May 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Miss you and your gifted intelligence and humor on BPR Joel, but will check in from now and then and hopefully meet you one day in the Paris of the South! Good luck and Godspeed to you and your family 🙏

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Steve just pay the small fee (in USD$) and you'll continue to enjoy the thought of our southern hemisphere Hemingway ..!

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May 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Done! 😊

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I think of Milei’s remarkable endeavor as more of an economic experiment than a political one. What the US did in breaking from England was more of a political experiment in democracy. Would like your and anyone else’s opinions.

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Great point! Reckon it’s tough to separate one from the other, but certainly something to consider…for a future Note!

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May 26Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel what of the recent news that Milei is cozying up to the US war machine rather than the Chinese. Seems to me he would distance his country from both. Nothing good comes of talking with Blinken and his ilk. Safe travels Joel

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Good question!

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Yes, this posturing makes me uncomfortable. I understand there’s horse trading to be done, but the military industrial complex makes us unreconstructed peaceniks nervous. Grist for a future Note. Cheers!

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wanted to hear an Aussie accent.....oh well - nice video - looking forward to the next one

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Bon voyage Joel and his girls .. we hope you enjoyed your stay and avoided all those flu bugs traveling about looking for a good nest .. for those of us in the southern regions many will be well on the way to the northern climes to catch what's left of the winter Sunshine .. something we used to do in your neck of the southern beaches of Queensland especially around the Bird Sanctuary in Currumbin .. our kids spend many of their winter holidays on those beaches building and digging sand castles for hours on end until they finally got hungry and came back to our beach flat (literally right on the beach) but like all those wonderful days of warmth peace and sunshine along with those magnificent sand castles, all has disappeared into the ether and rhythmic tides of life of which we are still all a part even tho for a short time we 'think' in our youthful exuberance that we are some how exempt from the rhythms of life .. and then we realise suddenly we are not .. enjoy these days and thank you for sharing them with us .. I wish my son would do the same in his travels around Europe .. maybe if I offered to pay him his weekly travel notes he'd write more ..?

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Reinfused with Aussie good stuff (Eastern) well try West of the Rabbit Proof next visit where 10% of us now ‘kick butt’ and the awesome beaches have proper sunsets !

‘City of Light’ - Perth

‘Over this period, WA's contribution to the national economy has accounted for 20.7 per cent of national growth, almost double the State's population share (10.8 per cent), and second only to New South Wales that has around three times the population of WA.

21 Nov 2023

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sadly it's about 5 X times the population because they have a funny way of counting over here .. seems that the over 890,000 student visa's they've issued this year (2024) alone are not included in any census data and along with all their families Sydney now looks more like Singapore and Melbourne is just to big to even get a demographic picture but that was always going to happen for when I asked the question of many Indo/asian migrants they promptly explain that they'd love to stay in their countries but they don't trust their Governments to uphold their right's especially property & asset right's so they are busy investing or buying up anything and everything that would give them residency so they can have some assurance that they will not loose or have taken away all that they've worked for .. that what makes Australia the Lucky country .. because so many come from afar to live under the safety of the southern cross and all that has been built on our oldest laws, morals and principles .. ie the Magna Carta Bill of Rights Constitutions etc etc and of course the fact that these societal principles are constantly being undermined is of no concern to the millions that simply want a chance to make a comfortable family life .. like we did when we arrived almost a century ago ..

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China learned from the Islamic expansion movement created by Iran in the 80s, sending Islamic extremism to every major city in the world, setting them up with homes and businesses and sending more over to work as those businesses expanded. China is doing the same, but on a 1000x higher scale. Will be interesting to see how this plays out 🤔

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yes the "Great Belt & Road" extends all the way through Oz since they already own over half of it !

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