It will take the US equivalent of Milei to take steps to achieve Jefferson's assertion; that is, the government which governs best governs least.

With one of every six workers in the US now employed by a government -- local, state or Federal -- that's a lot of people who produce no wealth; only regulations, fees and fines. An understanding of basic economics will help too.

For example, in the city where I live -- long controlled by the Democratic Party -- citizens complain that there's not enough tax extracted from the business sector. This reality requires homeowners to fill the void by paying ever higher property tax.

Yet when I and others urge the city to (a) reduce citizens' tax burden by reducing the costs of its services by (b) divesting itself of its businesses (e, g., bike share, bus service, property management, recreational facilities, etc.) -- none of which are profitable; all which require subsidies from taxpayers -- by (c) converting them into privately-owned, tax paying enterprises, the concept is treated as if someone dropped a turd in the punch bowl.

We have too many wealth-takers. What we desperately need are more wealth-makers

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Thanks for the recommendation. I can't wait to read Market for Liberty.

Also I love this description it is why anarchy is such a hard sell. "But anarchy does not promise – or even propose – utopia... only freedom."

We promise responsibility and offer only the reward of freedom. This acceptance of responsibility is not not a trade most are willing to take when the other option is no responsibility in exchange for compliance.

Luckily a small minority is heading the right direction.

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I noticed that bit about anarchy and utopia too, and I have to mention Robert Nozick.

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Here in Chile we are very envious . As soon as Milei is free he is most welcome to spread some magic here. Socialista es aquel que sabe exactamente que hacer con el dinero de los demas. Socialist is someone who knows exactly what to do with your money.

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There's a certain rich irony in the proposition that Argentina is moving in the direction of a free market economy while the USA is moving the other direction. Rich and delicious, that irony. And that an academic economist should lead Argentina in its journey while the USA follows the lead of a man whose only demonstrated skill is buying votes with someone else's money and winning elections. Oh, and lying shamelessly.

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The only way to prove a concept sounds good in theory but not in practice is to actually test it. A completely free enterprise system has never been tried.How can we know if anything actually works unless we try it and observe the results. The scientific method of observation, hypothesis, theory and corroboration is the rational approach.

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"The Market for Liberty" has been my book of guiding principles for how I view a future of peace. It's almost utopian, in the sense that it is probably unachievable, due to too many people having a desire to control other people under threat of violence.

Based upon the geography of the world, it could have been attainable in the United States before about 1820. I don't have much hope for it in today's belligerent world, though.

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Just because ideas seem impractical doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be vigorously debated. The fact there is strong resistance to reducing government control suggests fears that free markets will work better.

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As always, vey thought provoking and convicting to read and learn more. Guess I'll have to purchase "Market for Liberty" unless its available from the local library. We do have some wonderful public institutions such as the public library. I was able to check out two very thick books on the Mediterranean Diet with just my library card. Just think of all the knowledge that is provided for anyone interested in learning, through that public institution. I'm also glad for traffic lights. There should be a sweet spot between anarchy and government control. Is there such a thing? Anywhere?

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How is it possible to bell the cat with reality of global 8 billion+ ?


How many of 8B+ in ‘Public Service’ will get employed by private, digitized, robotic private sector to sustain families?

What portion of 8B+ in WEF/UN/MIC etc will be prepared to change their tune to Liberty?

How do Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other 8B+ believers, unto acts of death and destroy, become libertarians?

I’ve just woken from a dream…

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Life is just a funny funny riddle. As John Denver put it. Just do the best you can and try not to notice. And never fight a land war in Asia.

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Joel, A market for freedom in novel form! You’ll be the modern Rand. They’ll make movies … all the best Joel. Enjoy the updates from Argentina

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I personally like the protection of my rights and registration of my property in objective hands.

I therefor propose a “limited democracy” where the power of the majority is LIMITED by the rights of the individual. Like: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

IOW: THEY can do as they please as long as they do not violate my rights

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Book ordered. $13. Free delivery. Thanks Joel.

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This missive has brought me back to University Days (Daze) when Gil Scott Heron was heroically and modestly singing his thoughts on the future of people and government. The song “ The Revolution will Not be Televised “ may prove to be a more visionary, prophetic and perhaps instructive gospel than he could have imagined. Vas a con Dios. Brian

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And for those of you who chose to listen to the song I wrote of….. check this one out too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2zKdIcOV5s.

Best to All of You

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Having read Market For Liberty, a while ago, it is the way to go They do not condone violence and word of mouth is by which this is achieved, that is Liberty and Freedom. At least in today's world it is the best system of self governance. But there will be forces against as those in power will not relinquish willing. It is a man made system, not by Divine intervention. It would have to do until then!

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