So many good one-liners, it's hard to choose which is my favorite. But I settled on this one: "Yes, gentle reader, on matters of substance, Kamala Harris is worth her weight in helium." I find it hard to believe that anyone would fall for this media circus/charade, but...

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Gotta have a laugh… or else one is apt to cry. Cheers!

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Hey, I was reading an article this morning about why Senator Josh Hawley was talking about his opponent, Lucas Kunce, wanting to sue the Missouri Farm Bureau. Having grown up on a farm in Iowa, this intrigued me. I found this article at Missouri FB website: https://mofb.org/frivolous-lawsuit-wont-silence-farmers/.

I decided you must have a side-gig at the Missouri FB because of this: "Opinions are like noses: everybody has one. It’s not often that you get sued for having an opinion, but the Missouri Farm Bureau has just been sued because we supported a bill passed by the Missouri legislature and signed by the governor. The plaintiffs have also sued the Missouri Cattleman’s Association, the Missouri Pork Association, the Governor, the non-paid heads of two citizens commissions, and the state of Missouri. Butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers were overlooked in this onslaught of litigation, but there is still time."

That last sentence so reminded me of you that I had to share it. Laughing out loud again...

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I prefer "opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one and most of them stink".

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I liked the directness of your realistic sentiment of Harris. She’s already proven she incompetent on so many levels. The lack of election integrity across the board with the primary switch indicates a more urgent need to regulate elections with greater oversight. Right now, I don’t believe any of the media or of this present administration….no one seems interested in true accountability…especially in financial expenditures and government transparency. Lies are more prevalent than straightforward facts.

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One guarantee I have about a Kamala regime is that we will see prices for carrots in the grocery store for 25 cents a pound. But there will be no carrots on the shelf.

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No carrots… but lots of sticks!

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There one hell of a lot of plaid in this chameleon’s background it’s hard to imagine that she can pull off a complete denial of her actual history. But who knows. I wonder what percentage of the population even pays taxes anymore? Could be a that voters on the dole know the facts but just don’t care. Kind of like the OJ Jury writ large.

“When you rob from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul”.

- George Bernard Shaw

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GBS, another dead hero…

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He was kind of an @sshole, a socialist and adulterer. But, awesome quotes!

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The audience, in this case, the voter, is never mentioned in these missives. MSM will deliver the varying messages it is told to deliver, all upbeat and giving, as quickly as the average voter's attention span will forget. But the voter will hear over and over the joyous messages of no taxes, higher incomes, low-cost everything, rebates on all purchases, and anything else they can get that attention span to remember like the words of a childhood jingle. By election day, the voter will be shaking to vote in every way possible as often as possible to win those spoils. This will be one of those 80/20 landslide election wins you've read about in third-world countries. Trump's meager millions can't fight the billions the deep state cabal has in its own pockets and the pockets of its supporters. Nor do the voters believe Trump can deliver the above-promised gimmies. The cabal will never give up their access to the money printer and their direct line to it. That is, until that money and the attached economy are worthless. Enjoy, and don't forget to vote!

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Reminds me of that classic Mencken line: “Every election is a kind of advanced auction on stolen goods.”

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It will be a true but sad line in history books about how the American experiment was so easily destroyed from within. What is sad for me is that I have been here for the most destructive 1/3rd of it. And I did nothing to try to stop it. But I did vote.

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Our two largest political parties have given us, the Vox Populi, , two terrible choices.

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So why isn’t she using the next 81 days of her vp regime to institute the giveaways? Miraculously cure Bidenomics before any of her joyous followers notice she had her hand on the rudder with olJoe.

God help us if this ticket swipes another election.

If only the GOP weren’t so lazy and stupid, fixing the ballot harvesting machine would be priority one, letting kakala spew nonsense will take care of itself.

Praying Trump will rise to the occasion, he needs a few knockout punches to claim more of the midstream voters.

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i like tacos. you’ve pinned it.

