Maybe we need to make tax evasion an elevated honor, instead of a federal crime. And go back to just being a regular nation instead of a police-state organization.

I believe there was a great Roman who said something like, "The more corrupt the government, the more numerous the laws." Or something somewhat similar.

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I know, I'm a hair-splitter. But "millenia" is the plural form of millenium. It's a Latin thing.

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Right you are, keen reader. I shall leave it unedited as a mark of public shame.

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What happens to constitutions, even knowing how impossible it is for man to abide by his institutions, is the absolute destruction caused by allowing elected representatives power over the purse/money supply: When elected representatives gain control over the money supply, they wield immense influence over both the economy and governance. This concentration of power can lead to corruption, fiscal irresponsibility, wealth inequality, and a weakening of democratic accountability—problems that run counter to the ideals of the Constitution. While the Constitution was designed to limit government power and protect individual freedoms, control over the money supply can erode those protections, making it harder for the people and the government to live up to the founding principles of liberty, equality, and justice. So, We, the People, have yet to discover how to conquer the frailty of Man. Don't forget to Vote!

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Man has had 5,000 years to manage himself. He has only shown this is impossible. The problem is his selfish nature. But, there is a better way: https://discourseonagape.org/booklets/

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I think Jefferson would start a movement against the spendthrift elitists bankrupting the country by advocating a tax holiday until the regime has dismantled itself and instituted a balanced budget. Taxation without “real” representation is tyranny.

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Thank you Joel! Beautifully written piece on why we need a new revolution in America today, to fight against the tyranny and corruption of our current demented regime and years of theft of our people. Unfortunately our youth are currently fighting their own revolution for more free stuff from America’s empty pockets and for a culture and people who want nothing less then the destruction of America and the death to those same ignorant protesting children 😳. You can’t fix a broken country if you Can’t Fix Stupid 🤔

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excellent history/civics refresher, Joel. And beautiful segue into modern times. Methinks some serious pruning needs to be done to this beast to get it back down to an appropriate size. Keep up the great work.

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Another wonderfully written piece Joel. Your writing inspires me to think about uncommon things. Do you plan your topics out a month ahead or just spur of the moment? I would have pictured this topic around Independence Day or April 15th. Either way it was well done and I am looking forward to the Thursday missive.

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Joel,' if we do the same thing over and over again ,we get the same results. Stop!

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If Jefferson, Washington, and Company had had a crystal ball that showed them the future of the US I doubt they would have made an effort to overthrow the British. If you look at some of their writings it seems we have been responded with "Opposite Day" for many years, e.g. avoid foreign entanglements, do not contract debts that future generations will have to pay, don't let banks take over the money supply. Is it possible we would have been better off without the revolution?

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What, you would want to be.a British subject (what a horrible description)? They are no better off and they talk funny. Cheers.

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No. I do not wish to be a subject of any authority. My point is that we are less free now than the British subjects of the Colonies. Higher taxes without representation - the CONgress represents the lobbyists, Big Pharma, the MIC, etc, more laws, more control. If they could have seen the future, why would any soldier risk his life to overthrow the British?

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Maybe yes , maybe no. A revolution shows that I, We are serious. Just My opinion. But it May be fact!

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Forgive my ignorance of foreign monetary designations, but how would one pronounce £13.85? Thirteen pounds and eight five (I’m guessing not cents)?

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Joel, did you see the musical "Hamilton". The King George songs are a hoot. There's a line in there, "I will send you a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love."


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