thank you Joel for your excellent writing and clarity making it possible for even an average person to understand the great movements that will affect us, and thank you for the optimism that there may be change in the wind

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You keep reading ‘em, I’ll keep writing ‘em. Thank you!

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Be not fooled. RFK is a progressive, liberal, and not of the classic "liberal mindset." That said, I am one of those "Libertarians" and I fear that although President Trump is going to the Libertarian Convention, his heart is not fully there either. The only way we can inch toward a true "Classic Liberal" society, is through electing members of Congress who "Cherish Liberty." And, the Congress is the only place where we can fight the disaster of a deficit. With one exception. A Convention of States that puts forward amendments that add real teeth into the Constitution.

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“What was scattered


What was gathered

blows away.”

~ Heraclitus. I was unaware of this quote, love it. Thanks.

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"And now, folks around the world are putting their fingers to the breeze and sensing freedom, even if the winds are only faint." What a fabulous phrase! You are such an artistic writer! You cheered me up today to think that all of this turmoil might result in something better. Thank you!

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I love knowing you’re reading, Judy. Makes my day!

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Kennedy is definitely my favorite Big Government anarcho-capitalist. He makes his freedom loving regulation sound absolutely delightful! Maybe his scalpel will be much more effective than Milei's moto Sierra. I might even waste my vote on him instead of big government libertarian Orange Man.

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Well put! Free will to make My own mistakes and suffer the consequences. Free to grow and enable Me to enjoy some of the fruits of My labor. I also wish to share these fruits!

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Joel- tears run down my face as a person at age 50’s in life. Outstanding depiction of the “ Bigger picture description of it all”

I can so resonate with in my own day to day life (much smaller description 🤣) however how change is new for me with all you covered. Maybe I just got a reality “check check mate” upside the head?!! I think it’s just lovely the way you told that story. Great writing as always!!

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Considering Kennedy's comments on pollution, which is certainly something has studied and improved, it seems the young will really like his ideas. For one thing they have little confidence in big business or seen another way they don't see themselves having much benefit from their association with big business. This has been a left wing view which I feel aligns with younger voters. It may provide a route through improvement of the environment that aligns with the younger viewpoint. Having worked for big business I don't see it as negative for the environment. As an engineer we always worked to reduce pollution and reduce energy consumption while improving quality of products and reducing the costs of processes. AND the products were part of what society needed or desired. I also see a youngster view of "living life simply", believing less processing is better, somewhat anti big business, at least in some instances. It seems Kennedy's clean up of the Hudson River stands as a positive step for the environment, kind of a compromise between government and business. If the fourth turning is true then I would suspect the young might take Kennedy's actual results and apply them more constructively to many problems while at the same time becoming more libertarian. All these benefits, like cheap money, for big business might be seen as the top of oligarchic BS by the young in a fourth turning. I might even agree with this myself as a dyed in the wool boomer manufacturing man, but also a libertarian.

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Oops, I hit enter to continue. The Orange man knows this and is moving in for the votes. It is a shame we are not a parliamentary democracy. Then Kennedy could rule Trump so Trump could stay in power. As it is, Kennedy will be hard-pressed to prevail, so we get more of the same—only a different color. Win or lose, though, a vote for Kennedy sends a message. Do it!

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I love your writing. I am from the bill bonner crowd. How much longer do I get to read your stuff before you you demand payment?

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We must support great writers like Joel! I encourage you to pay him for his excellent contribution!

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I second that. There’s only one way to keep the press free….pay for it!

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Love ya work, sir!

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Thank you kindly, Judy!

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That’s not what I read from the Bonner crowd when he tells truths they would rather not hear. One man, “You lie!” And then they threaten not to pay.

Everyone wants to get paid and that makes everyone suspect.

I don’t know what kind of system we have; I only know that I live good and probably don’t deserve to if it were due only to my own efforts and suffering.

Most enjoy fruits that are oversized to their labors. I don’t see many laboring around me, except Mexicans.

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Hmmmm…an essay about how turbulent a truly free market is (only constant is change), then a guy comes along who will “promote efficiency” to guide that free market. Sounds ok, in theory….

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Yes, the beginnings! We, those of us who choose common sense and freedom, know that Kennedy is our only real choice for a freedom movement here in the USof A.

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Larga Vida a la libertad

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Have you considered writing for Lew rockwell.com

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Although change may be constant it is not immune in and of itself, just as the winds. The road did not change, our efforts upon the road changed. Politics have not changed, but the politicians constantly change. Societies spring up as people gather into communities and societies fade away on the changes in the makeup of the community.

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Joel, The difference between Pres. Milei and our cannidates In the U.S. of A. , is he literally started the chainsaw, and than when elected,started trimming the tree of freedom. Talk is cheap in the U.S.. If the people want a libertarian's results, you have to elect a Libertarian. If you wish for fake results, elect a fake.

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