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When the $25,000 subsidy pushes house prices up, she’ll no doubt crack down on sellers for “gouging” the buyers.

Additional thoughts on this lunacy:


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Thankfully, the proposal is a nearly complete lie. Firstly because it would never happen. Secondly because if it did, it would only apply to “first generation home buyers”. In other words people with parents who have never owned a home. For 10,000+ new border crossers and those on the government dole( and their mail-in ballots) that might sound compelling, but how many illegals and multi generational welfare recipients have the 20 percent down on houses with a median price approaching a half million dollars on average?

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It’s all a distraction. If your vote mattered they wouldn’t let you vote. The only way to fight this corrupt system is to not participate in any of their schemes. Not their schools, banks, military, etc. If they harass you, tell them to read the constitution they swore to uphold and defend, and then come explain how they are doing that for you, citizen Joe. Don’t accept “I’m just doing my job for an answer”.

“We pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to restore our republic. Pray and fight, and fight and pray. It is decision time in America. Where will you stand?

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Emma Goldman: “If voting mattered, it would be made illegal.”

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……worth her weight in helium!!!!!

Ab Fab!!!!

Keep up the Good Fight


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Yes Joel, and the left’s mental illness continues on its joyful journey, taking the entire West to their final destination. If I survive my illness in our Obamacare murder system, I’ll be down with you in a few 🙏

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Had a meal for four at a lovely Italian restaurant just now… significant change out of a hundred after more than enough food and wine for all. Come on down when you’ve recovered. In the meantime, Asclepius speed!

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"Just say no" to allopathic medicine. It simply doesn't work. It can't, because it's based on a provably false principle. I'm praying for you.

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Congratulations Joel on your progress. We of course are the real winners having stumbled across superb analysis flavored with your witty repartee.

I keep reminding myself-- 50 States-- each sovereign in their own right... the political twits that work themselves into federal government positions of power still have to deal with that pesky Constitution eventually. It is after all the only thing that holds those 50 States together.

Further, with the US federal government effectively bankrupt, the denizens of DC, NYC and San Fran holding all the levers of power and the dramatic shift to a multi-polar world order I argue that chaos is likely to rule the day. No one knows how events will unfold but unfold they will driving a huge wall of change.

As to America and socialism, she has been cursed with growing systemic socialism for a hundred years --hence the stench of institutional failure wafting through the air. Americans, like Argentines, need to make a course change as only a free-market can drive the healthy change needed.

Thanks Joel.

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Actually, Mugabenomics

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I’ve been to Harare… most depressing place I’ve ever seen. Let’s hope that can be avoided…

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I agree that Kamala is a terrible candidate. The problem is, the other choice is much worse. As a lifelong Republican, I voted for Trump twice. Then he tried to stay in power illegally. He wants to turn our democracy into an autocracy, much like his buddy Viktor Orban has accomplished in Hungary.

Come November I'll be holding my nose and voting for the Democrats.

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It’s a sorry state indeed when so many are forced to choose the “lesser of two evils” in place of the “greater of two goods.”

Thanks for writing in!

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We are not a democracy, never have been. We are a constitutional republic. Democracy equals mob rule.

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You could always vote for my dog Jagger. He don’t lie.

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Vote Kennedy

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For what it's worth, a hundred pounds of helium is pretty darn expensive. Just ask anyone who had to explain to their boss (in their best Donald Duck voice) how they let the super-cooled, MRI at the hospital boil off...

The only way Harris will bring prices down is by running the economy into a ditch and starting the next Great Depression. My father lived through the one in the 30s when, as he described it, "You could buy anything for a nickel. The problem was, nobody had a nickel"...

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I do not see Biden and now Harris as “socialists” as some call them. Per their administrative actions, they are not “socialists” (compliance via marketing persuasion, ie, deceit). They are “communists” (compliance via force, ie, obey or else). They are happy to allow you to “do your own thing” ... unless it deviates from their “thing.”

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