Since honest reporting is no longer allowed in the MSM, honest reporters have to find other platforms. The truth is out there for those who seek it, but so are a lot of wild ideas and false narratives. Far too often we are not given a choice between truth and falsehood, but among a variety of falsehoods. I do my best to seek good sources and honest reporting, but I also have to pause and ask myself questions such as, "Does this make sense?" or "Who benefits?" I don't claim to have it all figured out, but there are very few mainstream narratives with which I agree.

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Couldn't agree more, Gordon. One hopes that, as the top-down, Single Narrative default continues to crack and fray, the market will better adapt to promote the transparency and accountability in the information landscape that readers deserve.

The decentralization and democratization of information should abet this process, to the extent that entrenched and paid-for interests can be disrupted.

To that end, Substack now has 17,000 authors offering reader-supported (i.e. ad-free) subscriptions, all competing to build a better printing press. Readers have got to want the truth, though... not just what makes them feel safe and warm.

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I just need to say I'm very happy with the journalistic / "news" situation personally. As soon as I read a bit of nonsense I drop any subscription to MSM. I'm very happy to claim I haven't wasted a penny on NYTimes or WaPo or for that matter Reuters, which I believed for a while. I just turn them all off and it has saved me plenty, especially in time. I figure I don't have enough time to consider honest journalism and un-prejudiced economic reporting so why read the narrative. I don't even subscribe to Bloomberg. The cost of figuring out their lies isn't worth it.

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Joel, I think most of us here understand the Lamestream Media Clowns are just just reading the script from the government's propaganda apparatus. What I didn't understand until recently was just how enormous and all-encompassing the government's propaganda apparatus actually is. Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Mike Benz absolutely blew my mind. Its amazing any of us are still alive after a lifetime of consuming all the shit force-fed to us by the government's propagandists :-)

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what will our distant progeny think of our unwavering commitment to credulity?

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The Dumbest Generation Ever :-)

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Why is it that in the 21st century of instant information, we humble used to be middle classers must use our intellect and will to parse out the real and true, which enables us to choose wisely, only to find we are then rejected as naysaying conspiracy believers who do not want America to be great again?

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There's nothing new under the sun. Most want fables, not the truth. 2Timothy 4:3.

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So True

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Excellent Article on the current state of so called Mainstream Journalism. My Late father used to often quote " Some People beleive everything they read, Some people dont beleive anything they read, and some people question what they read. Im not sure who the quote is attributed to. His other saying was when he had read some clearly misleading article " Paper never refuses Ink "

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"Paper never refuses ink." Ha, love it! Your late father sounds like he knew what was what. Best to you and yours.

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H on

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This was so funny. But isn't it sad that what sells is news that we used to see in the grocery check out line in periodicals like the National Inquirer? Have you seen the movie "Idiocracy"? It is looking like the 2006 film is coming closer and closer to truth. This is from Judyscrawford@gmail.com, not Jerry.

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Hi Judy, your comments (much appreciated) are coming through fine now, under your correct name. Glad you got it sorted. Cheers!

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We are being monitored 24/7 by big tech companies. Our location, our desires, our needs, our hubris, our foibles, and more are all recorded and utilized to manipulate us. When one researches an idea or person we get what it is we would like to see. When someone else researches the exact same thing, he gets his version of truth. As so it goes. Everyone has his proof from research and everyone is seeing only what we are designated to see. Think that is a myth? Try researching something, anything. Then have a friend research the exact same thing at a different computer. The search reveals different 'facts'. Our nation is so polarized because we get our information from the Internet mostly. And it is designed to our individual tastes and biases. We are all manipulated and I mean ALL, including journalist and politicians. You and I and influencers are all being told what we want to hear. Truth is not objective anymore. It is subjective.

What a MAGA person sees on his screen is way different than what a California Democrat sees on his. Not because the questions are different, but because the search engine knows you and all your hope and desires and it sets you on a course that you like. It anticipates your next click. All the big search engines are using your data to influence you. It all ends up with us at one another's throats because

'we know the truth' and it is not your truth.

Truth, the real truth, is stable and enduring. It does not change. It is not Republican or Democrat. It is just the truth.

It is getting harder and harder to find the real truth that is unbiased and pure. It is still out there waiting to be discovered. The current breed of journalists seem to think that what is handed out to them by government is truth. Yeah, sure. Shame on them.

One has to dig for the real truth.

Where? Who speaks the truth? Who is lying? Who has a hidden agenda?

Good questions. What I know for sure is that all the B.S. we are seeing is seldom the truth and never the whole truth.

Certain things are obviously lies and others seem to be the truth, but aren't.

