
There are so many things I don't know it is scary! But after 77 years here in The USA, I do know for a fact that my government, as given to our elected representatives freely by us, the electorate, has taken that honor to represent us and protect us, and our constitution is systematically stealing our country and our freedom from us. We now have an unchosen by the people, known unknown, with probably less experience to manage anything than I have, an appointed and anointed presidential candidate to be the face of the cabal that will enslave us. And they will not lose! They own and control everything they need to finish the job of our takeover. So don't forget to vote.

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"Donald Trump is a great threat to our democracy!" Who is "our"? and how do they define "democracy"? I wish there was a long standing, independent and trustworthy source whose goal was to dispense facts that allowed for thoughtful contemplation of. Joel fits the bill! Except, the longstanding part...... I suspect he'll fix that :-).

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Especially since ours is a Constitutional Republic, and NOT a Democracy that the Deep State and treasonous Commie Democrats are attempting to destroy!

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 Since 2016, a certain segment of the American society has gone crazy. We had Russia Gate, three impeachments and three raucous disgusting battles over Supreme Court nominees. The ruling class outed itself with an unbelievable display of lies. It is astounding! Now, the Kamala phenomenon. And most astonishing is… it works.

 It works because “The Best and Brightest” participate... whole heartedly. They are whores, worse than legitimate whores selling at least a semblance of satisfaction.

 There has never been such a place, Sodom has been replaced by shining debauchery on a mountain of slime.

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US politics is such a circus and the woke MSM lap it up. Clowns everywhere...

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and here we are, stuck in the middle with you.


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There is a known phenomenon called the "illusion of truth effect", which is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. False information can be a common mistake or simply ignorance of knowledge, which at times effects us all. The sinister part of the illusion of truth is intentional lies, meaning one who knows the truth, but ignores it for person gain or manipulation for control. There is a big difference between being ignorant of the truth and ignoring the truth.

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Aug 7Liked by Joel Bowman

Hi Joel, very good and concise "notes" today. While you are in Savannah you should go watch a baseball game of the Savannah Bananas. I hear from a friend that the games include lots of family fun and occasionally some good baseball. Johnny Baseball

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Thanks Joel, it must be quite frustrating to present people with abundance of evidence...accepted, fact checked, proven evidence... and no change in their thinking/commenting. Willfully ignorance on full display. Wow, it never ceases to amaze me. Good day mate!

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Thank you, Joel, for reminding us of the multiple devious (criminal) failed schemes the democrats fabricated (ACTUAL High Crimes of democrat-SEDITION) to destroy President Trump's reputation, business empire, family .... AND .... going to the lowest subhuman level by trying to blow Donald Trump's head off in public with all the MSM cameras rolling with their fake news fangs dripping with scum, eager to see the horrible murder of Trump. CREEPS ...all of them.

Hmmmm .... where's the investigation into the two leftist democrat parents of the would be 20 year old murderer/assassin???? He was even known at his high school as "the shooter" who hated Trump and donated to the radical democrats.

The democrat-run courts put mothers and fathers in prison now if their child goes on a school shooting spree. YET, THE PARENTS of THIS SHOOTER of President Trump are carrying on their miserable lives willy-nilly with no questions allowed ..... these two democrat parents, who are "psychologists", who raised a psychotic killer .... no news from the main shit stream fake news ....and no investigation of these parents .... or the purported international bank accounts this 20 year old psycho had in his name .... and they had him register as a republican (he never voted for one). Smells like a putrid rotten set up. No honest news from the MSM devils and talking bobble heads ..... as usual.

The attempted assassination of former President Trump was a worldwide shock (except to the evil ones who planned it - dumbfounded that they FAILED to KILL him)) , and now we hear almost nothing about it, and all the dim-witted YOKELS WHO HATE TRUMP -> [for reasons they know nothing of] because of their minuscule brains inability to discern the difference between truth and lies, right and wrong, or male and female!

It is an insane woke upside-down world we are living through and former President Trump is the ONE man brave enough (along with Elon Musk), and with enough resources, to stop the woke madness, crime and corruption, blatant black creepy-CRT racism (Obama all for it!), Marxism, and child-destroying-human -destroying transgenderism which Obama started.

