The Senate vote suggests to me that most of them are fearful of change.

After all, as in the US Congress, they were not elected to be good stewards of the public purse; they were elected because their constituents felt they, more than other candidates, would provide ever greater access to the public purse.

If they don't deliver, they'll be replaced by the voters, an event worse than death for politicians

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Exactly! Reminds one of that ol’ Mencken quote: “Democracy is a kind of advanced auction on stolen goods.”

Takes a shift in the people’s mentality, enough to hold those rascals in office accountable, to see real change.

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The mentality of the left is incredibly absurd. I read how the new Biden appointed Chief justice here in the Supreme Court thinks it is OK to have the government censor speech when the government is trying to protect the people, as in the case of the plandemic. Amazing to me that we could have a chief justice that doesn't understand when you take away one person's right to free speech that you are also taking away her right to free speech.

They are goose stepping to the gas chamber while they think they are fighting for democracy.

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One wonders if those voters, trying to get better access to the public purse, ever accomplished anything on their own and felt the satisfaction of success and accomplishment, the pride of making one's own way. Like Frank Sinatra sang "I Did It My Way". I certainly don't want my grand children to miss the confidence and sound pride of accomplishment or to trade that for the desperate hope of other people's money.

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Scary as the Devil this roller coaster ride, isn't it. It was never going to be easy - not in Argentina nor in the US. I'm praying for all of us around the world who are struggling for Freedom. I myself am old and retired, so a lot of physical struggling is out of the picture for me - but if fervent well-wishing helps, I can do that. Best.

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Your support is appreciated. Thank you kindly!

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Less inflation and budget surplus. Amazing that it could happen so quickly. Yet Congress amazingly doesn't approve????

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Sounds like the lefties in the US.

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Please keep these reports coming. Just heard Hank Haney on another podcast stating that Argentina's inflation is worse than when Melei took office. We need the truth.

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Well, in a way that’s true…it IS still going up in absolute terms (meaning it’s worse overall), but the rate of increase is slowing (from 25 to 20 and now to 13%). Takes a while to turn a country-sized tablet around, especially after the outgoing caste poisoned the well so badly. But we’ve gotta start somewhere!

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Slowing inflation is a huge accomplishment. It's so nice to think they are getting rid of the collectivist parasites, their elite.

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Not a simple task to kick the criminal gang with the guns out! I wonder how many chess moves ahead he has contemplated ?

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Fantastic as always Joel! Intrepid reporter you are.

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Joel, May the congress in Argentina vote in support of the President and the people of Argentina, and continue the great expierement . If they choose to vote against his policy,they put their skin on the line, which will open the door to consequences from the people. The world is watching.

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Right, it would be a setback for sure...but Team Milei has assured us they have a Plan B, Plan C, etc. Either way, I think the Liberty Genie is out of the lamp. Enough eyeballs – here and abroad – are watching, as you say. The people are finally realizing, the emperor has no clothes.

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Such a beautiful phrase/description "professional barnacles...", of the Argentine house/senate, the US congress and senate, as well as most political bodies that are well entrenched. If I ever become President will you become my speech writer??!!

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When I first learned of Mr. Milieu’s victory in Argentina’s presidential election, the first thing I did was pray that God would bless Argentina and President Milieu; that God would guide and strengthen him in leading his nation out of its morass. When I read my morning Bible devotion today in the Book of Luke and read what Jesus proclaimed to the leaders in the synagogue regarding why He came to us, I saw a parallel with President Milieu’s quest. Shortly after Jesus made his proclamation, the leaders took him outside the town and intended to throw him off a cliff to his death. He somehow walked away unscathed. I will continue to offer up prayers for President Mileiu’s success.

”The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;“

‭‭Luke‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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"Blood-sucking parasites of the state." Nothing more needs said well defined and easily appreciated. Thanks Joel this one stays in my back pocket.

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