Again: where do I find truth?

I think that it helps to have a moral compass that is true and complete. It also helps to have a sense of what is rational and what is not. Stupid and lazy people do not seek or know the truth. There are plenty of really smart people who are fooled by lies told by seemingly respectable people.

What I am saying is that finding the truth is not for the meek or stupid. It requires dogged determination and perserverance. And constant updating and more research.

In scince, theories beget proofs and those beget neew theories and more research and experiments.

In politics, we need to keep turning over rocks and making new theories. and test each and every one.

My personal method is to weigh what political people say against my sense of moral rightness. If what they say ends up hurting a lot of people, it is probably wrong at it core. If it ends up killing people it surely is wrong.

First do not harm in politics just like in medicine.

If evidence is available, then plug it into the theory and see if it flies. Or doesn't.

If all you have is someone's word for the validity of a theory, take it with a huge grain of salt.

Courts of law are fine examples of how to find the truth. As we are seeing with a certain public figure, lies and bambast just do not suffice for truth and facts.

So, if you want the truth, go out and dig for it in person. Newpapers and blogs and internet searches and highly biased news casts just do not cut it.

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Ah, TRUTH, that slippery idea that is so much discussed, and like the proverbial elephant being described by blind men and women, is prone to all the things you describe. I appreciate your thoughtful comments. The only statement you make that I would question is that the real truth is stable and enduring. It is subject to conditions like time. What is real can change quickly and unexpectedly. Are there fundamental truths that don't change? I used to believe that but fear that it is subject to human nature. One statement that I depend on is "by their fruits ye shall know them". I kind of define truth as actuality, reality, and old. Looking back on my life I notice that much golden tinsel floats down from influencers that resembles pus once we've seen the consequences.

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Jesus said it himself; my word is truth. You want truth? There it is. This stuff is not hard in light of scripture. Be sure and consult with a faithful man when questions arise and ignore false prophets ( the woods are full of them). Love to all.

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Here's a scoop: Despite the Invasion of the Migrants, which we are losing, Biden will win but will resign when Trump is incarcerated.

Vice President Harris, who has mental issues of her own, will affirm her inability to be a competent and inspirational president. She will not be renominated.

The debt crisis which triggered high interest rates and the resulting sluggish economy will eclipse the ongoing Invasion of the Migrants as the dominant 2028 election topic.

A Republican will win this election without Trump's endorsement. To salvage Social Security, the new president will be compelled to make its benefits based on need

You heard it here first. Your welcome

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Thank you for an excellent expose of all that is wrong with the MSM. Apparently not a new phenomenon according to the great Samuel Clemens.

The question I have is; Why? Are they lazy, stupid or deliberately dishonest promoting a false agenda for gain (presstitutes)? As Gordon writes; "who benefits"

Given the falling figures surely there should be some self-searching as to the reason or is it simply that we find ourselves in what is fashionable i.e. a virtue signalling woke society and they are giving us what they believe makes us feel good. Hopefully the pendulum swings back soon as it ultimately must..

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Joel, a laugh a minute. They give us so much material.

It is rather pathetic don't you think... they have to discourage you from seeking information other than theirs and constantly lie as well... doesn't seem like they are very confident in themselves.

I agree though that there are many fine journalists. You just have to go find them and I assure you they are not working for the Corporate media.

Thanks Joel.

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since your last grand tour of the beautiful restaurants sunday, i didn’t feel you’d be quick enough to leap back into action on a subject matter dealing with an industry that manages to crap in its pants on a daily basis.

If significant news comes from a major source then i’m a minor insignifact ( i just invented that word so don’t filet me yet. it just fit) person who’s probability of reading it is well, next to zero. thousands of people do it everyday in the great hope that a newly used word might someday actually DO something. i’m sure all those newshit organizations have a shrine somewhere that says that.

probably in the process of trying to add it to the bible. i’d rather just let God be God at that point. He has a wonderful way of fulfilling his promises.

steve hoffman✌️

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When people say that the US is guaranteed the right to freedom of the press, they do not necessarily mean that there's a guarantee that any single specific press institution has the right to exist. And as press freedom goes downward by the day in the US, it seems some of these institutions may go down with the ship.

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That should be “without violating”.

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I believe that the only reason these news outlets continue to exist is that the elites and supporters use them as a way to donate huge sums of money to their political puppets with violating the election donation limits.

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Joel, Thank you for addressing the Media's in-accuracies. now I have sounder proof why i believe in conspiracy theories. As I concluded for myself after 9/11 ,that if 25% of the information that came from the black market conspiracy theories was the true , that was alot

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