The press has a sacred duty to report the truth to free people so that they may make the decisions to keep themselves free. What these so-called reporters, these monsters do, is something too evil to dwell upon. This state of affairs is something you simply can’t hate enough. It is hard not to hate these mindless fools, but that would be living on their level.
Who and where are the Gold Medal Winners? Socialism ( and there seems to be a number of derivatives ) eventually sees all devotees disappear up their own arses. It is a theory with paradoxical alluring themes.
The harder you work, the luckier you get is alive and well because it is a fact and not an ideology as Socialism is. The ideology is appealing but does not work. Human nature.
Yes, you can't make people love their fellow man; it simply doesn't work. People must be free to pursue their own self interest. Even if they pursue being more like God, who is agape (Shameless plug: Amazing that people blame God for their misfortunes, when, in almost all cases, it's the result of their own actions and attitudes.
In case there is any confusion my comment directed to the failure of socialism in Argentina was tongue in cheek.
I'm the purest form of libertarian, I believe in complete free will for all persons to the extent...
All religions should be required to prove their teachings are valid. Faith is the antithesis of knowledge. The Persians had faith in their fictional gods, the Greeks incorporated the gods of Babylon, the Roman's took up the mantel of gods from the Greeks renaming many, the holy Roman empire incorporated the same gods by fleshing out the new triune man god in the image of Dionysus. Paul's fictional evangelical journeys mirror those found in the Odyssey. Shipwrecked, casting out demons, etc, not a shred of cooperating evidence or named witnesses. Paul went to far as to claim his conversion including the voice or Jesus out of the clouds. Jesus calling out the most famous words of Dionysus "You cannot kick against the goad" (sharp pointed stick used to herd cattle). Along with "Why do you persecute me?" as if a man could persecute God, by some how killing Christians or any other religious persons.
Not a single author in the NT was an eyewitness to the events of 33 CE. Mark and Luke were both Roman scribes, with Luke in the employ of Paul.
The book of Matthew is plagiarized from Mark even then there was no man named Matthew chosen by Jesus, the man in the tax collectors office was named as Levi and yet the book of Matthew claims he was the man in the tax collectors office. The books named after John was highly copyedited, with entire chapters added while in the possession of the Roman church. Both Matthew and John include a narrative where the Jews killed Jesus not the Romans. John chapter 8 added in the 8th century paints Jesus as one who rejects the Towrah instructions entirely sending the nasty Towrah observant Jews off in shame.
Jerome's letter to Pope Damasus explained the translation was to create a new work out of old Greek manuscripts wherein "No two manuscripts were in agreement", with the old Latin texts said to be "wholly unreliable". Jerome goes on to write the new work would support church doctrines.
Understand the Christian religion is based on the Latin Vulgate, the KJV and all resulting translations are in fact revisions of the Vulgate. There has not been a honest translation of the Hebrew in 1600 years.
Roman Christianity rests upon the 6th century Vulgate, Protestantism upon the 1611 KJV. Insane to bet one's soul on these two competing empires telling the truth.
The only hope for mankind (there really is none for most) is the internet with its free flow of information that was until recently not accessible by the layman.
The information age has religions scrambling for an audience, some defend their faith with more faith, some run to more reasonable faiths. The main line denominations have run to their own personal Jesus, one that loves everybody, they leave out the nasty bits which show their faith a fraud.
The world is going to come to terms with all religions, yesterday an important piece of the end times puzzle was put into place.
The first piece was the establishment of the Jews in the Promised Land in 1948. What people ever regained their land 2000 years after it was lost, destroyed, and renamed by Rome while the occupants were carried off into another land far away?
The answer is Israel and more than once. Just a coincidence if you have faith in such things.
Isaiah 17:1 prophesied the oldest continuously occupied city on the planet or Damascus would be so destroyed it was described as a twisted heap of ruins. Stone and wood does not twist nor does cement without iron reinforcement. Isaiah witnessed the city would be uninhabitable, so figure we have a lot more bombing to go and possibly a nuke.
Somewhere along the way a peace for land deal will be forced upon or desired by Israel. The Two State (final solution) will be the start of the 7 years of trouble for Israel. Isaiah records Israel will be thinned at the waste, pretty much what giving up the West Bank will create. I know with Trump in office this might all sound improbable. Prophecy is not predictions of future events. God is eternal all time is simply here and now existing all at once. Prophecy is future history, there is no escape, except to listen to God's instructions to avoid the carnage and pain associated with the events that will happen.
An asteroid strike is prophesied, science is sketchy on 2029 as a possible date guessing the asteroid that missed us the last time around will do so again. A wise man might move to an area not immediately effected or start listening to God.
