The greatest thing that could possibly happen to our beloved USA would be for Trump to be re-elected to the presidency and for the Republicans to regain control of both houses.

Why ? Because my hope is that with Trumps strong personality and his ability to negotiate that a slightly different Trump will emerge, one that has the will and ability to turn back the idiocy the current so called leaders in Washington who have done their very best to turn America into a Shithole Hell with their Woke, Transgender Policies plus the 20 Million Migrants left into out Country, plus driving us into Bankruptcy with their deficit spending, Left Wing Riots, Rampant and unpunished Crime Wave, pushing China, Russia and other Israel around like we are their Bosses, allowing Iran to get the Atomic Bomb and more Tax and Spend Policies. Our Trump, with a bit of God’s help will turn out to be a reformer and follow the footsteps of Milei of Argentina and bring America back to it’s Roots with Freedom from the 300,000 Regulations brought forth against the people’s Freedom over the last many years.

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Sounds very hopeful!

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

How true your words are.

People the world over, do not want violence, bloodshed and wars.

They want to see their children grow up. And have children of their own.

They want to laugh, have enough money to put food on the table and a little bit extra to spend on a few luxuries.

They want to live. To learn. To teach. And of course to love.

Not die early, because some government decided it was time to start a fight.

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Well said! To live, to learn and to love. We should all be so fortunate!

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“On the surface, it looks very much like a bustling, market-based economy... pretending to be a centrally-planned, socialist sh!thole.” Also spit my coffee out trying to suppress a laugh! Great column.

On this Independence Day, I take hope and inspiration from Sr. Milie’s experiment and pray that leaders will emerge in the U.S. with the vision and courage to lead us out of our doom loop.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

A focused leader with a focused plan to represent the people who back him. They can not lose. Now, there is a reason to vote!

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Is this the life America and the "free World" wanted to save Vietnam from? In the process many lives were lost Vietnamese soldiers and civilians killed range from 970,000 to 3 million. Some 275,000–310,000 Cambodians, 20,000–62,000 Laotians, and 58,220 US service members died.

What an ideological waste.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Can we say, "Promises made, and promises kept"?

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Joel, there's no substitute for traveling widely, thinking widely, and imagining how things could be better. I've become so cynical and jaded that the dominant volume of noise being broadcast through radio, T.V., newspapers, and our computers have overcome the power of the few who see a different way. My reading of history is that human nature is dominated by desire to control and to aspirations of wealth. and materialism. Your message of a hopeful way is worthy of greater influence. Those who have faith in any of the power mongers in Washington may be harboring a false hope, just like some of us octogenarians who believe we can escape death. But keep it up. What do I know?

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Can Millie spare a few days to tutor Trump next January. Tell him he starts on the 6th!

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I visited Vietnam about ten years ago. I witnessed multitudes of small businesses, street vendors, a hustling energetic populace in every town I traveled to. If that is communism, I want some of it.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Vietnamese seem to have made a little go a long way for so long, it may be coded genetically.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Thanks, Joel. Glad there's at least one country that can use July 4 to celebrate, rather than commemorate, independence.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

I must have missed when you informed us what your son was going to be doing would you mind telling us again?

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I thought there was just a daughter!

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Dear daughter is “away schooled” along the journey…

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Good stuff.

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Jul 4Liked by Joel Bowman

Positive indicators with which to celebrate American independence. Thank you.

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Thank YOU!

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