Spending requires prudence which debt ceiling drama covers up and legislative policies based on sentiment rather than effectiveness and further overwhelm the conversation based on facts. Financial transparency is hard to achieve when judicial grievances are filed to further block the public from accessing bottom line financial information and where the money is actively being spent. It takes a reformation of character and sacrifice to turn this 40 year trend to be turned around….we’ve presumed success was won forever…when we all have to teach, work and produce….but mostly pray for continuity in the public consciousness to be based on prudence and virtues we obtain from applying it to our society and how it functions.
Cash says there’s nothing in the JFK files that we need to know about. Bondi sits on the Epstein files as the FBI maniacally erases evidence. Trump nods in approval as the DOJ eviscerates the 2nd amendment. Doge is at a standstill. RFK is silent as the Wuhan lab announces that their next COVID virus will have a 45% kill rate. Between Europe, Israel and Ukraine we are on the verge of WWIII. It will be stopped at the last minute by some international money scheme. No one from the previous administration has been indicted. No one will be held to account. And the American people sit and watch these games, their insouciant attitudes and vacuous stares endlessly distracted with bread and circuses. We’ve been had. Again. The Who nailed it. “We won’t get fooled again! No, no!”
Seriously? It has been something like 40 days! You don’t turn a battleship on a dime. Not with our deep state, judiciary and Congress. What they have uncovered so far is amazing. 40 days to undo decades of corruption and graft.
There are 500,000,000 guns in the U.S. The people who are causing our nation to fail have forgotten that they will be held accountable if this nation does fail because they choked it to death.
The day of Reckoning is rapidly approaching. The power brokers do not believe revolution could or will happen.
Think France. Americans are patient to a point.
First protests. Then armed resistance. Then revolution.
Our Constitution offers alternatives to violence. But those in power seem to think it is an obsolete document that no longer applies to them. They seem to think that they will never be held accountable for constitutional violations.
Which brings us to a stalemate.
Follow the Constitution as sworn to or face angry mobs with guns.
Strong men tend to end up dead with extreme prejudice. Think Musolini and Hilter, etc.
We have avoided most of that turmoil for a long time now.
But as the nation falls apart, there will be more and more 'incidents' and 'events'. The stress in the system is at the red line.
People will go to Washington to demand the rights and yes, entitlements as promised.
Then what? Put them in concentration camps and reeducate them? Shoot them sumarily?
When the government stops, the nation stops. When the nation stops there will be blood in the streets. Lawlessness at the top flows downhill. Trickle down theory.
The jerks in charge seem to think that they can play around on the edge of violence and not slip over the line.
Americans love their guns and they like to use them.
Your comments on the size and cost of the US Federal Government is staggering, incredible and worrisome . To reduce this might be a Herculean effort even for Mr.Musk .
Question. is it possible to have similar statistics for Argentina ????? It would be a great exercise in comparing the numbers of supposedly one of the most developed countries with one of the most critically sick .
"That the modern day nation state has a date with destiny",seems to totally sum it all up nicely Joel.The North Americans are to busy being a Republican or Democrat to even notice what destiny, kicking the tin can down the road beholds.
Spending requires prudence which debt ceiling drama covers up and legislative policies based on sentiment rather than effectiveness and further overwhelm the conversation based on facts. Financial transparency is hard to achieve when judicial grievances are filed to further block the public from accessing bottom line financial information and where the money is actively being spent. It takes a reformation of character and sacrifice to turn this 40 year trend to be turned around….we’ve presumed success was won forever…when we all have to teach, work and produce….but mostly pray for continuity in the public consciousness to be based on prudence and virtues we obtain from applying it to our society and how it functions.
I became a member because of the way you write! Your appeal is interesting and alluring, and your notes keep me coming back every day. Thank you!
Thank you, kind reader! Glad you’re finding some value here. We’ve got a big year planned. Welcome aboard.