After the ink is dried on Two State Solution the enemies of Israel seeking 72 virgins will flow over the border as described by Isaiah. A remnant of Israel will/has cried out to their God in His personal name and will be rescued.
If you have any thought of moving from faith to knowing, I'd highly recommend devouring the 35 books written by this author. If you need proof, he was prophesied to do exactly what he has done for the last 22 years by Solomon at the dedication of the temple. Only in the last 2 or so years did he stumble upon the prophecies and realize his role in future events.
There is no other gentile that could fit the prophecy in the short amount of time remaining.
“Therefore (wa gam), regarding someone else, the observant and discerning foreigner (gentile) from a different ethnicity and geographic location who will come to understand (ha nakry), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’).
He will come (wa bow’) from a distant country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowq) for the express purpose of being a witness and providing answers regarding (lama’an) Your (‘atah) tremendously important (ha gadowl) name (shem), the influence of Your Hand (wa yad ‘atah), the powerful and passionate ruler who is prepared to lead (ha chazaq), and (wa) the protective ram who shepherds His flock as well as His Sacrificial Lamb (zarowa’ huw’) whom You have extended (‘atah ha natah).
When (wa) he arrives on the scene and chooses to pursue this (bow’), then (wa) he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing those who exercise good judgment with the information and justifications needed to make a correct and reasoned decision (palal) regarding this familial relationship (‘el ha beyth ha zeh). (Dabarym ha Yowmym / 2nd Chronicles 6:32)
When you hear it out of the heavens, coming from the atmosphere (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym) within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah), then (wa) engage and act accordingly, doing everything (‘asah ka kol) which, to show the way (‘asher), the observant foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands (ha nakry) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah), for the express purpose of being a witness who provides answers such that (lama’an) all peoples of the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘erets) will have a genuine and ongoing opportunity to become familiar with, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’) Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah).
He will come to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atah) along with (ka) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el). This is so (wa la) they may know (yada’) that, truthfully (ky), I have built (banah) for Your family this house (‘al ha beyth ha zeh) which, to reveal the correct path to give life meaning (‘asher), is designated and called (qara’) by Your name (shem ‘atah).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words for the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)
You are hilarious! You say you're the purest form of libertarian, and believe in free will for all persons - except in regard to religious beliefs. You probably don't even know you contradicted yourself. The irony is that your own religion would fail the test, but no one even bothers to point it out to you. Except me. You're welcome.
Someone somehow must get the impoverished enlightened to the fact that their past 75 years of government have destroyed them. They must be taught how and why it happened. They must know and understand it is their country and not their elected elite's country. It is the People's country managed by their elected, not ruled by them. They must understand that freedom is hard-fought, and they will have to fight the fight if they want freedom. Joel, it is your job to teach them!
So correct that the fate rests in their hands. As is proven government is the down fall. Not because government is totally bad , but because government does not know what I need , or for that matter what My neighbor needs. Glad many are learning, or have long ago learnt that what I produce stays with Me to do as I please . Not some person thousands of miles away telling Me I have to help so and so . Who I do not know , nor whether He or She deserves My help. They may be communists for all I know and I will not help some one who wants to destroy Me.
This is My view of government. Any body that works for any government, being a worker or a politician. These people are servants. Now being a servant is not a bad thing. Servants are paid by their employer. Who is the employer of these people . It is You and I the tax payer. It is time that the employer took back his position and demanded that the servants serve Him or Her. Just My simple view, but what do I know I am just a milk cow.
I have a son who is a severe weather forecaster and trainer& retrained of all forecasters nationally, to keep them up to speed with the technologies available, from advanced software, satellite data and historical analytics, etc. A high knowledge research and coordination role.
His work deliverables are critical in our cyclone zones (viz hurricanes in Northern Hemisphere).
If he is half wrong O&G platforms & other infrastructure get de-manned and costs are huge.
My daughter manages a team to ensure bureau of statistics data gets accurately collected, collated, analysed and that new IT programs are being written to enhance and speed the processing and delivery of information to the national market of government, industry and other users.
They are diligent intelligent individuals.
Yes they work for our federal government whom have to provide this service.
Dairy farmers et al, who rely on data as to when to protect their flock of cows from the elements and what the statistics reveal, is the requirement to produce milk to get the best outcome from milking them.
So the dairy farmers of old protected their herds How? I do not say that these services are not of value. They are ,but I as a consumer am concerned about cost for any service or product. If cost is on the high side , I the consumer pays for it. Do You think a business will absorb these cost? I think not . They will pass them on to the consumer.
