Your reservations are moot but as I think you are saying let’s applaud this incredibly brave individual for taking the lonely but incredibly rewarding road to freedom. We all need to embrace this.

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Indeed, we are long Argentina and hopeful for liberty…but we must keep our eyes wide open. Cheers!

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He is talking to the wall. Every word he said they have already buried under a pile of BS. These people do not even want to hear this kind of discourse for freedom. They are not fooling us and neither is wef. We know evil when it raises its ugly head even from the Democrat party. I don't understand if we are looking at socialism, fascism or communism. I guess it depends on where you are. Evil progresses at varied rates depending on the players and what the people allow them to do. I fear the shtf before folks wake up. Just my poorly stated opinion. God's blessings to all.

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You’re looking at global feudalism. A modern twist on the Middle ages, complete with crusades and religious warfare until the exhausted tribes bare tribute to their masters.


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BEWARE the pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water a many believe..in fact its coming back much sooner than we believe check out the james roguski substack for the details..also go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty read it carefully to understand just how serious things are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has over 263000 signatures and YOU can help to get many more firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same....folks signatures continue to be added but we urgently need to up our game because if we dont tell people who will???..a tip concerning the petition if you go to the top of the citizengo.org petition page and click on the second icon on the right and scroll down you will find that all there petitions including the one about the treaty are also in several different languages which is another string to our bow....in closing im told it would be a help if the petition was cut and pasted and would reach many more...if it can be can someone please do it and cut and paste it here on substack and let me know asap id do it myself but have no idea how to

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Interesting that the Argentine presidents address was not carried or offered to MSM, NewsMax or Fox news for American citizens to hear. It might have stirred up some interest in getting America out of the UN, a totally useless organization controllled by the many Muslim nations. It is an organization that is sucking $$$ from the US like a lamprey sucks blood from its host.

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Are you joking? The UN is not controlled by muslim nations. The UN is controlled by the US, and always has been. The rest of the world is still our bitch.

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There are far more muslim nations as members than christian nations. I agree that the U.S. has veto power, but does not use it to stop muslim nations from being on key committees. Duh?

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I'm wondering who will be on the side of Europe and America when the Ruble or Yuan is backed by gold? I would think either or both nations will take this action to save their own economies from exposure to the USD.

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The ruble or yuan will NOT be backed by gold. Gold is merely a marketing term, as you will not be able to exchange ruble or yuan for gold.

The death of fiat currency has been greatly exaggerated.

-Apologies to Mark Twain

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[Bastiat's most famous work is The Law, the key theme of which is an examination of what happens to a society when the law becomes a weapon of those in power, rather than a tool to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals .Jun 30, 2015] --From Brittanica. I had to look up who this guy was. Always love your twists of words and thoughts and great vocabulary - Your writing is a a good brain exercise!

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The use of money to ensure power has long won the war against individual freedom since the beginning of man. Sr Milei must be very careful. His people better keep a close watch on him. History tends to repeat itself. Evil always seems to overcome good. Don't forget to vote!

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Joel, If President Milei bows to support the U.S. military complex ( even though I'm sure he has plenty of negative to say about it), sometimes you have to keep your enemies closer than your friends. All in all I think he is real, and does what he says he will do. Thanks for keeping us aware of what he is doing.

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What is an installation artist?

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If you value your eyeballs, don’t Google “modern installation art.”

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Sounds like good advice!

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We have less trade than we otherwise would have had capital “G” Globalism and its “free” trade deals not happened at all. Where people often go wrong here is not understanding that there is a spectrum and sometimes both of the extreme ends of that spectrum can be bad. Moderate protectionism and meaningful variability in public policy not allows for the benefits of human creativity to flourish (capital “G” Globalism inherently snuffs out almost all ideas before they can ever leave the drawing board) it also generates far more firms and far more employment which generates far more demand, and demand is the final source of trade.

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Sr Milei should tread lightly amongst the UN crowd. He may be like John 1:23. “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness…” Didn’t John lose his head?

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