Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you for the continuing updates. It’s so good to hear that my new hero Javier Milei continues his march to freedom!

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Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I applaud the free people of Argentina for ending their slavery. May they be careful to avoid allowing themselves the luxury of political laziness. Elites thrive on the people's political laziness!

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Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

The media stories regarding Argentina are full of dire warnings. In the US they are full of things like how the Camel Lady has ALREADY arrived at a point in funding and in the polls equal to that horrid Trump. And here in the suburbs of Detroit (yes! please pray for me!) many people are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. Also, they're full of little snide innuendo about the assassination attempt.

I guess, no, don't pray for me, pray for them.

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I had to look up why Kamala was called Camel Lady - couldn't find it - just dawned on me! Pretty funny - well, not really funny. I get depressed just seeing that big, triumphant, smiling face and hearing her cackle.

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Sound money, small government and balanced budgets are something we haven’t heard for decades. However, Milei does offer hope that the state can be rolled back, chronic deficits can be rapidly turned into surpluses and basket case currencies can be made sound.

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Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Thank you for keeping us informed Joel. I cheer the Argentine people who are working diligently to free themselves of all forms of collectivists.

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Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

Hope you’re enjoying the South, Joel! If you make your way to Louisiana I’d love the opportunity to show you we’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be.

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Jul 27Liked by Joel Bowman

I want a paid subscription - $70/year; however, and i've run into this before, for some reason debit cards are declined. If i had an address, i could send a postal money order.

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By sentiment and experience I want to say that the US federal government could be cut by an enormous percentage, and the net effect would be positive economically, socially, and politically. But I lack expertise in economics, and I worked in intelligence, so I don’t hold the receipts. I will say that during the Great Covid Panic of 2020, I worked on a skeleton crew maintaining the basic functions of the agency, while most managers and administrators stayed home. The consensus about this period of time among the skeleton crew was that, while weird and lonely, because everyone worked by themselves in empty rooms, it was in all other respects a positive working experience! What needed to get done, got done, and all the usual, trivial, inconsequential fuss-and-bother taskings generated by management, was conspicuously, even gloriously, absent!

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Come up a little more east Joel and enjoy one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the country! I’m not too far from you right now if you want to go out for a nice dinner on me and the misses 😊 Meanwhile “According to reporting from Variety, a total of 28.6 million Americans tuned in to watch the Paris Olympic Games opening ceremonies.” seems like the same amount of mentally unstable idiots who voted for Biden, continue their indoctrination into the WEF world of insanity 🤔

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Excellent again Joel. Such fantastic news! Freedom is to the economy what carbon dioxide and oxygen are to life.

I also think it is fun watching the communists fail in the West and as the economists continue to expect freedom from government to fail to produce. It just shows how little these bozos ("leaders") understand about economics but they sure know how to make more for themselves at a cost to their constituents.

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Why are the oil fields called Vaca Muerta? I know that means dead cow but is there a reason the fields would be that name? As always, love your notes!

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