Yes that will solve the cost issue and was used extensively for the development of the whole of Europe and the early days of the underrated US capitalists to be profitable, with the elite and plantation owners in control of their destiny and all that mattered.
Nice deflection. I am saying that the people in" power" have to answer to the people. It is not their ideals that reflect My values . Did I mention slavery, I do not think so , but if freedom and liberty are slavery , I am living in the wrong world. But come to think of it My shelf life will probably end soon and You can solve all the problems that Your society has created.
Wrong! There are many firms providing accurate, long term forecasts. There's an outfit run by a guy named gary lezack in colorado. Way out extremely accurate. Back in the day to your point.All we had was the national weather service. That's a fact. The landscape has changed dramatically. Your folks should be working for a private company. We should not be paying for weather forecast through our taxes.. I'm sure they're awesome.
I think bill and dan should either purchase it or start a competing entity. Lord knows they are qualified. Scratch the purchase. Start a new one and put them out of business. That would be a great lesson all by itself.
Joel, Very interesting that the Catholic University is quoting the poverty figures and blame Pres. Milei for the problem. Aren't they a religious order who is supposed to help its follower's, especially the people who live in poverty. Sounds like they are a business who is politically orientated instead. Shame on them for exposing who they really are, being corrupt and not reporting the truth.
The press has a sacred duty to report the truth to free people so that they may make the decisions to keep themselves free. What these so-called reporters, these monsters do, is something too evil to dwell upon. This state of affairs is something you simply can’t hate enough. It is hard not to hate these mindless fools, but that would be living on their level.
History will record Argentina among many nations who failed Socialism by not fully instituting its principles correctly.
It was not a failure of Socialism, but an on going resistance to surrender completely to the utopian economic system.
Don't cry for socialism Argentina...
But Dennis, how come they all fail ?
Who and where are the Gold Medal Winners? Socialism ( and there seems to be a number of derivatives ) eventually sees all devotees disappear up their own arses. It is a theory with paradoxical alluring themes.
The harder you work, the luckier you get is alive and well because it is a fact and not an ideology as Socialism is. The ideology is appealing but does not work. Human nature.
Yes, you can't make people love their fellow man; it simply doesn't work. People must be free to pursue their own self interest. Even if they pursue being more like God, who is agape (Shameless plug: Amazing that people blame God for their misfortunes, when, in almost all cases, it's the result of their own actions and attitudes.
In case there is any confusion my comment directed to the failure of socialism in Argentina was tongue in cheek.
I'm the purest form of libertarian, I believe in complete free will for all persons to the extent...
All religions should be required to prove their teachings are valid. Faith is the antithesis of knowledge. The Persians had faith in their fictional gods, the Greeks incorporated the gods of Babylon, the Roman's took up the mantel of gods from the Greeks renaming many, the holy Roman empire incorporated the same gods by fleshing out the new triune man god in the image of Dionysus. Paul's fictional evangelical journeys mirror those found in the Odyssey. Shipwrecked, casting out demons, etc, not a shred of cooperating evidence or named witnesses. Paul went to far as to claim his conversion including the voice or Jesus out of the clouds. Jesus calling out the most famous words of Dionysus "You cannot kick against the goad" (sharp pointed stick used to herd cattle). Along with "Why do you persecute me?" as if a man could persecute God, by some how killing Christians or any other religious persons.
Not a single author in the NT was an eyewitness to the events of 33 CE. Mark and Luke were both Roman scribes, with Luke in the employ of Paul.
The book of Matthew is plagiarized from Mark even then there was no man named Matthew chosen by Jesus, the man in the tax collectors office was named as Levi and yet the book of Matthew claims he was the man in the tax collectors office. The books named after John was highly copyedited, with entire chapters added while in the possession of the Roman church. Both Matthew and John include a narrative where the Jews killed Jesus not the Romans. John chapter 8 added in the 8th century paints Jesus as one who rejects the Towrah instructions entirely sending the nasty Towrah observant Jews off in shame.
Jerome's letter to Pope Damasus explained the translation was to create a new work out of old Greek manuscripts wherein "No two manuscripts were in agreement", with the old Latin texts said to be "wholly unreliable". Jerome goes on to write the new work would support church doctrines.
Understand the Christian religion is based on the Latin Vulgate, the KJV and all resulting translations are in fact revisions of the Vulgate. There has not been a honest translation of the Hebrew in 1600 years.
Roman Christianity rests upon the 6th century Vulgate, Protestantism upon the 1611 KJV. Insane to bet one's soul on these two competing empires telling the truth.
