You are in truly great form to start off the year. I thank you. ....may your year be filled with those things that fill your heart and feed your soul......JJ

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Thank you kindly, dear reader. Best to you and yours, too!

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Looking forward to the seminar. My expectations are high! Also looking forward to the year ahead reading your notes. Will the seminar send out an email on where to go to attend in real time? Since I signed up I haven’t received any instruction on where to go to hear it.

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Yes, Tlasso… I’ll send out an email on the day to all who register with meeting details. Members will also receive a full transcript and audio-video recording, regardless of whether they are able to attend on the day or not (we have lots of international readers)…

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Thank you. Can’t wait

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Have to throw this into the mix!

UK’s new forward thinking PM (Yes him the ex Director of Public Prosecutions before becoming a politician in 2015, when he recognised he had a 1% sense of humour and 99% socialistic sex appeal)

Sir Kier Starmer, he of the ‘free suits from supporters,others do it’, has asked bureaucrats to come up with ideas and plans, as to how to improve growth in the UK.

Brilliance Sheer Unmitigated BRILLIANCE.

Repeat.. has asked the devils handmaidens how to reduce evil. Yes OK, my interpretation of his asking Dracula to give up blood for Lent and beyond.

Note well… As a world leader he ignores the Argentinian benefits achieved of issuing chainsaws and hacking into 1000 agencies and laws from “We are from the government and here to help you. HA!”

My anticipation is the impact will be similar to Lord Horatio Nelson and his telescope up to his blind eye.

Regrettably his success at Waterloo is unlikely to be similar at Whitehall.

Bureaucrats will be issued with kaleidoscopes most likely …

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Buy the way, Happy New Year to all!!!

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"A land so rich it takes a whole government to spoil it..."

We, the people, are the government. Why do we spoil a land so rich? The opposite of freedom is slavery. Slaves have no control over the country they have lost. Think about this! Crush the opposition in the midterm elections and hold your elected representative's feet to a very hot fire. If they fail to represent you, make a fearful noise, replace them immediately however the law allows. Never let them know that you are in control!!! This is your free land, do not vote in a government that will spoil it!

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Joel, the inflation charts I've seen of Argentina (here and elsewhere) typically go back a couple years I think, and look like Mount Everest...starting and ending about where they are today.

What's with that? How do the other indicators you mentioned here compare to what they were when inflation was like today's just a year or so before the election of Sr. Pres. Milei?

Thanks for all you do.

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Light is historically difficult to find and, when found, impossible to hold. Why is it that darkness seems to prevail? The continuing battle between good, simple men and conniving evil men. You would think, by now, good, simple men would learn!

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