It's nothing short of astonishing that he has been able to fire all these useless "workers" on the public dole. If he had been a Trump, he would be full of bullet holes. His courage is off the charts. Mr. Trump wouldn't dare attempt what this man has already succeeded at. This whole story makes my heart fairly leap from my chest. If there is to be hope for this world now rather than 80 years from now, it starts in Argentina.

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Trump should take one bureaucracy and point out how it has become so bloated. He should eliminate it. Presidents create them by executive decree.They can eliminate them as well. The department of education is relatively new and completely useless, even the libs in some states might look positively on its elimination, thinking that they would have more control over their little feifdoms. It is an easy target for closure! Do it fast send out the notiyes before pablo texts can get in the way.

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"(Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. sits in 9th.)" I'm a little shocked that our liar/plagiarist-in-chief is even on this list at all, let alone at #9. Has Morning Consult Pro been tasting the kool-aid? At least they have the good guy on top.

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Same thing I was thinking! Brings into question the whole survey for genocide Joe to be in 9th

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Maybe these were the only leaders they looked at, odd bunch that it is.

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stop picking on poor old grandpa Biden .. if you had any guts and determination you'd find a better candidate amongst them 330 or is it 400 million souls living under the tyranny of every form of materialist addiction every imagined .. even Walt Disney would be impressed ..they have destroyed your best and ONLY hope the Youth of America but there is no will to defend them from the real insidious bastards who are constantly plotting new ways to destroy your children .. without which you have no future .. sadly old Joe is the best you've got until Yanks get off their asses and find even one decent thinking person that will lead the like the Statesmen that founded your precious country that was once a shinning beacon to rest of the world .. so go and do something positive rather than piling on an old grandpa who is only there because of the crazy corrupt orange head who is the worst example of America's proud heritage EVER .. so whom ever you pick can only be better !

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I’m a little surprised that Stanford allowed such a radical on campus. Young minds might be poisoned! Perhaps there’s some hope after all..

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May 30·edited May 30

Standford is home to the Hoover Institution.


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I’m having a hard time keeping track of it all, but hasn’t Matt Taibbi reported that Stanford is also home of the “Election Integrity Partnership”, those folks working hard (and hand in hand with DHS) to “…establish a centralized portal for reporting disinformation,”?

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Hooray for Liberty and Freedom.

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This is one reason why I don't think Trump is smart enough. Have to admit that the shit show the Democrats have put on is shitty but Trump should be concentrating not on them and their shit but on how to dismantle the US government to make it more honest, effective and with greater integrity or build a team that can do that, like Milei.

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Joel your words are like beautiful music to my old ears .. never thought I'd live to see the day when humans, so terribly downtrodden for 75 years, could find the courage to overthrow their corrupt and murderous masters . only the youth of Argentina would have the enthusiasm (from the Greek enthousiasmos) yes it takes the spirit of Youth to overthrow those old worn out corrupt ways of living .. especially when it has penetrated into every small crevice of a society ie USSR etc none of these corrupt fascist plagues has ever lasted more than 75 years whether in China Russia Central and South America .. so very delightful to witness and hope for our own countries if only our youth still had such spirit and determination .. but sadly our youth is being destroyed by the Chinese Russian mafia's who have addicted them to any known substance like fentanyl etc and new ones appearing every day .. when asked why the Chinese simply reply it's payback for allowing the Brits to promote Opium and other drugs onto China in order to control all of South East Asia .. no doubt the decrepit old crims of Argentina will eventually crawl out of their holes and try to rebel but hope fully to much light will have already been cast onto their evil and corrupt means of enslavement ! viva la revolution and please let it spread right up through central and into north america God knows we need it !

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Interesting Druckenmiller describes it as an experiment as if freedom and free enterprise benefits where a thing we need to test. Not sure how old he is but sure shows how far the US has fallen down the socialist hole

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We the willing, being led by the uninformed and unseeing have been doing the impossible for so long with so little that we are now capable of doing the impossible with absolutely nothing.

Three rules of economics- 1Money goes to money, 2 Them that has, gets, 3 Jelly Bread falls Jelly side down.

Keep up the good work!

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Shocked that Albo is 5th ...

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Mr. Presidente in Argentina is related to very powerful players. Interesting that people think he will change everything.

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WOW! The socialists have 9 of the top 10 positions.

I like economic freedom a lot.

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