The last few lines are chilling to the bone .How can We leave Our lives in single mans hand.? Yes I know that He has "handlers" . But for the world to die for some ideology is beyond My comprehension. Oh for Divine intervention!

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God has tried to intervene. He even sent his Son a couple thousand years ago, and we killed Him. The world doesn't want His kingdom, but all who choose it can still have it. By "it" I mean His spirit of agape. https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

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“We” didn’t kill him, “They” did…

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I know you're being facetious, but that is what everyone says. The jews blame the Romans. Adam blamed Eve for what happened, Eve blamed the serpent. We were all at the foot of the cross; our selfish human nature is what murdered the Son of God. That's why all the wicked will be resurrected at the end of the thousand years. Revelation 20:5. They will have about a hundred years to understand why they are there, and will recognize that the death sentence, which they themselves have chosen, is just. (I should add, because people don't understand agape, that God does not kill them - they have killed themselves.) God is the one that is on trial, after all. Romans 3:4 The redeemed and the universe will see that He is just, and the justifier of all who believe in the Father and Son. 1John 2:23.

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No God did not try. Prophecy did come to pass. But I do not want to get into Personnel beliefs. These are Yours and Mine. But the rebuttal is appreciated.

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God always tries. Prophecy does not always come to pass. Jonah, the reluctant prophet, was finally "persuaded" to preach Ninevah's imminent downfall. They repented, thus averting the destruction - for one or two centuries. (And boy, was Jonah pissed.) Usually, though, the vast majority say 'no' to God, so here we are. Selfishness, and all who cling to it, is doomed to destruction. It's all in my little booklet, Discourse On Agape, see link above.

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I do not want to get into discussion about God..

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YES! Maybe the rapture?

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Hope soon, no sooner than soon.

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Hi Don. Divine intervention is certainly coming The Creator of the earth has a timeline. Satan the Devil , the present ruler of this planet also has his timeline. (John 12:31) However, the “resister” and “slanderer” (which is what those terms mean translated from the original languages of the scriptures), knows HIS timeline is near its end so he has great anger knowing he has “only a short period of time”. Rev 12:12. Why not go on jw.org (with an open mind ) and see the evidence presented there.? ALL the events we are seeing were prophesied to happen, but there’s a certain order and Two more big events have to happen….THEN the final battle described in Rev 16:16.

It’s not what most people think it will be though! See if you can spot what it is ? (Just type “Armageddon” in the search box for some possibly new thinking on this subject.?) Then make up your OWN mind, as I did 60yrs ago. .I sleep easy at nights knowing every single prophecy has come true so far …Then, after the finale, peace on earth at last for those with faith in the Creator. (Psalm 37:11)

Sending love from England to all truth seekers and thanks to Joel for yet another interesting article. Jaqui

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I will not dispute any of what You have written. As I said I do not want to get into discussion. Period.

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Ok sorry Don. I only just noticed your other comments. Forgive me please.

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All is forgiven. Apparently We are human "still"

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You're right, it will not be what most people think it will be - including the JW's. :) I would refer you to my website, but I know JW's do not read other denominations literature. BTW, are you one of the 144,000?

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Hi Alex. No I’m not. (John 10:16)) I did read your discourse on Agape some time ago. It was interesting , as of course ,I believe in principled love (agape) but Where we differ , I think ,is I don’t believe in the Trinity doctrine, knowing of its ancient background and what its pagan roots are. It confuses people and God is not a God of confusion. ( Even Jesus said the Father was greater than he was , for example which makes sense) But here on Joel’s Substack is not the place for such theological debates Is it ?😀 It’s not fair on his readership to go on and on ! So perhaps right now you and I should respectfully beg to differ on our particular beliefs and not spoil it for the rest of Joel’s readership by talking about these things right now (like Don mentioned? ).

BTW I only mentioned the “good news” of God’s intervention in earth’s affairs when I saw Don’s original comment and thought it might help him have some hope for the future of the earth I never saw his other comments but as soon as I did , I apologised and I’m respecting his wishes . Still, at least you and I have something in common in that , yes, I agree with you, God IS love. .He will not let his earth be destroyed His original purpose for it will take place. That’s good news I’m sure we can agree on that. ? Thankyou for your respectful reply anyway. Appreciated. Best wishes to you.

