Yes Joel, as you and Bill pointed out today, most of the world is thriving and developing, as America and most of the west are focused on bullshit social issues, mass illegal immigration, inflation and other self inflicted problems. I’m pretty sure we here know where all this is headed, but need more information, knowledge and support of world travelers like yourself to help guide us blind fools through the coming storm…

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Human density is plaguing more cities than just K L.

Heretofore, Calcutta was the foremost example of how charm, crime and cost are affected by cramming evermore people into a defined amount of space within which no more roads can be built.

Now cities as small as two US cities, Arlington VA and Alexandria VA - both framed by rigid boundaries - are discovering limits to human density.

Their current solution - now subject to costly lawsuits - is to replace single family homes possessing off street parking with multi-family dwellings whose many residents will have no choice but on-street parking

And cities as large as Mexico City, which has more residents than some countries have citizens, are running out of water

Interesting, costly and contentious times a-coming

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Lush Tapestry.

Nice needlework!!


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Always fascinating! What a contrast from the Great Ocean Road to Kuala Lumpur! What does daughter think? Isn’t she about 12? I can’t imagine the education she is receiving. I taught 5th grade students for years, mostly those labeled “gifted”. I would love to hear her thoughts.

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