Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

Ain’t gonna take much more arm twisting from you, Joel, before mi familia and I are booking one way tickets down there. I’d rather watch the Titanic sink on the evening news than standing on the deck…

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

Reading about restrictive rent controls, I thought for a minute the author was describing Oz, where similar foolishness is under way and landlords are quietly exiting the rental market in ever growing numbers...And a friend of mine, a retiree who was just about to buy a rental property on which he had a deposit, cancelled and will get 5% in a bank term deposit, without the hassles of being a landlord under a socialist government.

I wonder if Mr. Milei, when he's finished fixing up Argentina, would consider coming to Australia to show us how it's done. He'd be a breath of fresh air in the rancid leftist atmosphere that pervades this once great country.

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That applies to the US, UK all of Europe and Canada.

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Yep, the Marxist rot is pretty much everywhere. I lived in the UK under that pipe smoking little runt Harold Wilson, got sick of it & moved to Oz. Had a few great years, still under the shadow of Menzies, then Wilson got thrown out and in Oz Comrade Whitlam said: 'it's time'! What great timing!

I've been to Argentina & BA a couple of times and really enjoyed it.. love the city, walked everywhere, just a nice feel to it, that huge avenue with 4 or 5 lanes of traffic each way (forgot the name) and the restaurants with big ovens and massive sides of beef slow-cooking overnight... you could look through the windows & salivate..!

Now that Argentina is being 'saved' my guess is that there'll be a rush of migrants escaping their socialist hell-holes. Lots of business opportunities down the track.. there'll be a lot of self-made multi- millionaires in the next few years as the economy picks up steam.

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

The people that cause those weeds to grow need an uprooting, too. And they can be thrown out with the trash.

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, could you make sure a copy of your note arrives on the desk of our collectivist numpty Sir Keir Starmer and his hapless bunch of incompetents? He appears to be going full Peron, even down to the expensive ball gowns!

Our new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, went on Celebrity Mastermind a few years ago and amassed the total of nil points on both his specialist subject and general knowledge.

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

See proposition 33 on the California ballot this year. Supporters argue rent control works well in many cities to help keep people housed. Opponents say if cities adopt strict rent control ordinances, it will make California’s already dire housing shortage even worse. I wonder if there is a way to figure out which side is correct? Ha ha.

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

And I thought Argentina sent all their super intelligent, super productive homeless up to America with the rest of their prison population?

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Oct 1Liked by Joel Bowman

You make it all sound so appealing! You think we might be able to pull off a similar golpe here los EEUU? Wouldn't that be a lesson for Marxists everywhere?

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Here's hoping!

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Sound absolutely marvelous Joel .. this experiment will be watched by millions .. but I wonder how many of them are subscribers from Argentina ? Eventually the (Free) word spreads thought the world and people will, demand change .. lets hope your subscription rate increase is some indication of an awakening in many countries who are currently suffering the identical scenario especially in Oz where negative gearing has enriched millions but impoverished many as market interference (negative gearing) is just another manipulative government policy that should be dropped .. lets hope the pollies in Australia are awake enough to read your bulletin from the south !

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Joel your final comment is extremely important. The web or internet media of individuals is taking down the main stream media across the world. Society is gradually seeing how the world's "leaders" are censoring and trying to control the narrative and the public is sick of it.

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Thanks for the update on Argentina. And thank you also for the book recommendation!

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If the u.s. try's this we will have some enormous mountains to climb with horrendous free falls down the other side with bad things in the valleys . I am simply drawing a picture so you can fill in the details. Let your conscious be your guide. God's blessings to all.

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Meanwhile, in Australia, the States and certain political parties are bending over backwards to impose rent controls, call it what you like "minimum housing standards", etc.

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Joel, Thanks for the article and all the comments. Amazing what will happen when the Government gets out of the way.

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Thanks Joel.

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California, and the City of Los Angeles (where I keep a rent control studio apartment), under mined rental property for landlords during COVID to such an extent that I was glad to have sold mine a year earlier after Zillow kept telling me its value was very high. During COVID LADWP (Los Angeles department of water and power) were allowed to continue providing utilities to those who could not, or did not pay their bill. My utilities have doubled. Since all the property damage caused during Black Lives Matter, my car insurance has doubled too. Just saying...

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