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I also do not believe in the trinity, as the word and the concept are not in the Bible. However, I do not believe the Son of God is created; there is a huge difference between created and begotten. I wrote a little booklet on that, and would send it to you if I knew your email address. If you're interested, my email address is on my web site, contact me, and I will send you the pdf, and nothing else. It will be at least a month before I can have it uploaded to my site.

Yes, I agree, some people find spiritual things disturbing, but if people can argue with Mr. Bonner and call him names (there is less controversy on Joel's substack), then I suppose one more "disturbing" thing on Joel's substack won't hurt. I'm thankful that both of them believe in 'free speech,' and not an 'echo chamber.' We'll leave that to the 'liberals.' Of course, if someone doesn't want to talk about a particular topic, I respect that, I'm certainly not going to follow them and chase them with things they don't want to hear.

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A feeble brain half dead man.....blanum you know bla numb.............. Yeah we finally killed medicare. ," Yeah the Amazon rain forest is for all of us..." He clockishly turns and walks uneloquently down a path. His back turned to everyone, he walks into the jungle.... WTF? If you haven't seen the video check it out. A couple days later , he approves long range missiles into Russi? .Is it only the cabinet who can do the 25th amendment on him? This dottering fool has become a dangerous puppet.

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Yes Joel, if anyone had any doubts about the absolute insanity of these American leftists, here comes demented Joe in his final moments in government to cement his corrupt legacy in history. He proved himself to be a loyal servant of the Obamanation, and continued his anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-constitutional, ant-human assault on our Republic and our world, just to prove to his handlers how loyal he is to the globalist cause before heading down in history as the first falsely elected president to help “Fundamentally Transform America “ into the third world shithole is has become. The absolute worst president we could have ever had forced on the American people. Our hope now is to turn around all the corrupt leftists policies, undue the corrupt leftist agencies and government, and hopefully incarcerate all the treasonous criminals who have committed these atrocities against our Country. These criminals know that only a world war can save them, and as we now witness, are willing to burn down the world to make it the hell they strived for their entire lives…

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Maybe it is time to pull the power cord & switch off the air, from Ol’Joe-Bid-1-Kidding-Nobody.

That will allow the Laugh-in-Hyena of California to become PrezziDent over everything she sees, for at least 30 days, with the song on her lips …

”An’ I did it Cacklin’Rosie, MY WAAAY!

Best be quick, if REALLY wanna get some fireworks & ‘spolsians only ‘Over There’ of course, that should blitz those corrupt, blood lust ORCKZ off our Climate Changing Planet…

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I don't believe the demented old man made this decision. It was those fools Blinken and Sullivan. The congress should indict immediately and impeach Joe. Of course that won't happen because they are just another set of fools.

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His whole term has been run by cohorts from the Obama administration, these current decisions are merely trying to muck up the incoming administration.

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And keep themselves in power.

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Well done Joel.

However, Biden has no cognitive ability left to authorize his own bowel movements.

This was Blinken and his military masters running an end around on ol fool Joe.

History will not be kind to the party of war.

May they all rot in hell and never win another election.

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As always, well written and cogent! Cui bono indeed! My WWII B-17 pilot and father is gone, but I would love to know what he thought of the world in 1942. Do you think our parents were as appalled at what was happening in the world then as we are now?

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Biden is a puppet of the left who hasn't done anything except what they tell him to do. He didn't get to run for president and he won't get to push the nuclear button either. It's just the same leaders, liars all, trained in Davos under 2000 swiss army guards for their protection, because they know they are doing wrong. They could have gone free had they just told the truth but that does not exist inside themselves.

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All of you are worrying over nothing. You should stop listening to fools and love the Bomb, as it's a weapon so powerful, it almost guarantees it won't be used. None of you really care about the Ukrainians, who, I apparently need to point out, were INVADED by russia, not the other way around. If all of you and russia have their way, Ukraine will become just another russian satellite, all so you can feel safer when you sleep. I do hope the invasion of Ukraine ends, but your fears are overblown, putin will not use atomic weapons, as he knows what will happen if he does.

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If we have a right to bomb Russia, they have a right to bomb us. If we have the right to tell another country or culture how to govern and live, they of course, have the same right to tell us how to live and govern. Based on our current self-debasement and lack of character, we have no rights outside of our porous borders. Do we really trust the hand with the finger on the trigger to be smart enough to avoid pulling it? Sleep well, he is an angry old man, look out!

