Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

So refreshing to see the sunlight of reason! I hope USA wakes up and demands the same principles for our government to back off and represent the people: human respect motivating innovations and productivity….a balanced economic model based on results not on fantasy budgets which corrupt accountability….on all levels.

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

There is a Santa Claus.

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And he is all of us, The Market.

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

So far the great experiment seems to be going great! It’s still astonishing to me that Milei got elected at all in a country where so many voters ‘worked’ for the government and so few paid any taxes at all. Perhaps even when you can vote yourself more distributions from the treasury a dying currency reaches the pain point enough to motivate risking reform?

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you Joel! I’ve been educating my children on the incredible importance of financial literacy and how Argentina will be a perfect example for many nations to follow. Two are already planning a trip down early next year and I hope they love it, as I really want them to consider a move to our southern hemisphere. Much more hope for the future down under😊

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Let us know when they’re in town. I’ll be happy to offer some recommendations. Buen viaje!

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you for following the great experiment!

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Thank you for following these Notes!

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

Is Sr Milei gaining more grassroots backing and enthusiasm from the people? Do they recognize what he is doing for them? They and their country will be unstoppable if they force him to keep his promises to them. This is exciting to watch. Thank you for bringing it to us.

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Thank you, RICH! Things will get very interesting if he can carry this momentum into next year’s midterms. Right now his party has a tiny minority in Congress, but early indications are that may change. Will keep an eye on it for you. Cheers!

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I really hope things can change

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Thank you. He can not let his voters take anything for granted and must fight the fight forever. Political elites and their puppeteers never give up

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Sep 17Liked by Joel Bowman

It looks like there will be no more examples of politicians failing upwards if the state has to absorb the costs of possible recessions. Maybe the government will be downsized even more rapidly?

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more cuts promised…

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Joel, Add my few words to the chorus of approval that your reporting is receiving. One question: Source unknown; is it true that Argentina is joining or has joined the BRICS monetary exchange. If so, I'd like good information on the intent, benefit, risk, etc. I wonder if the U.S. in it's great. wisdom, rejected Argentina's approach.

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Milei Is very anti China and very pro America. The only thing that could change this fact is if Trump loses. He knows Kamala is left of Beijing…

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Sep 18Liked by Joel Bowman

This actually sounds too good to be true, but here’s hoping that Argentina has provided the pathway for countries under the thumb of mostly corrupt politicians (ie US) to finally be able to expose and end the corruption and be able enact a new pathway to peace and prosperity!

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Joel wonderful news finally about the country that gives the rest of the world hope .. rather than blather on about who is doing what to whom north of the equator were nothing but corruption rules and the people perish both mentally and physically .. please more of this each day will improve our spiritual well being .. Viva Milei !!!

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Who said it can't be done?

He is performing like a true leader!

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I could feign surprise in the fact that we are not hearing anything of these momentous adjustments back here in Australia, however, we do continue to be told of Trumps faux pas and Kamala’s “refreshing” approach! How exciting for Argentina!

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This is uplifting news. We free people hope that Javier Milei succeeds for Argentina.

We LOVE the quote: "The only person who can generate wealth in this country and the world is the businessman, NOT the politician". Politicians DO NOT KNOW HOW TO CREATE WEALTH, nor do they have the right incentives to do so. ALL THEY GENERATE IS CORRUPTION".

This is precisely why the majority of Americans will vote for brilliant businessman: TRUMP!

America's economy was strong under his patriotic leadership AS PRESIDENT. We have to hope, act, and pray that the the communist-racist-transgender democrats do not instigate another presidential election coup d'etat. In reality, no one likes Harris the incompetent, yet their are still people naive enough to criticize Trump at every turn. This is like those big government establishment lackeys who criticize Javier Milei.

If the communists here in America manage to INSTALL yet another evil puppet of their own, great leaders for the people like Javier Milei will soon be disposed of by these leftist globalists ... who are destroying the world!

Look at what is happening in Brazil against Elon Musk as their CORRUPT government legal system BANS Elon's X. They don't favor free speech ... just like the subhuman tyrannical democrats in America and the corrupt leadership in the EU.


Make no mistake .... the ONLY CHOICE we have is to vote for leaders like Trump and Milei!!!

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I hope Milei is able to keep it up. He is truly the outlier.

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Hi, Joel! I've followed you since your days with Bonner Private Research and enjoy reading your articles.

What is your opinion about the article below written by Ryan McMaken, executive editor at Mises Institute? He makes a compelling case that challenges Milei's belief in limited government and fiscal responsibility.


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As a anarcho capitalist I found it interesting his belting the national anthem. He is an interesting character!

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