Apr 11Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, love your reference to Carl Menger; the father of Austrian School Economics. I've been contributing to the Mises Institute for a long, long time. Can't tell you how good it makes me feel seeing the wisdom of the Austrian School beginning to fertilize the planet. Thank you!!!

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Ireland GDP per capita is not because the Irish are so much more productive, it is because they have the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe. Milei should know this and not use phony numbers as a goal. He should simply aim to have a population that is producing things of value like you mention. We get to decide the value. Name the Irish product (besides beer I guess) that is producing that record level of GDP?

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Apr 11Liked by Joel Bowman

Excellent part 2 . The smallest minority, You and I . Although that makes 2 , but You need 2 to trade!

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Apr 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Two unencumbered individuals bartering for each other's output. Freedom! How simple is that.

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Apr 11Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, are you still on the team at Bonner Private Research? I haven't seen you post there lately.

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That was great! I like the equation free market = free people.

There are many that assail that; they believe in government justice, the administration of a few, regardless of the facts. They have no faith in the individual and it seems that in many instances they are right.

We annihilated the Indians, fought a Civil War over slavery, people lived in slums owned by the rich.

But, over time, it righted itself and produced a new and prodigious standard of living for all.

When people believe in government justice and goodness they stop believing in freedom.

When we believe in markets, freedom and the invisible hand, we believe in God.

God can impart wisdom, goodness and justice to the individual mind and the whole can be transformed.

Government is eventually controlled by the godless, sociopaths. God, the spirit of goodness, is extinguished.

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Joel, Thanks for your coverage and imput on this subject. Its right on as usual.

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Once again, your thoughts, convictions and willingness to take risks to pursue and deliver them is truly inspiring.

And as for you endearing stab at the Socialist Spunk, this one made me laugh…

“millions have been convinced that “cradle-to-grave” socialism is merely a more comfortable ride when, all too often, it’s an express ticket.”

Va’manos Amigos/Amigas!!!


PS. Soz about the Spanish mis-spelling. No autocorrect prompt to spank me. Best to All down there.

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Apr 14Liked by Joel Bowman

With Milei leading the charge in Argentina and no guarantee in November, I believe my bolt-hole has been decided. This is why I joined Notes. Keep the (hopefully) freedom messages coming, Joel.

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Apr 12Liked by Joel Bowman


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Apr 11Liked by Joel Bowman

Inspiring stuff

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