A multitude of thanks, Joel Bowman, for writing about the on-going Argentine freedom fest. It elevates my energy and gives me hope that there is some actual sanity among the people of at least one country. May they prosper, Carajo!

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As long as the light of sanity burns in one place, others may light their own torch and carry it forward. Here's hopin'!!

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A very good article Joel.

In Canada we being inundated with an Administrative State that is not far from what Argentina experiences . We have been saved so far by our proximity to the United States,of which Canada is an economic appendage.

I truly hope that the example being set by Argentina can be emulated by sane people in North America and we get rid of the Woke fools now in charge.

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We're with you, Mr. Dundas. I've been here in Argentina for a dozen years and can honestly say, optimism is spreading through the population at a rate that ought to scare the heck out of would-be tyrants around the world. If it can happen here...

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Mr. Trump said he’d drain the swamp. Mr. Milei appears to actually be doing it. Let this be the start of something great!

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Mister lane. I like your comment. History tells....easier to punch a hole in an old rotten hull. Trump cannot get this done. As sad as things are people are still blind here. Not possible now, completely. Good start for those who follow. Shoulders back chin up and the glass is still helpful.

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Your "notes from the end of the world" are a delectable spot in the otherwise quite dark new buffet. I think people have to be literally at the end of the rope, with no where else to turn, before the shift to self governing free markets can occur. We'll have to go through a LOT more trouble and pain before that shift occurs in the US or the rest of the developed world.

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Who invited him to speak? It is a music festival and he is not a musician. Nor is he a lettered economist or scientist. Why would his oppinion be any more, or less important than any one of the other 7,888,000,000 people in this world? Other than the scientists who actually study how man can effect what Mother Nature has in store fo us, what could Leo bring to the table but who cares what you say or think bull manure? Just ask'n.

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this article is a literary gem. So well written.

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“celery-powered actor” - Joel always slays me with his wit in addition to his very well written analysis.

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We laugh or we cry... let us choose wisely. Cheers!

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High praise from your good self, Dr. Hunt. Thanks for reading!

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In all facets of life, it appears that change only comes with duress, and genuine, sustainable change only after hitting “rock bottom”! Argentina appears to have reached that point, but they will need to be wary that removing the State and welcoming the entrepreneur doesn’t become a euphemism for Milei linked friends, family and businesses to “legitimately” install themselves as the next regime... best wishes to Argentina, as this is the most exciting political and economic event since the fall of the Berlin Wall! 😁

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Beautiful quote from Bastiat Joel! Let us begin this quest in the US by having our dear leaders reduce our regulations by 5, or maybe just one since it is so dangerous. Perhaps we can even cut the budget by two percent! Great notes as always Joel

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Thanks, mate!

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Peel back the layers of a rotten onion..... perfect!

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Joel, I will think twice now before attending a DiCaprio movie. I would guess when your famous its okay not to be caught seriously thinking to much, you just read off the script and do what it says,no matter how stupid.As one of your reader's said"you can't fix stupid".If he speaks with President Melei he might request the President's questions previously, so he can have a scripted response. Thanks Joel.

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It is refreshing to see Milei setting his agenda in motion. My concern is that he will have a large population of fired civil servants who will be fighting to preserve their own sinecures, while his own cabinet will be inexperienced and perhaps hard-pressed to stand up to fire civil servants and the press. A la what we saw with Trump.

And di Caprio will arrive with a planeload of flacks and publicists eager to prop him up and show him off to the world, some because they're celebrity groupies, some because they're fellow-travelers and some because they worship at the altar of Gaia. Milei might be enjoying a honeymoon right now (I don't know that he is -- that's for our interlocuter to confirm or correct), but we can all rest assured the one-world true believers will be sharpening their knives for him.

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Would be great to hear you interviewing William (in 2024 ‘Billy’) Shakespeare by time warp technology.

“So Billy, how would you put it into prose what’s going on within and without the Fall and Rise of the Argentine and a 2024 Julius Caesar?”

“Dearest scribe, Joel.

All the world is a but a stage … doesn’t that determine that actors and directors are at play and free to perform.

The acts of the play, can only be writ once the history is complete and the mind of the play writer is allowed freedom to cast aspersions if he is free to do so.”

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Love this! Surely a popular selection on those “who would you invite to dinner…?” lists…

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Joel, this article is so well written and your turn of word is so poinient and fun! It provides hope that lightens up our clouds in the US and will hopefully spur our (upcoming) leaders to follow suite of Senior Milei's example!

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Thank you, kind sir! We wait and watch...

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If the Argentinians are in need of inspiration, look no further than the former seat of America's Constitutional Republic wherein booing has become a fine art.

From the City that booed Santa Claus, might Señor DiCaprio receive the same treatment?

As a former boss once bid, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out".

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"...might Señor DiCaprio receive the same treatment?" We live in hope. Cheers!

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1924 - "He's as Rich as an Argentine!"

2024 - "He's as Free as an Argentine!"

2034 - "He's as Rich as an Argentine!"

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Love this! Reminds me of Heraclitus's concept of enantiodromia... wet things dry, the parched becomes sodden once again. Everything always tending toward its opposite state. Thanks for the insight!

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Great article, Joel. Love the opening quote from Bastiat. I think I will use it when writing the clowns we (s)elected to represent us in Tallahassee and DC. As to #DiCaprio: he can kiss my Irish *ss. Cannot understand why these Hollywood a-holes, sports creeps and others think they have any right at all to even suggest how I live, much less try to shame me into it. They are paid (far too much) to ACT and PLAY to entertain the masses. How 'bout they try sticking to that? I don't want to hear their political BS.

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Bastiat was such a trove of wisdom... died 49yrs young. Thanks for the kind words, Mr. Campbell...and the laughs!

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