The only hope for mankind (there really is none for most) is the internet with its free flow of information that was until recently not accessible by the layman.
The information age has religions scrambling for an audience, some defend their faith with more faith, some run to more reasonable faiths. The main line denominations have run to their own personal Jesus, one that loves everybody, they leave out the nasty bits which show their faith a fraud.
The world is going to come to terms with all religions, yesterday an important piece of the end times puzzle was put into place.
The first piece was the establishment of the Jews in the Promised Land in 1948. What people ever regained their land 2000 years after it was lost, destroyed, and renamed by Rome while the occupants were carried off into another land far away?
The answer is Israel and more than once. Just a coincidence if you have faith in such things.
Isaiah 17:1 prophesied the oldest continuously occupied city on the planet or Damascus would be so destroyed it was described as a twisted heap of ruins. Stone and wood does not twist nor does cement without iron reinforcement. Isaiah witnessed the city would be uninhabitable, so figure we have a lot more bombing to go and possibly a nuke.
Somewhere along the way a peace for land deal will be forced upon or desired by Israel. The Two State (final solution) will be the start of the 7 years of trouble for Israel. Isaiah records Israel will be thinned at the waste, pretty much what giving up the West Bank will create. I know with Trump in office this might all sound improbable. Prophecy is not predictions of future events. God is eternal all time is simply here and now existing all at once. Prophecy is future history, there is no escape, except to listen to God's instructions to avoid the carnage and pain associated with the events that will happen.
An asteroid strike is prophesied, science is sketchy on 2029 as a possible date guessing the asteroid that missed us the last time around will do so again. A wise man might move to an area not immediately effected or start listening to God.
After the ink is dried on Two State Solution the enemies of Israel seeking 72 virgins will flow over the border as described by Isaiah. A remnant of Israel will/has cried out to their God in His personal name and will be rescued.
If you have any thought of moving from faith to knowing, I'd highly recommend devouring the 35 books written by this author. If you need proof, he was prophesied to do exactly what he has done for the last 22 years by Solomon at the dedication of the temple. Only in the last 2 or so years did he stumble upon the prophecies and realize his role in future events.
There is no other gentile that could fit the prophecy in the short amount of time remaining.
“Therefore (wa gam), regarding someone else, the observant and discerning foreigner (gentile) from a different ethnicity and geographic location who will come to understand (ha nakry), who, to show the way to the benefits of the relationship (‘asher), is not of your people (lo’ min ‘am ‘atah), this Yisra’el (Yisra’el huw’).
He will come (wa bow’) from a distant country in a distant time (min ‘erets rachowq) for the express purpose of being a witness and providing answers regarding (lama’an) Your (‘atah) tremendously important (ha gadowl) name (shem), the influence of Your Hand (wa yad ‘atah), the powerful and passionate ruler who is prepared to lead (ha chazaq), and (wa) the protective ram who shepherds His flock as well as His Sacrificial Lamb (zarowa’ huw’) whom You have extended (‘atah ha natah).
When (wa) he arrives on the scene and chooses to pursue this (bow’), then (wa) he will help interested parties reconcile their relationship by providing those who exercise good judgment with the information and justifications needed to make a correct and reasoned decision (palal) regarding this familial relationship (‘el ha beyth ha zeh). (Dabarym ha Yowmym / 2nd Chronicles 6:32)
When you hear it out of the heavens, coming from the atmosphere (wa ‘atah shama’ min ha shamaym) within the location where you live (min makown yashab ‘atah), then (wa) engage and act accordingly, doing everything (‘asah ka kol) which, to show the way (‘asher), the observant foreigner from a different ethnicity and geographic location who understands (ha nakry) has invited you to read (qara’ ‘el ‘atah), for the express purpose of being a witness who provides answers such that (lama’an) all peoples of the Earth (kol ‘am ha ‘erets) will have a genuine and ongoing opportunity to become familiar with, to know, acknowledge, accept, and understand (yada’) Your name (‘eth shem ‘atah).
He will come to respect and revere You (wa la yare’ ‘eth ‘atah) along with (ka) Your people (‘am ‘atah), Yisra’el (Yisra’el). This is so (wa la) they may know (yada’) that, truthfully (ky), I have built (banah) for Your family this house (‘al ha beyth ha zeh) which, to reveal the correct path to give life meaning (‘asher), is designated and called (qara’) by Your name (shem ‘atah).” (Dabarym ha Yowmym / Words for the Days / 2nd Chronicles 6:33)
You are hilarious! You say you're the purest form of libertarian, and believe in free will for all persons - except in regard to religious beliefs. You probably don't even know you contradicted yourself. The irony is that your own religion would fail the test, but no one even bothers to point it out to you. Except me. You're welcome.