If any Americans don't vote for Trump after 4 long suffering years of diabolical democrat DAMAGE to everyone on every level, and from every angle, AGAINST everything good in life .... all the bad policies .... open borders - busing and flying illegal INVADERS to every corner of America by the TENS OF MILLIONS ... GIVING OUR TAX MONEY TO THEM, GIVING THEM ROOMS IN FANCY HOTELS, APARTMENTS, and HOUSES ... Given FREE MEDICAL CARE (are you waiting months now to see a doctor?) AND FREE ACCESS to OUR SCHOOLS AND CAMPUSES .....to cause absurd woke sit-ins and "in your face" RIOTS.

To denounce Trump at this LATE hour is a big mistake and it only contributes to the further destruction of America, Western Civilization (your lives!) .... and perhaps the destruction of the entire world *as the rich rats scurry to their bunkers - in a very possible WW3 .... which is what the democrats are aiming for. You know .... Rat Establishment Lackey ZuckerSuckerBerg has built his big luxurious underground bunker already! Interesting that this priVILEged rich Jew Zuckerberg supports the woke democrats anti-Semitism hatred too as he parasitically sucks up your private information to sell as he censors your opinions and free speech according to his democrat CIA controllers. Oh .... and HE'S WHITE!!!!!! ..... but he's married to an alleged Chinese communist "woman" ..... oh ... wait a minute .... the democrats are getting rid of the word "woman" and "mother"!!! So, I guess he is married to a "they".

President Trump must be one of the MOST HEINOUSLY PERSECUTED PUBLIC FIGURES IN HISTORY ..... along with Jesus Christ .... whose public persecution was shorter by comparison. Don't misinterpret me ... I not suggesting Trump is a Saint. Trump has been persecuted UNJUSTLY for 8 years now ... and counting, because HE STANDS-STRONG AGAINST THE DEEP STATE EMPIRE and is therefore: anti-establishment!

Until these VICIOUS-HATEFUL woke Marxist racist democrat rats are disempowered and thrown out of our legal justice system and institutions..... we are all in grave danger.

Vote for Trump as though your very life depends on it. Stop the toxic hatred against Trump, Conservatives, White people and White Culture. Save our children!!!


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As a non US citizen with a concern for untrue truths, the state of a nation of previously known knowns, now in potential known unknown transition of discombobulation with global unknown unknown, ramifications, is known concern.

That our universally minuscule globe of +8 billion is now so manipulated by known knowns, unknown unknowns and untruthful truth sayers should be seen for what it now is.

The sooner AI determines how to rule unruly unknowns and knows, the better.

Surely could not be worse than grinning cats and puppet manipulators.

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And who will be programming that AI? The unknown known assholes that rule us today!

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Elon Musk & X … that’s why he’s backing Trump!

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I sure wish you would stay out of politics.

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What an awful crossroads we're at. Either choice unappealing, each for different reasons

The candidates for vice presidents too.

The newly announced one is being denounced for having opted not to deploy with his unit to a combat zone

And, despite his extensive experience in the National Guard, for failing in his capacity as Governor to summon it promptly to quell the brigands burning Minneapolis

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Joel, another interesting essay. The Rumsfeld Matrix? Don't know what it means, but the American People lived its results. Should have been called the Dick and Don Matrix (Cheney and Rumsfeld). Isn't it funny how history holds the secrets, until we look back.

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Joel .. political commentating is a "mugs game" especially in the USA as you and Bill have so tediously harped on for to many of your daily messages .. spewing over past political BS & idiocies and then extrapolating and projecting them into the future, serves no valuable goals except perpetuating the misery of the suffering masses who are not as stupid as you might think .. "ignorance is bliss" when it comes to US politics controlled by the 5th estate/media as the last media Polls clearly showed .. they can't predict anything beyond their next breath .. the rest is just an attempt to influence/manipulate anyone stupid enough to read it .. so how about some commentary about what's going on in Argentina .. the only country who's gone through much of what's coming in the USA and in the reat of the 'Western Alliance" who are all umbilical servants!

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Because Joel knows if he can change the mindless mind of even one democrat, he has made a positive impact for the human race. As you ran from America many decades ago, so you seem to continue to run from reality. Sorry Altschule, you should know better at your age that running from the truth will only benefit the corrupt of society. May be too late for you, but keep up the good fight Joel and continue shoving facts down the throats of the ignorant.

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"was der mensch nicht freiwillig ergibt, dass kann man nicht erzwingen .. "

"stupidity" in any language doesn't come in colours .. red or blue you're not that stupid .. just angry at those whom you've deemed to be the cause rather than the symptom.

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