Thanks Joel for this update. I must say not at all surprising... I'll note that the de-funding of NGO's by the State is essential in the US and Europe if we have any hopes of eliminating lawlessness in our political affairs. When government is doing the funding there is nothing independent about them... they are doing the work of government.

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Exactly. All this Orwellian nomenclature, hiding the truth in plain sight. (If only one cares to look and see...) Cheers!

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I love the term "NGO" Non governmental organization. Of course they're all government funded at some level. The funding is at a levelhigh enough to direct their activities. NGOs are hugely complicit in the human trafficking and the invasion of the United States southern border.

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I presume the Mileites? Meleins? know they would be hugely misrepresented in the home and globalist press and hopfully, in Argentina at least, he/they has/have a ground as well as alternate broadcasting system. The socialists will not give up easily. Especially since half the government employees will be out of work looking to get back on the take! He must get positive results to the people before the propaganda begins to ware them down and the lies and big promises will ware them down. Good luck Presinent Milei!

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Awesome report, Joel. Fascinating to watch this in real time with eyes and ears that we can trust (right?). The puppeteers are going ape sh*t. Referring to Sr Milei as "the Argentinian Trump" is a huge insult to the man. What he is doing in Argentina is precisely what needs to be done throughout the Western world. Thanks to independent reporting, the power brokers' propaganda machine will be screeching to an almost empty room. Interesting how roughly 1/3 of the Argentinian population does not approve of what Sr Milei and company are trying to do. That seems to be the magic percentage globally that listen to the propaganda machine and keep drinking the kool-aid. But 1/3 is still a significant MINORITY. Let's keep the pressure on! Stay well.

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Yes, the global media machine is raging against the bright light of liberty...mostly because they profit from keeping readers fearful, ignorant, dependent and basically in the dark. But we're fighting back, paso a paso... Thanks for your support!

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The Guardian Newspaper is like listening to MSNBC.

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Yep. Can't remember the last time I read a page without my eyes bleeding...

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I'd say it matters not what the rest of the world reports or thinks, as it's what the Argentinians think and do that matters now.

So bloviate on MSM, as so few pay little if any attention to your propagandizing anymore. I liked your line through the news followed by propaganda.

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Love me some strikethrough. Cheers!

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The ultimate review of your missive today is, in my humble opinion, will you be asked to sleep on the couch this evening by your dearly beloved Anya.

If not, Your Place in Literary History is almost assured.


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Dear wifey proofreads every word I write (and vice versa). That goes for fiction, too. Which reminds me... must get back to novel #3! Cheers!

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You Two are the Best.

Honestly and Truly. ( How you met and synced up must be a story unto itself!!)

Given the other, much more important comments and your replies to your missive, our little interchange palls into insignificance.

But always Great to share some banter.

Vas a Con Dios en Argentina y en Todo el Mundo.



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Until we drop labels and honestly deal with each other as human beings, there will be those who will choose a soapbox to profit from conflict , real or perceived, usually generated by those same profiteers . ......JJ

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Hear, hear!

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There's that beautiful word again, " Honesty".

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Cheers, Pete!

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I always look forward to your incisive analysis down on the pampas Joel. Cleaver and informed, as always.

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Thank you kindly!

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It might be high time for the Washington Postmortem, or the Contrived News Network to call or a special council to examine any possible Russian collusion on the part of this Argentine upstart!

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Superb comments Joel ! I love your collectivist parasites. The most perfect characterization!

What is Reuters, Bloomberg and the Guardian even doing except trying to sway the opinions of the Argentine people who have already spoken through their vote. If these propaganda agencies had any interest in democracy they would get the hell out of Argentina and let Argentinians make their own decisions. These clowns need to concentrate on their own Woke Agenda of cutting off kids body parts without parental permission, their support of dancing trans queens in front of American kindergarteners, convincing society they are racist, convincing society they need to pay reparations for things in the past, convincing Americans that they should vaccinate their babies for covid although there is no benefit and only damage, convincing Americans that they should allow big tech and their favorite politicians to censor them if they don't agree with left wing clowns, convincing Americans to just eat bugs, have nothing and be happy. Or at minimum stop all the usage of oil and gas to everything except for the private jets the owners of these "newspapers" (propaganda outfits) want to fly around in as they lecture the middle and poorer classes they should live in 15 minute cities, since only they "know" how the earth controls its temperature.

What these elite and their propaganda outfits really need to do is go back to school and study science with some professors that are willing to flunk their asses if they espouse these cockamamie concepts.

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Understand the traditional Argentinian morning starts with a café en jarrito bien caliente or a lagrima.

Any change noted in conversation eavesdropping around ‘the people’s conference venues’ ie the multiple watering holes?


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