I do not want to cast a black cloud over this accomplishment as a lesson for those of us in the US; but I am afraid I will. This success, and how it was achieved, simply will not work in the US. It might be a good start to create a mindset of fiscal discipline, but...the barriers to fixing our budget imbalance are not discretionary sending...they are entitlements, transfer payments and interest on the debt that are baked into law, and are now "non-discretionary." In fact, if we cut all Government spending (excluding the military) we would still not likely be even close to a surplus.

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Well Said.

But….We gotta start somewhere… and very soon.

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Agreed. But, we have to start with getting a majority to decide that here is a crisis. And the Congress is not even close; and the Presidential candidates will never talk about this going onto the election. Too any citizens are relying on the very entitlements and transfer payments that are causing the problem. And, if we cut the "discretionary budget" we will cause pain, and not make a meaningful dent in the deficit. Hence "pain with no real gain."

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RFK Jr is talking about it, regularly and with great concern ...

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Gerry, what you have stated makes sense of why it can't happen here in the U.S.of A. So we than need to crash everything, to make a change by rebuilding it according to our basic desires.

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Joel, your notes on Milei's words and adventures provide unique insight into what can happen when a principled man, educated in history and economics and supported by the majority gains political power. I am cheering on his success, hoping he stays strong and finds ways to fend off what will no doubt be continuing attacks from the big government types. Most importantly for his tremendous success that all can point to as the better way. I consider your Notes on this developing situation a must read. Thanks Joel.

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Cheers, LibertyAffair!

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Send this excerpt from your Notes today to every member of the US Congress. Good PR too for your Notes: "If the state does not spend more than it collects and does not issue excess money, there is no inflation. This is not magic.”

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Only the renaissance of a culture of individualism, freedom, and the sanctity of property rights can save humanity.

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Here, here!

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That's where all rights come from. Little known fact: God is the originator and main proponent of freedom. If that wasn't true, His Son did not need to die.

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In 2019 I was visiting your neighbor, Uruguay. At that time, they too offered “free tuition” to any and all university students. But what were some of the unintended consequences? Well, suddenly the number of students trying to get into a class exploded. Wait lists to get into a class became long; a couple years long sometimes. Earning an undergrad degree took six or more years instead of four. Class size maxed out; professors became overwhelmed. Because anyone could now go to university, academic standards for admission disappeared, and the quality of students decreased. Since students were only being given free tuition and not living expenses as well, they ran out of money because it took 6+ years to graduate. Therefore, many students just aborted their college educations before finishing.

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Excellent insights. One wonders where these geniuses get their "ideas"... Half an hour with Bastiat... or Hazlitt... ought to be sufficient for even a primary school kiddo to grasp the concept of secondary/unseen/unintended consequences. And yet, these "leaders" can't see dead ahead, much less around the corner. Thanks for the comments!

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Bravo Milei. Loving that drop in inflation. Maybe some other "leaders" will recognize the results.

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How have the bureaucrats in the disbanded federal departments reacted? Where did they go, to the Darién Gap? Biden’s admin? CNN?

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You and “Jav-Mi” are work-in-progress Legends!!!!

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Keep on, keep on opening eyes to what has become of us!

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Patchouli was the perfume on the scarves shipped from India to Great Britain in the 19th century - for their wh---s! It became a telltale sign for quite a time. (Just thought you'

d get a kick out of that story.)

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Always wondered about that... thanks!

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Patchouli oil as their calling card, of course. I've hated whiffs of that for over 50 years. Great observation!

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I just wrote an article related to this subject, you guys might want to check it out if interested.


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What happened to Javier's #1 commitment to getting rid of the Central Bank? The first thing he said he would do. Also backing Israel as he has done supporting it's war against Palastine. I'm not sure he is the "Libertarian" you think he is.

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I’d like to point everyone to NS Lyons (The Upheaval on SubStack). He has ideas about “what to do.”


I find his essays unparalleled, especially The China Convergence. NS Lyons is a pseudonym. I only know he was a former “DIEvy” League prof and State Department analyst covering China. Worth checking out!

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When Sr. Melei returns all the surpluses to the people, he will solidify his and his country's future.

Argentina will be able to accomplish anything. I do hope that the good people and Sr. Milei will take the time necessary to write the checks required to protect the people from being overtaken by thieves into their constitution. Most constitutions neglect to do that and end up with governments filled with elites whose only interest is themselves, the results of which destroy the people's country. Look and the USA.

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Maybe, but the next step needs to be to start making a stronger case to the political class

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