Cash says there’s nothing in the JFK files that we need to know about. Bondi sits on the Epstein files as the FBI maniacally erases evidence. Trump nods in approval as the DOJ eviscerates the 2nd amendment. Doge is at a standstill. RFK is silent as the Wuhan lab announces that their next COVID virus will have a 45% kill rate. Between Europe, Israel and Ukraine we are on the verge of WWIII. It will be stopped at the last minute by some international money scheme. No one from the previous administration has been indicted. No one will be held to account. And the American people sit and watch these games, their insouciant attitudes and vacuous stares endlessly distracted with bread and circuses. We’ve been had. Again. The Who nailed it. “We won’t get fooled again! No, no!”
Seriously? It has been something like 40 days! You don’t turn a battleship on a dime. Not with our deep state, judiciary and Congress. What they have uncovered so far is amazing. 40 days to undo decades of corruption and graft.
Always thought provoking and brain tickling - enantiodromia - great word!
Indeed, the ancients were full of interesting concepts. This is one of my favorites. Cheers!
In Australia, with an election looming I can feel a groundswell for change. Here's hoping!
For the life of me, I am baffled that Congress is not asserting itself.
After all, it approves and amends the spending requests sought by the Executive Branch.
But, like clockwork, Congress routinely spends more than the Treasury has in hand, lots more.
Makes me wonder why Congress has this responsibility, a Congressional one no less. They don't use it.
i presume one has to have a pressing need to do so. if left to the litigants, this ball will spin endlessly with no end in sight.
"we only hope to be around to see it." Why?
I should like to see mismanaged markets, captured minds and shackled people replaced by free markets, free minds and free people.
There are 500,000,000 guns in the U.S. The people who are causing our nation to fail have forgotten that they will be held accountable if this nation does fail because they choked it to death.
The day of Reckoning is rapidly approaching. The power brokers do not believe revolution could or will happen.
Think France. Americans are patient to a point.
First protests. Then armed resistance. Then revolution.
Our Constitution offers alternatives to violence. But those in power seem to think it is an obsolete document that no longer applies to them. They seem to think that they will never be held accountable for constitutional violations.
Which brings us to a stalemate.
Follow the Constitution as sworn to or face angry mobs with guns.
Strong men tend to end up dead with extreme prejudice. Think Musolini and Hilter, etc.
We have avoided most of that turmoil for a long time now.
But as the nation falls apart, there will be more and more 'incidents' and 'events'. The stress in the system is at the red line.
People will go to Washington to demand the rights and yes, entitlements as promised.
Then what? Put them in concentration camps and reeducate them? Shoot them sumarily?
When the government stops, the nation stops. When the nation stops there will be blood in the streets. Lawlessness at the top flows downhill. Trickle down theory.
The jerks in charge seem to think that they can play around on the edge of violence and not slip over the line.
Americans love their guns and they like to use them.
I can’t say I like your post because it is very scary. Unlike Joel I hope I’ll be in heaven rather than see the reckoning come to pass.
God Bless America 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Your comments on the size and cost of the US Federal Government is staggering, incredible and worrisome . To reduce this might be a Herculean effort even for Mr.Musk .
Question. is it possible to have similar statistics for Argentina ????? It would be a great exercise in comparing the numbers of supposedly one of the most developed countries with one of the most critically sick .
Excellent! Reality checks are too few and far between. Thank you.
"That the modern day nation state has a date with destiny",seems to totally sum it all up nicely Joel.The North Americans are to busy being a Republican or Democrat to even notice what destiny, kicking the tin can down the road beholds.
I have a wall sized map in my office from the mid 1800s that people frequently ask about on Zoom calls.
I tell them that I keep it as a reminder that change is permanent and the more permanent things seem, the closer to change they are. For example:
In Europe, Austro Hungarian and Ottoman Empires fill a large part of the map
In Africa, we have the Cape Colony instead of S Africa.
In S America, Argentina is 2 countries
In N America, Canada is British North America
In Asia, India is Hindoostan
Globally, much of the map is pink denoting the sprawling Web of the Britis Empire.
Nothing lasts for ever, although Britain lasts longer than most (without its empire)