Your rich use of the King's English was in full flower today.

Too many phrases for me to single out any for a Mini-Mighty-Pen Award

However, I did like this single sentence a lot: "Can we not bask in the abstruse a while longer, prostrate beneath the open skies, without our enlightened betters enervating the mystery before us with their pithy formulae?"

I've often had similar thoughts but none close to the linguistic embellishment in this single sentence.

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Dear wifey says she can tell when I haven’t written any fiction for a while…

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Joel, you most certainly can turn a phrase—so absolutely no need to refer to yourself as a failed novelist. As TS Eliot reportedly said when asked by his publisher if most editors were failed writers, he replied “Perhaps, but so are most writers.”

Although you and Bill have parted ways, I continue to follow your work (the greatest experiment) because of its importance to our time—literally on the bleeding edge of history—and because of your flair for the language. It is a rare pleasure to read someone inching their way up the ranks with the likes of a modern-day Roberts, Macaulay, or Gibbon. You’ve definitely got the gift. That said, please keep your eye on the ball. I’d like to hear more of your thoughts and commentary on the economics and politics of our situation/predicament. I hope you will understand this not as a criticism but as a plea for expanding the dialogue and community of all of us who enjoy your work and are vitally concerned with the issues of the day. Please stay focused on The Experiment. Hope you are enjoying your time “back home” after a 6-year hiatus (although they say we can never truly go home again). Best wishes for your personal fulfillment on this new and most important path you have chosen

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Excellent comment, good sir. Much appreciated!

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Thanks Joel! May the anarchy capitalists of the world unite! However, in the US, taking out all that government will swell the unemployment roles by 1000%.

And the gods shall weep.

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I can just imagine the writer's assignment coming for USA Today's management: See if you can write an article making Milei look bad?

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Check out this week’s TIME Magazine’s flagrant shill hit piece…

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I didn't think it was too bad. It was primarily Milei doing the talking. The cover is absurd but that's what you get from Time. I gave up reading that rag many years ago,

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Joel, I appreciate your observations! And it does seem like there are more and more of us who are looking for liberty and opposing more authoritarianism. Thank you!

Steve Hall, Idaho . . . at Full Restoration on Substack

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You seemed angry this time Joel. Not that I’m offended of course. I imagined the pen morphing into a sword. I don’t know which Greek word for love to use. Maybe stretching the connotation a bit I’ll use the equivalent for appreciation.

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Australian beef perhaps? They have a Fogo de Chao there, Joel?

I'd go with another Foster's myself.

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Had a fantastic sirloin at a steakhouse here in Brisbane (aka “Brisvegas”) last night. Definitely comparable to Argentine quality… sadly not Argentine prices!

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Though you do it in different words, many I have to look up, we share the same instincts.

That was complete for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.

There is a movement of the moment, hopefully, it is like a snowfall that transforms the world while the first intrepid flakes are destined to die on the hostile ground. I guess, there have been many courageous snowflakes but the quantity never arrived.

It take a severe blindness to write the words, from the USA Today, you describe. It is pervasive amongst us.

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Speaking of love, I “love” that Milei guy.

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Misogynoir - Shibboleth - Fopdoodle - Abtruse Thank God for ChatGPT!! :-) The elites in power will do everything to overcome their enemy. The elites have access to all the necessary tools and weapons to succeed. What they don't have are the #s we proles have. As we proles become more educated, we become more scary to them. Then, we become more focused and begin to recognize how they have learned, over history, how to keep us neutralized. Time will tell. On a different note, you could help me avoid doing all the research, where does government come from? If the evolution of government is a complex process influenced by social, economic, and cultural factors, why do we proles have to give up our freedom in order to be governed by elites? Interesting question, don't you think?

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I discuss the four main Greek words for love, and more, in my little booklet, Discourse On Agape, which you can read free here: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

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"Having never met a soppy shibboleth for which they didn’t promptly swoon in weak-kneed genuflection, today’s paper propagandists dutifully spout all the safe space slogans of the unthinking mob. "

This is the second reference to shibboleth that I've ever heard, the first being about 20 years ago.


They say Behind The Woodshed at Reallibertymedia.com "If you don't know about property you probably are.

I'll always be a word man, better than a bird man.


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“There are things known. There are things unknown. In between are the doors.”

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Who would have thought that just 60 years later you could book a therapy session for psychedelics and get "The Man" to pay.... lol

I think they're also micro dosing other types of "meds" in some work environments now.

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Just love this quip!

“More to the point, what breed of incurious fopdoodle would wish for life, in all its vibrant complexity and glorious nuance, to be reduced to a yard sign slogan?”

Were there to be a Sainthood to honour a person of endless intellect, inquisitiveness and ability to articulate what is so obvious, yet almost impossible to accurately convey…. You, my treasured scribe, would be on the very, very short list of people to be canonised.

Keep Going and enjoy the Sunshine.


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Joel..pretty sure a site enhncer would be dictionary toggle, this make looking up definitions a bit easier for the ignorant reader, me specifically.

Also, I couldn't help but think that these would make great names for alternative rock bands;

The Ovine Bleaters, The Pressitudes and lastly... The Shibbolets..

Thank you sir for the discourse, always.

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‘an “open relationship” with reality.’ That was a laugh out loud moment. Then, I realized that it is also an abusive relationship, with those clammy hands forever trying to strangle reality, and reality replying with a punch in the face. Personally, I am pulling for reality 100%, though it seems cruel to wish abuse on the deranged…

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Every time I get ready to do a paid subscription you come out with an article with words that I don’t understand and don’t have the energy to look up 😭. Milei I can understand (after you translate). I am not as culturally astute as the rest of your readers. But I do appreciate the effort you put into your writing.

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Sorry to burst into your full flower literacy with a mundane question: How to subscribe? Because hitting said button reveals: …you can’t manage the subscription with this app”

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You can't manage your subscription in the phone app. You have to go to substack online.

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