Jul 12Liked by Joel Bowman

That man Hayek sure knew what He was talking about!

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Jul 13Liked by Joel Bowman

thanks Joel, you anarchial antipodean!

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Jul 12Liked by Joel Bowman

Thanks for the overly kind comments on Houston. As a long time resident (since 1961), I have watched the city degrade sharply. True, the city does not have zoning; however, with onerous permitting rules and costs, pretty much anything the powers that be don't want, won't happen. Regardless of what the people want. The upside is that we are not degrading nearly as fast as other metropolitan areas. [Kind of like being the slowest to get fall down drunk at a boisterous party.]

If you have the time while you are here in town, give me a shout via email, and I will feed you a monstrously big, down home meal, complete with an earfull of local goings on. Cheers, mate.

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Joel. liked your line ,governments around the world hope the new Argentine government will fail. The people finally have a voice, that change is possible, and it was done peacefully. How does the Deep State fight a quiet revolution ?

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Joel .. Maate how wonderful you make the shithole of Texas sound between the insects and the pollution and the degenerated schools with NO public transport, H-town is the asshole of the USA equivalent to Mumbai and Delhi on the other side of the globe that your cavorting around on .. you better be packing heat baby cause in H town you gotta shoot your way out of town .. unless of course your chumming with the Good Ole Alamo Boys .. its the only city where they moved military base to San Antonio just to protect the troops .. who now have to go to good old Laredo town to enjoy some down home Texas ass kicking fun boy .. who are you kidding maate .. if TX is starting to look good to ya, ya gotta be on something higher than Malbec cause southern Texas is so far up it's own asshole it's not worth stopping there .. but then you are absolutely right about one thing as long as everybody is their Own Independent Republic ie don't mess with me MF, then sure absolute anarchy with absolutely no controls over anything from pollution to who's responsible for removal of anything like all the old deserted Oil Rigs/towers etc etc .. yes it's place you can make billions if you're a basic moron who's only interest is themselves and fu** everyone else ... unless you've lived there you don't no shit from shineola ! Oh and do enjoy the water mate as the most polluted you can get! and don't forget to visit memorial at Vivaldi but don't take your young daughter along .. now lets hear the current latest about the place you call home .. rather than momentary comments about a place I want to forget !

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Collectivists use public money (taxes) to buy votes (with promises). When there isn't any money left, time to decouple money from gold. This allows credit to pay for collectivists dreams (more costly promises!). If that credit isn't enough, expand credit (print more fiat)! And then do it again. Doesn't that always end in tears? I fully expect Milei agrees.

I have a question, why does Milei couple Argentine Peso to US Dollars (fiat on fiat)? Does Argentina have any gold? Maybe they sold it along the Brown Bottom for more "credit" to expand collectivists dreams.....

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Hopefully, those 25% have enough motivation to find their paychecks coming from another source by the end of the year.

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Mr Melei wants Power for the people. The globalists wish to power for the elite.

A question: Why is it that humans are the only beings on earth that destroy themselves and their environment?

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We're not the only ones. What about the lemmings march over the cliff. I'm sure there are many many other examples.

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I'd say we are the only ones. For the lemmings, it is for their survival!

"Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great."

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Good point. I guess you could say they sacrifice individually for the survival of the species. Humans have a tremendous capacity for kindness and generosity but also for envy and evil.

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Pity some humans don't do the same lol

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Elk display similar behavior and deer when being hunted. If only one from a herd gets killed, the herd lives on.

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Hi Joel

Fellow Aussie considering a plan b move. Can I reach out to you to discuss life in Argentina?

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The highest concentration of smog in the Houston area are found near black, Latino or low income communities. People of color make up about 76 to 94 percent of those living within three miles of at least nine locations in the Houston near the Houston Ship Channel where monitors record smog levels that exceed federal health-based standards by more than 80%. Residents of these communities suffer from asthma attacks and cardiac arrest at higher rates than the rest of the city. I lived in Houston for several years working as a geologist in the oil industry. In many areas near the refineries the air is not breathable. The people of Houston who live in these areas because they can't afford to live anywhere else would find your comments regarding laissez faire capitalism insulting and laughable.

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I think people in the US are very mobile, since even homeless hippies regularly go to California to get free homeless benefits and all that, like a continuation of their grandparents' lives. Second, I doubt cardiac arrests are attributable to smog, even in my third-world country with one of the densest cities in the world, smoking and unhealthy diets come out on top as a factor, which is also a sign of prosperity because they can afford vices and want to live in the city more than their provinces. Asthma affects kids and adults, but not by much, and they'd rather stay here than in their provinces with pristine air and beauty (tropical archipelago). Out of all the choices affordable to them, Houston might be the best for them, and a place where employment can be easily found. At the very least, it's not as polluting as farming and amateur mining which is deceptively very polluting.

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RE: “for the first time in 16 years the State is financed only with taxes, without resorting to the emission of debt or primary money.”

This could be more clearly written as:

“for the first time in 16 years the State is FUNDED only with taxes, without resorting to FINANCING BY the emission of debt or primary money.”

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Milei has delivered balanced budgets in record time and is well on the way to achieving small government. Question is on the sound money front, which is the holy grail , is dollarisation the end or a stepping stone to something infinitely more durable.

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Our systems are not perfect. But We work with what We have. No man made system is perfect! Nor will ever be. Good and evil in all of us .

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as an aside the pandemic treaty is coming back for more info check out the james roguski substack

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