Your wit is just fabulous! I laughed out loud at, "Jimmy Fallon is not funny". I quit watching him a long time ago. Another FYI is that according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, until about 30 years ago, the pronoun "he" in English could refer to either gender of humankind. I guess some snowflake decided that "he" discriminated against "she". On the contrary, it actually assumes men and women are equal.

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Yes, I assume they’ll be coming for HIStory next (HERstory? THEYstory??)

Glad you got a good laugh!

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I demand my freedom of speech. And the woke crowd must value it also.

Putting words in my mouth by force is tyranny.

My answer to their attempt to force me and others to use their gender neutral pronouns is:

Go F*ck your non gender selves! That is assuming they have any genitals.

Milei got it right. Bravo!

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For those who still think "they" is singular, then they is very confused. Or a misanthrope.

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To be fair, you should have included Colbert and Kimmel in your "not funny" preface. Talk about a couple of hysterical wingnut douchenozzles!

I hope Trump is keeping a close eye on Milie and planning a sweep of his own (maybe for real this time). The US has become intolerably broken over victim wokeism and border invasions - the hallmarks of marxist agitation.

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Throw Seth Meyers in there, too. The whole lot of ‘em are about as funny as a shark bite. I’ve taken to watching Dick Cavett reruns on YouTube. He was before my time, but at least he had a real sense of humor and actually spoke in full sentences. (But can we still call him Dick?)

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How rude of me to exclude the infamously un-funny, hysterically stupid Jon Stewart. The king of late-night woke morons.

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Mar 8Edited

I haven't seen the latest Daily Show, but when he hosted back in the day, I thought he was hilarious, very clever and witty, even if I didn't agree with his politics. Ditto for the old Colbert Show.

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Stewart was always a leftist crusader - but he didn't take it too seriously then. The old Colbert was a very good parody. Unfortunately, his real persona is now on display and its disgusting.

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I'll take your word for it, I don't watch late night anymore. I tried watching The Tonight Show after Leno left, but Fallon just wasn't funny, like at all.

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Greg Gutfeld is always good, if I don't fall asleep

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Was thinking Argentina would be a great place to visit, now I would like to move there permanently.

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Do not be in a hurry. Marxist are patient.

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Yes, must be on one’s guard…

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Travel through space, travel through time!

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Thank you Joel!

There is no way the woke crowd can misinterpret your fabulous article.Hope the rest of the world follows suit..........

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I tend to dislike the terminology 'woke' or 'anti-woke' because it has become politicized to the point where it is being used to discriminate against people and ideas. I wish everyone would simply use their common sense and quit trying to make communication so complicated. When someone asks me how I would like to be addressed I suggest that they use my name. How simple and uncomplicated!

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Yep... a bit of good ol' "Do what you say, say what you do" sure would go a long way. Best!

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I’m back. Whew! Have I just popped out of the rabbit hole? The sun is shining. Can this be true? A simple question? What are all those unemployed, ah hem, zombies?, so intoxicated with fiat largess gonna do?

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Wonderfully written.

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Why, thank you!

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An excellent explanation. thank You!

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The Anti-Woke

Hopefully its contagious

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You have a knack for enlightening the fool while entertaining the sound. But I ask the sound man, why did you put up with such nonsense?!!? Consider the wasted time and money and the confusion of our youngest. Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you sat back and got steamrolled by money-seeking users of government largess. Will you ever allow it again? Please learn. Joel, you are lucky to be watching the sobering of a country. I envy you, and thanks for the pictures you write!

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First things first, I believe - (sorry, had to switch from my DE keyboard to EN) - your coterie, wouldn’t call it a herd, has already been culled. Now, back to my reading…

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I am enjoying your "notes"....Thanks!!

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Thank YOU!

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What f#$*ing legends you and Javier Milei are. We desperatly need a leader like him in Australia, rapidly a nation becoming the most pathetically woke in the world.

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Mad Max and Crocodile Dundee have been replaced by the nanny State. Very sad indeed, I knew Australia was toast when they took all the guns away and the civilians complied. It should have been a signal to use those guns towards their real purpose. The most feared animal is in the jungle is the city dwelling government official, and the historical reason it is best to have a well oiled and supplied load of guns.

The foreign media makes fun of Americans and their guns, but what chance will an armed government take over have in America where there are 400 million privately owned guns, many of which are untraceable? England was the strongest military power in history, defeated by armed farmers fighting for freedom, while their military fought for a paycheck.

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Hmmm. I've been researching getting out of Dodge and moving to Central America. Argentina is now added to my research list. Just so damn far away.

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I'm 18 miles from the Real Dodge! 2 miles to nearest neighbor.

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