That Sr Milei can accomplish these things and live to tell about it gives me great hope that we can accomplish the same in the US End of the World. The man truly has gonads of steel, which is precisely what we need here. Thanks for the continual updates, Joel. So encouraging.

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I applaud Mr. Milie and implore his electorate to be vigilant against human frailty. Freedom is a never-ending, hard-fought battle that should never be forgotten.

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He sounds like a follower of Ayn Rand or at least this quote of hers?

"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."

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Excellent insight. I actually saw him speak at an Ayn Rand conference here in Buenos Aires earlier this year. In front of a small crowd of die-hard libertarians and objectivists, Sr. Milei was presented with an award from the Ayn Rand society. He appeared genuinely moved when he received it, almost to the point of tears. Read my scribbles from the event, here…


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It is our job to protect ourselves from that happening. We must understand that the moment we elect a savior, he and his acolytes will begin the drip drip of destruction. And we will let it happen. That is the frailty of man. We can not abide by our promises and our laws. Look at history. You think we would learn by now.

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You're right, Rich, but no one wants to hear that. We, and the world, did not get here by accident. There may be retracements along the way, and small victories - we should never stop choosing what is right - but we, and the world, is headed for Revelation 13, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. There is hope, but not in man, or our own efforts. See: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, or maketh flesh his arm, whose heart departeth from the Lord.

-Jeremiah 17:5-7

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And as I have learned...The meek shall not inherit the earth! rich 1:1-1

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They will...eventually.

The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights.

-attributed to Jean Paul Getty

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Given Life, liberty and Pursuit of Happiness as s starting point the average man goes to work for himself. He has nothing to gain or interest in wasting time to write laws giving himself more from others. Over time politicians have everything to gain from their efforts hence every so often, 100 to 300 years, your average man must rebel against and replace the parasites that realize so fully and implement stealing from their constituents to benefit themselves.

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Sr Milei is quickly becoming the GOAT! Absolutely fantastic work. I pray that the US will follow suit! Thank you so much Joel for keeping us up-to-date! Love your work.

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Thanks for the kind words, Shellie. Very exciting to see up close!

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well said Shellie. Without that little snifter beside me, i mighta had an opportunity to shed a tear. no worries, it passed.

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Well we can deduce from this latest move by Sr. Milei that he will not be invited to future World Economic Forum meetings. And not win any international prizes for sound public administration. Bless his heart!

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Hey Flier, thanks for the comment. As it happens, he spoke at a WEF-affiliated event here in BA last week... and told them that "In less than a year we have already reached the lowest inflation in four years, with prices in different sectors that have not changed for months."

Turns out, not spending more than one earns is not so crazy after all! No doubt the WEF puppets were writhing in their boots.

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Milei probably will not win the "coveted" Nobel prize either. For that one must be a proponent of stealing the hard work of another and distributing it to those who don't work.

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Makes me think of Argentina's most famous writer, the incomparable Jorge Luis Borges, who for a period was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature almost annually, never to win. He once said not awarding him the prize was "a kind of habit the Scandinavians have. In fact, it might be called an old Norse tradition, you know, not to give me the Nobel Prize." Brilliant Borges.

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Actually considering who has been awarded the prize lately it's more of an honor not to receive the prize. It has been the badge of communism. I would gladly accept the money but I wouldn't feel good about.

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There are few things as satisfying as relieving communists of the burden of capital...

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As if it was their hard earned money Joel.

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Margaret Thatcher said ‘ we all need a Willie’ referring to her deputy Willie Whitelaw. Now after 34 years of creeping collectivism (in the Uk and elsewhere) it is quite apparent that we all need a Melei!

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Classic Thatcher!

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I believe Thatcher also said " The problem with Socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money".

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Oh how I pray that we to as downtrodden helpless Americans with our heads in the mouth of the Tiger can also throw off the Parasites in DC and Bureaucrats

In every State and County Government that continue to say No Approval if anything that makes sense as may be proposed by us poor peons trying to make progress and earn a living. With the Grace of God May Trump follow Milei’s lead against the oppressors and restore that that once was America’s right and might.

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I never read enough Betty and Veronica to know the obvious choice.

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I am flabergasted by the vileness of the Peronistas to incentivize the tax collectors as they did. No doubt there are a litany of injustices perpetrated by them.

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Incredible, so what are we all North of the equator waiting for!?

Viva de rEvolution

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Was that a riot? Or an insurrection?

A laugh riot is more like it.

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Haha, this comment is gold!

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Can't wait for the US to wake up.

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Truly extraordinary to witness this in real time. I honestly did not think this was a possible outcome, I thought it was always going to be a scenario played out like "Animal Farm", where the revolutionaries declare freedom and begin plotting a new scheme whereby some are more equal than others. It has, heretofore, always been thus except for Milei. I hope he survives any and all assassination attempts because he is pissing off a lot of greedy people.

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Thank you for sharing what is happening as the citizens of Argentina get back their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fingers crossed that this momentum will carry over to other countries around the world including here in the USA.

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Unfortunately for the USA with the voting machines in place and the fecklessness of the GOP to change any procedures AND the judges ruling against changes for accountability of real citizens to be the only ones to vote, I am pessimistic that the good ol USA will have a Milei in my lifetime. 😥

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The painting “Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee” is one of the paintings stolen from the Gardner Museum in Boston many years ago in a still unsolved heist. Perhaps Sr. Milei knows where it is?

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