Someone somehow must get the impoverished enlightened to the fact that their past 75 years of government have destroyed them. They must be taught how and why it happened. They must know and understand it is their country and not their elected elite's country. It is the People's country managed by their elected, not ruled by them. They must understand that freedom is hard-fought, and they will have to fight the fight if they want freedom. Joel, it is your job to teach them!
Thanks Rich. As I said above before reading you post. ‘Every form of refuge has its price’……..
And you
Can't hide your lion eyes. Your smile is a thin disguise.... It should be a potent political tag to use against a left.
So correct that the fate rests in their hands. As is proven government is the down fall. Not because government is totally bad , but because government does not know what I need , or for that matter what My neighbor needs. Glad many are learning, or have long ago learnt that what I produce stays with Me to do as I please . Not some person thousands of miles away telling Me I have to help so and so . Who I do not know , nor whether He or She deserves My help. They may be communists for all I know and I will not help some one who wants to destroy Me.
This is My view of government. Any body that works for any government, being a worker or a politician. These people are servants. Now being a servant is not a bad thing. Servants are paid by their employer. Who is the employer of these people . It is You and I the tax payer. It is time that the employer took back his position and demanded that the servants serve Him or Her. Just My simple view, but what do I know I am just a milk cow.
I have a son who is a severe weather forecaster and trainer& retrained of all forecasters nationally, to keep them up to speed with the technologies available, from advanced software, satellite data and historical analytics, etc. A high knowledge research and coordination role.
His work deliverables are critical in our cyclone zones (viz hurricanes in Northern Hemisphere).
If he is half wrong O&G platforms & other infrastructure get de-manned and costs are huge.
My daughter manages a team to ensure bureau of statistics data gets accurately collected, collated, analysed and that new IT programs are being written to enhance and speed the processing and delivery of information to the national market of government, industry and other users.
They are diligent intelligent individuals.
Yes they work for our federal government whom have to provide this service.
Public service ? Yes
Our Servants ? I don’t think so!
Your opinion. Who pays these fine people?
Dairy farmers et al, who rely on data as to when to protect their flock of cows from the elements and what the statistics reveal, is the requirement to produce milk to get the best outcome from milking them.
So the dairy farmers of old protected their herds How? I do not say that these services are not of value. They are ,but I as a consumer am concerned about cost for any service or product. If cost is on the high side , I the consumer pays for it. Do You think a business will absorb these cost? I think not . They will pass them on to the consumer.
The answer is very simple for you Don.
Reintroduce as legal slavery.
Yes that will solve the cost issue and was used extensively for the development of the whole of Europe and the early days of the underrated US capitalists to be profitable, with the elite and plantation owners in control of their destiny and all that mattered.
Nice deflection. I am saying that the people in" power" have to answer to the people. It is not their ideals that reflect My values . Did I mention slavery, I do not think so , but if freedom and liberty are slavery , I am living in the wrong world. But come to think of it My shelf life will probably end soon and You can solve all the problems that Your society has created.
I hope you taught them honesty and integrity.
Wrong! There are many firms providing accurate, long term forecasts. There's an outfit run by a guy named gary lezack in colorado. Way out extremely accurate. Back in the day to your point.All we had was the national weather service. That's a fact. The landscape has changed dramatically. Your folks should be working for a private company. We should not be paying for weather forecast through our taxes.. I'm sure they're awesome.
Great Bill… Australia is out of his range.
We also have private guessers down here too.
No TierOnes with $billions of infrastructure give them the time of day.
I can live with this Don.
Debate and Discourse vs Oct 7, 2023.
Sorry I forgot . I do not intend on changing any mind . This is My opinion and I enjoy the back and forth banter. Thanks again.
Are there any major news organizations that support Miley’s efforts and share the positive impact his policies are having?
Need a champion of Free Enterprise to take over the news distorting La Nacion
I think bill and dan should either purchase it or start a competing entity. Lord knows they are qualified. Scratch the purchase. Start a new one and put them out of business. That would be a great lesson all by itself.
I would.
Subscribe to the english language version.
Joel, Very interesting that the Catholic University is quoting the poverty figures and blame Pres. Milei for the problem. Aren't they a religious order who is supposed to help its follower's, especially the people who live in poverty. Sounds like they are a business who is politically orientated instead. Shame on them for exposing who they really are, being corrupt and not reporting the truth.
What scoundrels!
75 years..How is that possible?
And how does that fit in with Krondratiev’s Wave?
Being from the place of Joel’s birth, I know only a little of Argentine history.