Spot on the money Joel. What's interesting about all of this is people the world over are starting to catch on to the MSM. They see Biden in the flesh as what he is and that is totally opposite what the lying presstitutes say. It causes every rational person to pause and query "What else are they lying to us about?" That is the beginning of the path in search of the truth. Then they find Joel Bowman over on Substack! LOL

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I think it’s very noble of Milei to spare some of his valuable time to explain to the G7 donkey like leaders (apologies to lovely domesticated equines) that government isn’t the solution to our problems, government IS the problem.

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Unfortunately the bulk of those leaders are on their way out of office.


Deaf ears and dumb minds do not listen to those that portend to “do the opposite” at the behest of the proles.

Trump would do well to take council from Millie while he has the opportunity to prepare a cabinet that can smash through the existential threat that is our deep state. Mobilize a DOJ that will prosecute the last 8 yrs of abuse, fauci et al and the intelligence ranks operating at the call of the shadow dem leadership. Trump should appoint special counsel’s to go after the entire rotten lot. And that includes Hillary.

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We will be barraged with false messaging and images from now until the November U.S. elections.

If by some miracle senile, predatory, incompetent and corrupt Biden succeeds, through propaganda and/or ballot harvesting, the efforts to further erode our security, freedoms and prosperity will be ratcheted up exponentially.

If Trump succeeds, we can expect the left to wage open warfare similar to what the BLM/Hamas/Hezbollah/Soros did during the summer of 2020, but at a much higher level of disruption. The obstructionism toward anything Trump might attempt will unlike any type of bureaucratic roadblocks erected during his first term.

Either way, the future looks murkier and more dismal by the day.

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Thanks for another good article Joel. In the “Coffee & COVID” Substack today, we learned that a Secret Service Agent was robbed at gunpoint outside the same event where our elderly resident of The Whitehouse was led off stage by our unelected third term President. Evidently, the agent lost his “secret agent bag” in said robbery. You just can’t make this stuff up!😂

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Let us use the 80/20 rule. Twenty percent of voters care enough to look into the real issues the country faces and vote according to their knowledge base, understanding, and belief that their candidate will fulfill their expectations. Of course, who knows where they got their information?

.The remaining 80% is a crap shoot. Most have yet to learn why they vote how they do, but they vote anyway. Many are members of old or newly formed subcultures of unique, isolated factions pitted against each other by the deep state through government-controlled media. Hence, there is no longer one country or future to vote for, only opposing hated enemies to vote against. So, Don't forget to vote!

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Incredible isn't it Joel. I cannot help but marvel at the constant lying of the Democrat party and politicians more broadly. With all the failure around us more and more people are bound to become skeptical. Good... until you see the problem... there can be no fix.

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I forecast that this summer will be assessed for years by historians now and unborn as a seminal moment in American history; a genuine turning point.

They may cite as one turning point its two major political parties for their respective failure to proffer to the citizens healthy, mentally alert, law abiding and articulate candidates as their next president

Or they may point to the debt spiral from which America was never able to extricate itself, a spiral that led to its massive default on trillions of dollars it owed and the ensuing worldwide financial chaos that resulted.

Books will be written about the especially horrendous manner in which the American Empire ended. All will be enthralled by the speed of the collapse from its peak at the beginning of the millennium in January 2000 to the beginning of the end in November 2024.

But, maybe not. Maybe one or both political parties will really proffer better candidates and maybe the one elected president will actually reign in spending evermore money its Federal government doesn't have.

One can hope.

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The rest of the world sees the U. S. President just like Americans do and this quote from a Greek taxi driver recently says it all, “The rest of the world is laughing their asses off.”

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Not a good future. People will survive , but not with the same view. Try back to the basics.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 19

While the winners in Europe are labeled as far right, no mention of the losers as the far left.

A honest media account would have reported the people's candidates are gaining, over the candidates who brought us the current state of decline and chaos.

Sock puppet Joe might not approve of this message.

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“There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.” ~ Edward L. Bernays Who are those that control "President" Biden? Instead of constantly berating a senile old man, Joel and Mr. Trump, you should expose those who are really in power. Name them. Describe there duties in the WH. Provide their history. What got them into such powerful positions. Let the voting public know who they really are. I would suggest doxing them, but this might be a bit too far. (I leave this to the libs.)

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how MANY subscribers? 4 figures? 5 figures? can't wait for 7 figures :-)

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That Shit eating smile on Trudy's face shows his ignorance , his latest polling shows him to be the most disliked Prime Minister of all time , I as a Canadian hope this family gracefully leaves their corrupt policies and evil mandates for a life far away from us simple folk , hey there Trudy.

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Great synopsis, Joel! Given my background, I would've entitled this excellent read "The World Smells More and More Like an Iowa Hog Farm..."


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hey Joel .. why give us such a long tirade about the only old guy still left from a generation that actually lived during WW2 and has first hand experience ? is there really nothing positive you can talk about that sheds light on an area that might be of interest any where other than continuously picking on grandpa Biden .. we all know he's old and tottery .. but like many of the right leaning folks you've picked up the popular habit of kicking the old guy as if you had nothing better to comment on .. maybe time for you to have a break from the main stream media and find or expose people we don't know about who might make a better candidate .. as you well know the ONLY reason the Biden is running is to stop a guy who's MUCH worse than he'll ever be but then maybe your so deluded by what you've read that you think Putin has every right to invade Ukraine and impose his Peter the Great dreams or reestablish his beloved USSR .. I wonder how far Milei would have gotten in Putin Land eh? from what I know the last three opposing people who've spoken out against Putin are all dead .. so who is the tyrant of all tyrant's ? or maybe you like tyrant ? but do yourself a favor .. find someone else to kick rather than a shaky old guy who's already said he's rather be at home but all of your fake ass loud mouth know it all's are to chicken shit oppose or find someone who will so you just harp on and on about "Sleepy Joe" when you've not mentioned ONE other option tht might just alter the course .. I thought you were better than that ..

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As Mr. Bonner would say, 'It would be too easy to pick on Joe Biden...so let's start there.'

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You don't think Trump isn't being handled and manipulated by Steve Bannon? Do you really think that either one of these gentlemen have the intellectual capacity, the drive, or the courage to take this country in a different direction? In my opinion, it doesn't make any difference which one of these old men gets elected. They are both puppets being led around by extremists who certainly do not have this country's best interests at heart. You could at least be a bit more balanced in your writing.

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