there were over 2 dozen AP reporters whose salaries were paid by nonprofits with the specific goal of linking climate change to global events.


It's no wonder that claims of climate change's impact on hurricanes, tornados, forest fires and other calamities have increased since that's the job of these reporters. It raises the question of whether they can be objective when the organizations signing their paychecks are clearly biased. If even 1 reporter was paid by a nonprofit even partially funded by a oil/gas company there would be howls of outrage.

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Clad you weathered the storm, so to speak, but surprised you did so on the 12th floor of a hotel.

And, given your keen interest in the Classics, whyfor no mention of Tempestas, Roman goddess of storms or sudden weather and the wind gods, Tritopatores?

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And yes, now I’m kicking myself for missing the classical references! Always next time. Cheers!

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There'll be words...

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Grandma’s apartment…

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I reckon it was "Grammys", apartment, grandma?

And those towers are built to withstand any weather.

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From my perspective as a retired pilot of many decades, personally I would prefer an aircraft with turbo prop versus jet powered propulsion for poking around thunderstorms. Lower speeds for turbulence penetration and hail impact, plus I’m guessing turbo prop engines are less susceptible to compressor stall or failing in extreme rain and / or hail than jet engines.

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Is the surface of the earth warming? All energy comes from the sun. Is the sun hotter? It can be measured. There are weather stations around the world: measure the temperature of the sun’s rays. Is it increasing?

Are greenhouse gases blocking the deflection of heat into the atmosphere? CO2 is negligible.

The temperature is probably warming because of two causes: increase of sun’s energy (can be measured) or the absorption of more energy from the construction of cities and roadways.

In Fl, if I leave a black metal coffee thermos cup in the sun for five minutes the side to the sun will burn my hand. Passive solar energy is based on making surfaces darker and capturing the heat.

Cities are as much as ten degrees hotter than rural areas.

We could probably lower temperatures by making construction more reflective.

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I surmise the advent of the terms climate change, climate crisis, etc coincide with Putrid Al Gore’s defeat(thanks Florida) and his second coming as an “apostle of science”.

By coincidence I believe he has those terms trademarked and receives royalties for every utterance of those phrases. Royalties that pay for his WEF private jet visits and multiple mansions.

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