
Argentina: Rebirth of a Nation

A Conversation with Eduardo Marty about the Past, Present and Future of Liberty at the End of the World...

Joel Bowman, with another conversation from the End of the World…

It’s a travel day for your peripatetic editor… but we didn’t want to leave you, our dear readers, empty handed. And actually, we’ve been saving this conversation for a little while now…

Before we left our adopted home of Buenos Aires, Argentina, we caught up with Sr. Eduardo Marty, a much sought after public speaker, Austrian School economist, serial entrepreneur and all round man of letters.

Eduardo has been promoting the cause of liberty down on the Pampas for decades now and is a leading voice for reason, rationality and individualist philosophy of the sort Sr. Javier Milei has lately taken to the big stage, as the world’s first anarcho-capitalist president.

(Astute readers will recall that it was Eduardo’s sister, María Marty, who interviewed President Milei a couple of months back. See our coverage here: Milei, Up Close)

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Eduardo is the founder and ex-director of Junior Achievement Argentina and the founder of the Fundación para la Responsabilidad Intelectual (Foundation for Intellectual Responsibility), the mission of which is to “promote understanding and respect for the philosophy of freedom.”

His programs and curriculums, largely centered on teaching students sound economics and the basics of libertarian thinking, have reached hundreds of thousands of young minds across Argentina and around South America.

Indeed, he is the inspiring rejoinder to that silly, statist question, “But without the government, who would teach the children…?”

And with that, we’ll leave you with our Conversation From the End of the World with Eduardo Marty…



IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a long form conversation, lasting about an hour. It’s a format we’re still experimenting with, and it won’t be for everyone. Even so, we’d love to hear your thoughts, including how we can improve these discussions. (Hit “reply” to this email and let us know your thoughts, insights etc.)

In the meantime, feel free to share our work with friend and foe alike. Liberty loves company!

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