While, I don’t disagree with you, Joel, I think you missed the big point. Neither one of these two people are suitable to run the country. Nothing will change no matter which of them is in charge. It is not Democrats versus Republicans, it is the people versus Washington . We need to start stepping up.

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“It is not Democrats versus Republicans, it is the people versus Washington . We need to start stepping up.”

Nailed it!

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Nevertheless, it's likely that either Harris or Trump will be our next president. How many here would like to see Harris as president? I wouldn't, and I don't even vote.

If voting made any difference, it would be illegal.


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Strange thing this Democratic ownership of main stream media. Stranger still is guys like Soros who move to America to become a billionaire to then try to destroy the country's culture, paying for antifa raids. Stranger still how a marxist like Harris and Wilz never mention their marxist friends and societies. Why wouldn't they all brag about Marx's genius and brilliance and their friends accomplishments using his ideas?

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Speaking of ignorance and unknowns, I am amazed and astonished, quite frankly, that here on substack, definitely not the main stream media, I see people talking about Trump, Biden, Harris but never a mention of a candidate that is more than viable – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The people who are supporting his campaign aren't looking for who they hate less. They actually like him. His positions, if you take the time to listen to what he actually says, and read his position papers are moderate and reasonable. Not libertarian, precisely but his default position is to give people freedom and choice - sort of like that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness phrase I've heard tossed about. And his intention is to address the corporate capture of the federal institutions that are supposed to protect American citizens, but have sold them out to the point that 30 year olds can't afford a house, your groceries cost twice what they did a few years ago, average life expectancy is dropping due to addiction and suicide, and chronic diseases that were very rare when I was young (peanuts, anyone?) are costing the US health care system, such as it is, trillions, which go where? Kennedy is much more dangerous to the statist and status quo than Trump was or will ever be. And yet, crickets...

Ross Perot was the last independent candidate who garnered this much support. Exit polling showed that if, in 1992, people who voted had voted for who they wanted to be President instead of against whom they feared most, Perot would have won. So who really wasted their vote in 1992? And how many are going to waste their's this cycle? I love your musings, Joel, and I pay for them. This is one of the few places where I have to resort to a thesaurus. But to write a political column about "Unknown Knowns" and not ever mention a viable 3rd option seems fatuous.

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I like RFK too. But he’s not really a factor in this race as a candidate.

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I too like, RFK but I don't like his choice of a totally left-leaning running mate.

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Trump joked in the last election he was running against a “glass of water”. Not far from the truth, yet somehow he lost. Biden hid and read teleprompters. Once fully revealed as non-functional, Biden is dispatched and Harris - who only a short month ago was an unsympathetic giggling nincompoop and generally considered unfit - is transformed in disturbingly coordinated lockstep narratives into the embodiment of “joy” and the savior of democracy. Every news channel running the coordinated new spin runs two out of every three commercials hawking pharmaceuticals. Can’t help wonder what they’re putting in those pills.

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Joel -- News Flash.

Republican king-makers -- now increasingly worried that candidate Trump is showing evermore signs he is detached from reality; that his penchant for creating events that never occurred is worse than Harris' inarticulate ramblings -- are talking about swapping him

Their choice: Nikki Haley, once a candidate for the very nomination Trump snared barely a month ago.

Mujer v mujer. I'll all for it.

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Now THAT would be an October surprise!

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Something that nobody seems to question – or an unknown known- is the political polling data we are bombarded with, brought to us in the semblance of a Kentucky Derby race caller. Anyone remember the polls for Trump vs Mrs. Clinton? According to the polls right before that election, Clinton was the sure winner at 98% over Trump. That’s weird, right? I wonder if these people who are asked to take the poll were promulgated social media bots, as noted by Elon when he uncovered a psyop program at Twitter. When the crowd mentality happens, people seem to lose their rational thinking, change their behavior and beliefs to suit the census. So, I say cheers to you Joel, and those who stand against the mob mentality (fake data or not).

“When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love.” –Manly P. Hall

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Warren: I like what you are thinking and writing. I wish in the last lap of my life, that I had more energy and faith that this massive ignorance could be turned around. There are many young potential heroes in the world. I think Joel has the right idea; slowly build up a following who could eventually gain strength and influence. My feeling is that localism can eventually prevail as a starting place. knowledge, right or wrong comes slowly.

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Thank you Mr. McLeod. I think you nailed it when you mentioned localism. It all starts with illuminating our own minds. In the midst of chaos and ignorance we can be the singular light that shines in the darkness. What come to my mind is the Book of Ephesian, chapter 5:1-10

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As always, it’s not the religion nor the state nor the mob who controls the people, it’s the people who allow it.

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You are watching the depth and breadth of raw, unchallengeable, and undefeatable power. The cabal has had 8 years to strengthen its foundation and alter its tactics to ensure it maintains control of the entire federal republic's system. It will not accept or tolerate another 2016. Remember Hillery? The people will vote (whatever that means), and Princess Summerfall Winterspring will be the next president. Will anyone admit to seeing the control strings? I wonder. But it will not matter if they do. Looking back over the last 8 years, the antics of the deep-state cabal look like the screenplay of a third-world dystopian comedy. Alas, it is our current reality! The only effort we have put into defending ourselves from becoming the cabal's slave is to vote. I bet you do it again!

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Media is like food Joel. The more toxic food you consume, the sicker you become. The more liberal news you consume, the more mentally ill you become. Don’t believe me? Just turn on the news🤔

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If all Trump can talk about is the size of his ......audience and the same stuff he was ranting about in 2016 he's making the choice easy.

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It truly is sad that the great USA is in this spot. I still don't understand how the Republican party got stuck with Trump even though we had some better candidates. I will have to vote for Trump because cackling Kamala is truly incapable. Like another reader, I'm not sure our vote counts anyway but I'll continue to do it.

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Correction WW1

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Joel, perhaps a historical look at truth in politics and the press is in order. Are we truly witnessing a change in the grand scale manipulation of the electorate or has it always been so? Maybe the internet and social media is to blame. We’ve written before of the evolution of propaganda after WW2 with the likes of Bernays. Just now it’s on steroids? All the best

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What is surprising is not the MSM suddenly deciding Kalama Chameleon is the second coming, it’s the turnaround in the polls. Either there was an ‘anyone but Biden shortly followed by Trump’ majority out there so it’s now ‘anyone but Trump’ or the polls are dodgy or folk simply aren’t asking themselves if they lied about Biden’s fitness to govern what else are they lying about?

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Let’s all hope we see a replay of 1968 in Chicago this week instead of the coronation ball. Nothing would make me happier than to expose the slime of this party and the ineptitude of the GOP to capitalize on their hubris. If only the GOP wasn’t so lazy and obstructionist and would get on offense!!

Including all ballot shenanigans dems execute so well.

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