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But we're not bombing russia, we are helping the Ukrainians, who had no heavy artillery before the invasion, to defend themselves. So are a lot or european nations. Anyway, God is in control, so I sleep very well at night. I don't worry about what some @sshole dictator does, he's God's problem, not mine.

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We are using them not helping.

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Cui bono? There is always a benefit to both sides. That's how our selfish nature works. There's a better way, but hardly anyone wants it.


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You missed my point. Sleep well🙂

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Regardless. I’m going to avoid being in Washington, NYC, Seattle, Berlin, Brussels, London. Just in case.

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You should avoid all those places anyways. :) Especially DC. Or at least take a shower after you've visited.

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I sure as hell would not want Ukraine on my border with these U.S. bastards pulling the strings. We had a fit when the Russians put missiles in Cuba but it is fine to load up Ukraine with fire power. You had better get yourself a good football helmet and some cast iron shorts cause you are going to need them. Get yourself a good history book; you sure as hell need one.

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I will note in passing that Ukraine did not have much firepower before the invasion. Russia did this.

If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.

-Dalai Lama (Seattle Times, 05-15-2001)

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Alex. Yes Ukraine was in vaded By Russia. I think You seem to be missing some parts to the story. For instance Ukraine was about 1/3 the size it is now. This is recent history . I wish I could help You on this fact , but I did not keep track of the article. It is out there , I am sure .

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"Russia’s recognition of Ukraine’s independence came later, on December 2, 1991, when President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree acknowledging Ukraine’s sovereignty."


The history on Ukraine is no doubt a long story. You can't turn back the clock, they don't consider themselves russian anymore, and don't want to be part of russia.

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Yes , I can see where one would want independence. I too want independence, but can not seem to find it as government seem to have it's long arm reaching in every facet of My life.

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Sure you can. Just don't use your SSN (it's not yours anyways), get rid of all government issued ID, and government agents will not even know you exist. I know people that have done this, and even some that do quite well. But, you have to be deliberate about it, and take responsibility for your actions, which most people seem to abhor. No more beer, pizza, and watching a game. Freedom isn't free, and most just go along to get along.

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Yes freedom is not free. I just could not see Myself doing this . If I did You would not hear from on these pages.

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Well gates and other NWO do want a big population decrease what a way to get it. At least with the vaccines it would be a slow decrease. With this administration it could be rather quick. Time to look for my bugout bag.

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Whose cocaine , they all seem nuts don’t they? Pride, vengeance and complacency when you have enough not to care. My goodness we’ve been rife with deniers having flags for centuries. We still don’t want God more…we are practicing human hope not Divine Graces…we are supposedly living as best we can. Let’s pretend and call it hope in the better nature of mankind. Pretense is often delusional hope….a quiescence to lies and false assessment.

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Joel, you know how to say it. Thank you.

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My choice for song of the day - “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ6QHfZwTSw. It truly channels the spirit of the age in the Imperial City. Ugh!

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I am amazed, however, at how many of the anti-war/anti-establishment rockers from back in the day have become leftists today. So many of them were the most ardent proponents of Covid mandates/lockdowns/jabs and ruthlessly attacked any of their brothers who dared resist (e.g. Van Morrison, Eric Clapton).

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With a public service legacy like Joke Briben's, I would have been rushing out the door at the end of July, 2024. But we must remember what Robert Gates, George W Bush's Secretary of Defense said, during the initial campaign of 0bama/Biden: "Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy decision over the last 40 years." Well, that record can now be extended by 15 years.

I guess we now have a new meaning for AI: Absolute Idiocy. And Joke Briben will be the accompanying picture in the dictionary (if anyone still uses those).

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Perhaps Biden and his handlers should revisit "The Day After". Give him an ice cream at half time to keep him awake.

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Someone needs to create a website to track the NWO Warmongers (Blinken, Sullivan and John Brennan for starters) in real time so the powers that have precision munitions know where to hit first. It would work wonders for world peace. It could be a great game, kinda like “where in the world is Waldo?” Let’s call it “whereintheworldisthenewworldorder.com”.

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Ass I recall, we went through a similar situation in 1962. Then it was Russian missles in Cuba and it took JFK's diplomacy to defuse that situation. Hopefully Donald Trump can pull off a similar feat.

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Biden has to bat shit crazy to do this . Great piece joel !

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