
Black Swans and Circling Vultures

Has Javier Milei finally flown too close to the sun?

“Change is the only constant.”

~ Heraclitus

Joel Bowman with today’s Note From the End of the World: Buenos Aires, Argentina…

Whoa! What’s this, dear reader? Is that a black swan overhead? Or circling vultures? Or has Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, finally flown too close to the sun?

Here’s the latest, from The Buenos Aires Times:

Milei accused of scamming supporters as he pushes crypto token

President Javier Milei sparks major controversy after pushing new cryptocurrency token online; Experts warn of potential fraud as '$libra' coin soars in value before becoming worthless in just a few hours.

Already, the president’s opposition are calling for an impeachment. Milei himself has launched an investigation to determine whether anyone in his government, including himself, acted inappropriately, and whether anyone involved with the coin had broken the law.

So, is this a “pump and dump” scam? A criminal “rug pull”? Or just another day in the ongoing telenovela that is Argentine politics?

One thing is for certain: when it comes to thickening plots… the Argentine narrative just went from methylated spirits to molasses. Never a dull day at the End of the World!

So we wait… we watch… and we remember to expect the unexpected. (We’ll have more on the story as it develops. Stay tuned!)

Meanwhile, the sun rose in the east this morning and – if the history of the known universe is anything to go by – it will set in the west this evening. Swans still fly… sharks still swim… and man, reliable ol’ man, still errs. Such is the nature of things.

Speaking of which, your editor and his family spent the morning in the nearby Ecoparque (eco park) with a group of home/un/world-schoolers. In attendance were families from six of the seven continents (with the pardonable exception of Antartica). Some are permanent travelers (or “PTs”)… others are on sabbatical… and still others are “trying out” the city, seeing if it’s right for them.

All are educating their children in what might be called “unorthodox” ways.

“It’s amazing to consider how rich this place must have once been!” remarked one of the moms, beholding the Parrots Pavilion, the domed building you can see across the Swan Lake at the beginning of the clip, above. The Byzantine ruins you glimpse toward the end of the clip were imported from Trieste, Italy. Indeed, the entire, 44-acre park is littered with grand monuments to a once-glorious past.

“I wonder if it will ever enjoy such wealth again?” mused the mom.

So do we, dear reader. So do we…

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Final Notes…

As mentioned in this space before, America's trust in mass media is plumbing all time lows, with less than a third of recent Gallup Poll respondents expressing a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly.”

(Source: Gallup, 2024)

According to Gallup, 2023-2024 was the third consecutive year that more U.S. adults registered no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another third (33%) of Americans expressed “not very much” confidence.

It is against this well-earned decline in trust that we offer a special shoutout to our dear Notes Members; we’re ever grateful for your generous and ongoing support. As you know, Notes is an entirely independent, reader-supported publication (as in, we accept no advertising, bow to no boss and bend no knee).

Rather, we’re interested in free markets, free minds and free people…and we hope you are too!

So if you’re enjoying our work, and would like to help support the project, please consider joining our small but growing community of free-thinkers, deep readers and cheerful skeptics, here…

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Right now, we’re off to take dear daughter to the nearby Planetario Galileo Galilei. Whatever you’re up to this weekend, keep one eye on the heavens…

And stay tuned for more Notes From the End of the World


Joel Bowman