Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

"Trans people of the industrial alphabet complex"

Perfectly brilliant.

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Why thank you kindly! A little levity in these crazy times, methinks…

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A LOT of levity, pure gold!

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Clearly the author was on Biden’s debate prep team.

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Would love to know how this dicertation gets translated into the various dialects for +1.3 Billion chinese citizens and Dictator Xi, to also have a good chuckle.

Oh! that’s right, chuckling is banned in China.

CCP Hand-Clapping and no smiles, por favor !

PS Joel if you have to go to Beijing soon, beware they lock up writers and social commentators for just thinking aloud.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Another brilliant piece Joel, and even though I’m cracking up from your humor, my heart is so sick with the fact America is over. My heart truly breaks every time I see this pathetic demented man as the face of American exceptionalism. Just proves my point of how America has become a third world shithole, and the assassination attempt yesterday should be the final proof those of our dear readers need to see this truth. We all see the same destruction of our country happening daily, but most seem to live in total denial and hope that things will change on their own without getting involved. Well, this attitude is how all great empires have collapsed in the past. The majority always expect others to do the hard work for them. So here we are, some of us, including myself, looking to move with our brother Joel to the end of the world, while our lack of action is actually creating the true End of our world. What truly horrifies me is not the fact that America is currently run by a severely mentally unstable president and corrupt administration behind him, but that even one person is still supporting this criminal regime. So yes my fellow friends and readers, we all have the choice of fight or flight, and for the sake of my children, instead of escaping and living my final days in peace and luxury, I think I will stay and “FIGHT” as our last true President so eloquently stated after being shot. “A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

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always blaming some one except the actual acts/deeds that make you so infuriated about US demise .. so blame it on one old grandpa who did not want the damn job in the first place but none of your cohorts had the balls or guts to stand up to the orange guru you wanna worship .. find a better alternative rather than keep pissing on the same grave .. and if your lucky someone will come and piss on yours ..

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Altschule. Is that German?

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

The scary part is that these comments of Slow Joe Bro are not that off the mark. He has said the opposite of what he means many times. But the way you wrote it did make me laugh out loud several times. You nailed his cadence in a way I've never read before. Thanks for a bit of levity on a sober Sunday morning. Oh, and he will out come the convention.

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Jon Stewart would be really proud and quietly nervous to read this missive and realise he’s now got a bit of competition .

Nice Work Kiddo!

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Cheers mate!

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No Worries .

Truly deserved.

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there you go for once some one with a better alternative to the crap and complain artists always whinging about what a shit wrorld it is but doing nothing worth telling us about that might change the game ..

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Well done sir! Makes me wish you could stick around another 4 years!

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Biden is first and foremost a Professional Politician

Professional Politicians do not leave office unless (a) they are term-limited to leave or (b) they are defeated or (c) they die

Even if he was assured he'd go to heaven if he stepped aside to let a young articulate person step up to the podium to find further fault with the Republican candidate, he won't.

In any case, history will not forgive him for his obstinacy, especially if it leads to the woefully unsuited Ms Harris succeeding him

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Well said

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Almost spot on. A couple of dozen “anyways………” and it would have really sounded like Old Joe!

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George dubya must be fuming that his mantle of the most inept president has been eclipsed but at least he can console himself that he really started the rot with the war on terror

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Beautifully well written! Thank you for a bit of levity this mornign!!

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Made me laugh. "And thanks to my Mother, Jill Biden, for the campaign slogan,"I'm not going anywhere."

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I still don't understand how our system is set up that our Republican nominee was picked because of the first few states primaries and "polls". The rest of us had no choice about Trump. And it appears that even apparently sane people who support the liberal agenda, now have no choice but Biden. How can this be a democracy? How are "polls" even a consideration when they may be totally fiction?

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Your humor is great. It hit the nail on the head.


That was cruel and unusually accurate, Joel. Yes, the man is messing up and should not be running for office again. He is stubborn. He does not quit. He is blind to his own frailties. I feel sorry for him. He has given his life to public service.

It is time for him to retire and enjoy what little life he has left. And just fade away. But he sees that as giving up and weakness which are just not in his nature. Unfortunately, he must retire for the good for the good of the nation. He has given enough. He is confronted with the same awful choice that so many elite sports figures have had to make.

Graveyards are of full of indispensable men and women. There will be a person who will replace Joe. There is always someone to replace every one of us. I just hope that whoever comes forth will be as dedicated to the wellfare of our nation. And capable.

Please, do not keep piling on this man, Joel. He does not deserve your ridicule. He deserves your sympathy. At least he does not have intend to undermine the Constitution. I believe he truly wants to protect and serve our nation. He is no longer able to do that. He does not realize that truth. Yet. But he will.

That is punishment enough.

No good deed goes unpunished.

You are very good with words, Joel. Keep up t he good work.

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Feeling sorry for that filth, is all he and the rest of those raisins are actually counting on. Empathetic beings are the easiest to conquer. Turn that emotion into deception and you're heart, cold as ice towards those fallicy of nature. IMHO.

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

Hilariously well done

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Jul 14Liked by Joel Bowman

😎 Thanks.

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Love the humor. Joe will leave after the last check from Ukraine clears the bank of Switzerland.

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In the same way that we recognise that there is no possible way that Biden is running the country, it follows that a person voting for Biden would already know they are not voting for Biden. The problem is that they (even if perhaps altruistically) are voting for more handouts, which means corruption at the top and atrophy at the bottom…

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