Yes Joel “unforeseen life lesson: if one desires something, one must pay for it.”. Not so here in America’s declining democrat cities, where our demented government allows up to $900 of stolen goods from any retailer to be allowed. $1000 or more the poor democrat thieves get a slap the wrist, which they still call racism 🤔. The only way to stop the insanity of our higher education institutions, is 1. Only hire teachers and professors who are willing to educate, and not indoctrinate. 2. The minute the teacher or professor goes off the education path, and places their demented beliefs on the table, the immediate expulsion is applied. 3. Any student who is more interested in protesting over being educated, especially considering 99.9% have no idea what they protest, will be kicked out of school and sent home to their dysfunctional parents or most likely only parent, their mother. In a world where the socialist/democrat government has taken place for parents, it’s not hard to understand why the West is in collapse.

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The philosophy in California has been to allow disruptive students to remain in public, damaging the quality of education for serious students, because a seat in school is vastly less expensive then a student kicked out who often ultimately ends up in a expensive cell. In the stores in California where you can steal up to $900 per day, each day, many items are locked in clear plastic boxes, so the honest shoppers are inconvenienced and stand in line for an unlock.

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Yes Michael, a demented “philosophy” created by demented politicians. Hence California, NY, Chicago, DC…Venezuela, Brazil and once upon a time in Argentina 🤔. The mental disorder is worldwide, but I believe that insanity can only rule an insane society. I believe logic and mental awareness is taking hold in most of our world today. Let’s hope that the people can change the course of our insane leaders before they shove us off the cliff with a World War 🤔

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In both my examples about California, the “honest” people are being abused and consumed to pay for the dysfunctional dishonest. Somehow, for many far left leaning politicians, this is a better way to lower the civil process, and then “equitably” redistribute the cost impact among those who they think can afford it. Very odd approach, while degrading society.

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Absolutely fantastic.

What bravery on the part of the Empenda store. And its workers. And to have the president's immediate support, is heart warming. He is doing whatever it takes to get the word out, that those that believe in him and his process, will be embraced by him. Not the office. But by him, the human.

Obviously, those kids revolting were not students of the Austrian School of Economics. One day they will look back on this day and shake their heads wondering what were they thinking when they were demonstrating against saving their own children's futures.

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Your conclusion is overly optimistic. Ignorance does not know itself.

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You my friend, underestimate humanity. With enough information, ignorance inevitably wilts under the gaze of knowledge.

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Some kids eventually grow up. Most don't seem to. I have learned that facts don't seem to matter to the vast majority. Scary, isn't it?

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Two travelers happened to be walking down a dirt road. It was a hot day and no town yet in sight. One traveler had a sandwich. He decided to offer to split it with the other man. Both felt good. The giver for having been generous, the receiver thankful for the gift. Another day two men were walking down a road. The government tax collector rode up on a horse and saw that one man had a sandwich and the other none. The tax collector forced the sandwich man to give half of his sandwich to the other man. Nobody felt good. Hooray for Javier Milei and the Empanaderia workers!

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When I first started reading this piece and saw the photo of the throngs of protesting students, I felt my heart sinking. Oh No! I thought. But as I read on and learned of the empanada store workers offering refuge and protection to the besieged Fijap, a welling tide of hope began to emerge inside me. The video of President Milei visiting the store and all the supporters surrounding him bolstered my optimism. Obviously, the road ahead is frought with obstacles and challenges, and success is by no means guaranteed. But I believe that truth ultimately wins. My prayers are with President Milei and the Argentinians who are willing to fight for true freedom.

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An excellent article. With some humor added. Do not work do not eat . simple rule, but very effective, that is in My mind. But what do I know ? I am just another grain of sand in the beach of life.

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Maybe the communist professors teaching a doctrine benefitting themselves, but not the people, will quit working at the university which would greatly benefit Argentines. Seems to me that teaching selfishness should obviously be detrimental to students. I would assume that the students would catch on to this if they experienced just a bit of the school of hard knocks.

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Is the Ministry of Equity still in existence? Or has it been replaced by the Ministry of Dumbassery?

Or did they just burn down the building?

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Marx states in his Communist Manifesto that to transform a country from capitalism to communism one of the requirements is to provide free education for all. The government can then indoctrinate its citizens on the citizen’s dime. If you want your children to receive a good education, not indoctrination, don’t send them to a government school.

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These President Milei, and community, stories keep getting better and better. Am I dreaming this up, or is it really happening!? Thank you Joel. Time for empanadas now that im hungry again. Just had two slices of leftover pizza…

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I have followed this Argentine financial 'experiment' for some time now and am amazed how much has been accomplished in a short amount of time.

Are you aware that the mainstream press is reporting that the poverty rate in Argentina is 53%?

I am aware that a lot of government employees have lost their jobs but 53% looks very high.

Do you have any information as to what the real situation is? Art

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Awesome story!

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You Go Girl!!!! 😉👌👌💪💪🤞

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“Public schools”

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A very inspiring Read. We need more people like this, keep up the great work

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Joel, President Milei again proves he is not afraid to stick to his guns (free markets, free minds , free people, and no government money to spend), and than he walks out in the street and congratulates his supporters for the actions they do on his behalf, and their's. Does it get any better than this, the world watches,and dreams it might come to there home-town someday. Thanks Joel.

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