Excellent piece Joel. While I personally have no time for tweeting or X-ing, I find great joy observing the leftist elite's discomfort at trying to hold X to account for not censoring what people post thereon. The chief motive for Musk's purchase (an overpayment) of Twitter was his stance against it's censorship. Why would he now change his mind?

While not a perfect analogy it would be like the government holding the owners of telephone companies responsible for what people say on their telephone network.

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On the contrary, it's a perfect analogy. Comparing telephone networks to the interwebs is like comparing the rifles of the Founders 2nd Amendment to today's AR-15. Technology has progressed, but the principle remains the same.

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Joel: Having to confirm that I am who I am is in itself a bit of irritation that I don’t appreciate, even if it is necessary. But setting that aside for another day, I feel I need to respond to your essay on censorship that is happening around the world. I am an American and as such I take for granted my Bill of Rights freedoms including my Second Amendment, which I’ve always assumed was the most important right and my First Amendment, which I’ve always assumed was basically carved in stone. However, I now see that my placing of importance on the right to be well armed is not the most important right I have. Instead, the right of free speech is the right that is both most significant and most vulnerable to loss. i have always assumed that my right to have firearms protected all my other rights. Not so. I see the right to speak my mind freely is much easier lost without taking away my guns, and which becomes the right that protects my other rights. The people of America are sheep that can be easily persuaded to give up everything if spoken to by persons who are glib and charming. Americans have been “educated” in our schools to believe whatever they are told by persons of charm and they simply fall into line like sheep. Keep ringing your bell and ring it louder. The world is sinking into socialism and our people seem to be following the piper with their eyes wide open. God help us for we know not what we do.

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It has become a weird balancing act. Poor richard of the poor richard's almanac was benjamin franklin. Many, many have written their political pamphlets under pseudonyms . That required work and expense. Today's shows spout off anything. Many eyes suspect are organizations trying to create discontent for their own gain. Perhaps simply for shits and grins alone. When I was very young, I would actually make bets with my friends That when we entered a party I would have been all talking about and in scare subject within five minutes. It could be hot air balloons or if you get a wart from kissing a frog ... Any silly thing. I always won and for the record.I generally didn't know anybody at the party. No, they weren't high. Try it at your next family party. It's pretty fun.

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In other words, Dan, you’re tell Joel to SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!! Free speech must be the cornerstone. I’m curious what new shore Joel alluded to…

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It is always darkest before the dawn. Mindful advice for us chronic doom and gloom strategists. For me, the growing angst of the government elite tells me just how scared they are. They're scared that their 'let them eat cake" moment may be coming. Dark times to survive to once again dance in the sun.

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The fourth turning is here, and I for one can’t wait to see what it brings.

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Free speech is the cornerstone of a free society. A free society is a necessary precondition for human beings to thrive and to survive.

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Free speech is intrinsic to our ability to think. Without free speech, there is no free discourse. Without free discourse, thoughts and ideas are no longer a living and evolving process. Ideas become narrow and ossified end products which inhibit thinking and aliveness and lead to deadness, boredom, a lack of individual and cultural creativity and the veneration of automatons. I’m grateful to Musk for his role in advancing free speech. I think the censors will ultimately fail especially as it pertains to thwarting the vastly expanded reach of free speech in the era of the internet. It’s hard to keep ‘em down on the farm once they’ve seen Paris.

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I agree with you 100%, Dr. B. But, I do find your position somewhat ironic, considering how you want Mr. Bonner to keep quiet about his opinions on the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.

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Failing to respond to the sickness of antisemitism is not a vote for free speech.

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Nothing antisemitic about doubting Netanyahu's "kill 'em all" tactics. Many, maybe most Israelis doubt them too. Had he first sought negotiations to free the hostages, then he would not be anywhere near as vilified as he is now.

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If that statement were even remotely true, I’d be inclined to agree. One can certainly take issue with any strategy. Even better if you can propose a better one. But calling Netanyahu’s strategy “killing them all” is a rhetorical lie if not outright anti-Semitic n IMHO. Firstly, if that really was his strategy, there’s the question of why he’s failed to kill 99 percent of them and their population has exploded during Netanyahu’s tenure. Secondly, the number of “Palestinians” and “innocents” killed is verifiably false as reported by Hamas. Thirdly, you may have noticed that the strategy of making ludicrous concessions to terrorists in return for them dribbling out a hostage they haven’t yet killed has been a historically nightmarish failure.

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We differ, which I think should lead to healthy exchange of views.

Castigating those who find odious Netanyahu's tactics with offensive labels makes such an exchange difficult.

Of your three rejoinders, the first one is stunningly condescending; that is, be grateful Netanyahu didn't heretofore kill the Palestinians like pesky vermin. I'm sure the Nazis felt the same way when the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto sought to break out.

The third one also defies reality. Every police force in undoubtedly every country, including Israel, has trained negotiators who are skilled hostage negotiators.

Netanyahu could have engaged them to see if they could make any headway. Instead, he resorted to Ready-Fire-Aim. It will be his downfall

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I sdon't believe Mr. Bonner is an anti-semite. BTW, the arabs and Palestinians are semites as well.

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Of course you don’t. Only Bonner knows for sure and maybe even he doesn’t. However: When it walks and quacks like a duck I’m inclined to say it’s a duck.

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A decade ago during a year spent in China, it was routine for young people to use VPN’s to access sites blocked by the CCP. Nobody seemed worried about getting caught. My guess is it’s not any harder to do now in Brazil.

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Beware the man/woman who wants to be your elected representative! See what your voting begets!! Poverty, ignorance, and slavery. Don't forget to vote!!!

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If only we could organize as well as the left. It would be much better if we had our coming world revolution before the leftist have another day to continue their assault against humanity. Start with the WEF driven media and end with the assorted agencies that have been hijacked and rope up the gallows for all leftist in power. Could start anywhere at anytime, but it will be interesting to see how much more the people can stand before the spark of freedom is ignited, and how much of society will burn in order to be rebuilt 🤔 ok, nice dream but go back to sleep and sweet dreams 😴

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What a sad state of affairs…

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Orwell was right.

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I always love your wit and somehow can laugh with you instead of feeling depressed. The best story I read today was in the WSJ about Larry the 17 year old cat, at 10 Downing.

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The truth dies in silence.

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I banish these censorious blowhards to their own swimming pool of brown butter.

For those unfamiliar: I am NOT referring to the culinary term for melted butter brought to a very high temperature in a small pot. But I will offer a hint: It starts with a "d", and comes from one's rear end in liquid, instead of solid, form, after taking some Ex-Lax.

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Sad, but it appears the Peron method ousted from Argentina has settles into Brazil.

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Sep 5
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I doubt that anyone advocating for 'no censorship/free speech' would include allowing someone to libel and defame anyone, or allow pedophilia and the like. There is a vast difference between the aforementioned and publishing what some call 'mis and disinformation.'

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Sep 5
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As some judge in the last century said, and I'm paraphrasing, 'I can't define pornography, but I know it when I see it.'

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I forgot to mention, the identity of the antichrist power is well known, and has been for centuries.

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At least Joel sticks to his principles and continues to allow you to sprout you rubbish here. If it was me I would have banned you ages ago ha ha!

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