Great phrase. "Go Woke; Go Broke"

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Let Freedom Ring 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Not only US, but world wide.

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Spent over 6 decades near DC and subscribed to the Post. I watched that once-great paper turn into a joke. "News" articles were written with an increasingly progressive spin and filled with factual errors. Articles on wokeness pushed news aside. Without Bezos, that paper would be dead.

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You couldn’t make this stuff up, it’s just delicious 🤤

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And now the culling over at MSNBC… so many own goals!

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I could not stop laughing thanks Joel I needed that.

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I need these left wing dofuses to show me. I'll wait.

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What is the current exchange rate on the street in Argentina? We arrive the 4th.

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It's floating around the 1,190-1,200 mark at las cuevas... subject, of course, to the typical tantrums and drama and the markets here...

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Thank you, we will be at the LOI suites in Ricoletta the 5th and 6th and the Alvear Palace the 16th, 17 and 18th. If you happen to be in the area.

Bill Lincoln

406-249-7384 US

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My favorite line of the day: "... the opinions of which span the political spectrum, from Lenin to Trotsky." :-))

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A welcome development. He’s still a schmuck, though.

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No matter what skinsuit-of-the-day will Jeff Bezos don, he forevermore will smell as lord of sweatshop.

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". . .this radical lurch toward sanity marks a decided shift in editorial tone from the WaPo’s former self identity."

Nicely said. The question I don't see pundits addressing is whether Bezos is pursuing readers or White House denizens. Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot.

Your notes were well turned out today, Joel. Thank you.

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My subscription just renewed. I want to cancel. Thank you Joel.

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Right. And Thiel is a libertarian, too.

Bezos, et al, those "essential" businesswo/men, surely do epitomize liberty & free markets.

But all the little ogre has to do is writewash himself & the fair weather fans go wild.

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Joel, Freedom, Liberty and throw in a little Pride of country, its like Common Sense, if you have personally lost it, there isn't a switch to turn it back on Mr. Bezos

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