
Don't Shoot the Messenger

The trial of Julian Assange and the once noble Fourth Estate's fall from grace...

Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

~ Thomas Jefferson

Joel Bowman, with a brief Note From the End of the World…

Your Editor at Large is spending a few relaxing days out in the provincial town of Carmen de Areco this week, celebrating the kind of birthday without which these lines would have been impossible to write. 

But we didn’t want to leave you empty handed, so... we press on.

In this week’s musings we aimed our virtual pen at the sorry and disgraced Fourth Estate. Once a beacon of hope in a dark world, one that inspiring lofty mantras like “speaking truth to power” and “afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted”…

…the Legacy Media has long since deteriorated into little more than a bullhorn for Establishment Elites, keen on propagandizing we lowly proles with The Message™.

Any wonder, then, that when actual journalists engage in real journalism – exposing massive governmental surveillance programs, for instance, or revealing grave civil liberty violations, or even outing cold-blooded war crimes on the part of The State – the toadies in the Legacy media race to protect their political paymasters, covering their tracks and derrières and chorusing in cowardly, full-throated unison:

“Shoot the Messenger!”

Such is the case when it comes to The Mainstream Media vs. Julian Assange…where a cabal of partisan hacks who failed to do their job (see: speaking truth to power, etc.) point and holler at one of the only men in the room who actually did his.

Read all about Lies, Damn Lies and the MSM and Judgement Day for Julian Assange in the appropriately titled columns, below…

We’ll be back in the saddle Tuesday, with more Notes From the End of the World. Whatever you’re up to this weekend, have a good one.

Oh, and if you’d like to share our work with someone you know – be they friend, foe or even (gulp!) a member of the legacy media – please feel free to do so. The more democratized and decentralized our information, the more resilient we as a society become against the Mainstream Media State’s Ministry of Propaganda.


Joel Bowman

P.S. As always, a special thanks to our paying Notes members, who kindly support our work with their dues.

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